
Destiny Choice System: Another Kurta (HxH)

After the annihilation of the Kurta clan by the Phantom Troupe, there was supposed to be only one survivor under the name of Kurapika, but somehow, throw a miracle unknown to all but one, another member left for dead survived the ordeal. Gilthunder, refusing death, hunted life and came back, along with memories of a previous life and a gift. But to gain something you must lose something else, and what lost was his eyes. Now taken by an avid thirst for vengeance, he decided to reverse the roles... Now the hunters shall become the hunted.

TheOneWhoRizzled · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Mass slaughter, wholesale killing, Genocide, and so on.

There were many ways you could refer to it, but all in all, everything in this case came back to a single point and a single meaning: Racial Killing.

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

It was easy to look up the definition or even ask someone about the meaning, but in all reality who really witnessed such a scene with their own eyes?

Who really experienced it personally?

Who died and who survived through such times disastrous times?

It was fair to say most didn't, but some indeed did.

 Lukso Province is a somewhat concealed zone from the rest of the "known" world. A land rich in flora and fauna, beautiful could be used to describe it.

Within said province lived a certain renowned clan, although endangered, many were those who heard of them for a particular reason.

"Scarlet eyes" This particular group of people possessed a gift. Or perhaps was it more of a curse? 

whenever one of the Kurtas entered a highly unstable emotional state, their eyes would glow with a beautiful scarlet sade. 

As beautiful as it was, it was just as frightening for your average people. 

Well-conscious of that fact, the clan chooses to isolate itself as much as possible from the much bigger world. 

But that was seemingly not enough, far from it even.

Taken by the fire of ambition and greed, a certain group of powerful individuals approached the clan and committed the unforgivable.

The Phantom Troupe, they were called, or sometimes referred to as "spiders" a bunch of infamous and diabolical thieves, with no regard for moral, justice, or sanctity of human life.

They pillaged, tortured, killed, and what else, there was no crime they couldn't commit for their own selfish and twisted desires.

Unfortunately, this time they set their eyes on the Kurta clan. And in one day the clan was annihilated. 

They massacred all 128 villagers. Family members were made to face one another and stabbed multiple times, with their heads severed while they were still alive.

Pure clan members had their eyes gouged out, while those who married into the clan had their eyes squashed and sustained more brutal wounds than the others.

The adult males had the most wounds, which were sustained during a struggle before they were captured.

Those who were not related by blood to the clan were said to be mutilated in order to set an example.

After this, the heads of those with Scarlet Eyes were all severed successively. Since the scarlet color is caused by anger and makes the eyes more valuable, it's reported that the Troupe members mutilated the children in front of their parents in order to intensify the scarlet color.

Lastly, a message was left behind that read: "We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us."

That day marked the disappearance of the Kurta clan from this world and all trace of it destined to vanish along the river of time. 

Or almost... How could they have known that one of the member of that clan renowned for their eyes and habit of secluding themself was out adventuring during that time? 

Kurapika Kurta. A young man with blond hair and brown eyes, coming back from his adventure in the outside world, was left traumatized by the scene he had just witnessed.

"Mom... Dad... Pyro, Raoul... Uncle Ron, Aunt Mei." Tears flowed down his eyes as he muttered in complete shock. His voice cracking and his mouth constantly twitching.

Many emotions coursed his beings, ranging from sadness to regret, from anxiety to disgust. And finally Rage, pure unadulterated Rage. 

With his crimson eyes eerily glowing in the night, with their only contender being the moon. Kurapika vowed. He vowed to train, he vowed to become stronger, he vowed to take revenge, and he vowed to rid this world of those who committed such heinous crimes.

He vowed to retrieve the stolen eyes of his killed clan members, all of them.

"Arckk." As he left himself to be consumed by rage, suddenly a strange pained cry resounded. 

It came from a place more than a hundred meters away from the main scene. But Kurapika was easily able to hear it due to his astute sense of hearing.

Without losing any time, Kurapika rushed to the location, anxiety and hope temporarily replaced anger.

Pushing the ground off with his feet, as if he fighting against the earth itself, Kurapika ran with all his might, and soon enough he arrived.

Before him, a kid around, 12/13. Bloodied all over, his clothes torn apart in most places, he lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood. 

As Kurapika looked at the dried blood on his face as if he cried tears of blood and part of his body bending in ways that shouldn't be possible. 

He lost hope. Perhaps as he misheard? There was no way that boy could still be alive with such injuries.

But strangely enough, contrary to the other ones, that one didn't have his head severed... but his death may have as well been more painful, all bones in his body seemed to have been broken.

Once again, his anger surged forth, stronger than ever before. He clenched his fists so hard blood dripped from it. Clenched his teeth till the vein in his neck became visible.

But strangely, an instant later, he seemed to have calmed down. His face turned stone cold and his still-red eyes chilled like ice.

He walked to the corpse of the boy and bent and got on one knee, he wanted to pick him up and take his corpse to bury along with the others.

But the moment he touched the corpse he paused, and his eyes grew wide. This...

How could this be? He felt something... it was heat!

quickly he placed his ear on where the boy's heart should be.









It was faint but he could still hear it, the boy's heartbeat.

With the amped physical ability obtained due to his scarlet eyes, Kurapika tried to achieve the impossible.

He would find a doctor, and get him to save the life of that child... no matter what! 


While that was happening in the physical world, inside the head of the boy, or would it be more accurate to call it his spiritual sea? Something otherworldly was happening.

[You have achieved the improbable and escaped death.]

[Your great will have been recognized, you have been judged worthy.]

[The Destiny Choice System has bonded with your Source.]

[You are now free to use the system as designed.]

[You have gained additional benefits for your efforts.]