
Destiny: A Silent Adventure

Years of fighting... Hive gods... Fallen houses... Vex warminds... Cabal warships... What else was going to come? Hopefully a guardian to end it all. Follow this guardian on their path to save the world! Don't get her wrong, shes only doing it for the style points!

EmptyWriter · Videojogos
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5 Chs

The Moon

Ria checked the quest she needed to do. It required her to defeat an ogre named Phogoth in an are called the Summoning Pits.

It seemed like a simple enough job, however the Ghost spoke shortly afterward.

Ghost: "That area isn't open as of now… Ever since then, no guardian is allowed in the temple…"

Ria didn't understand too well… she knew almost nothing about the world. And to be honest she didn't care.

The only reason she was going on this quest was because Cayde wanted her to have it. She would honestly much rather go out to get the servitor core for her new sniper. But she liked Cayde, he was cool, he did her this favor and she wasn't going to just abandon it.

She needed to know why the temple was off limits. The person she thought that would know was Zavala.

Making her way down there, she walked past a woman holding a green orb. Has she always been there? Ria pushed the thought away as she made her way into the room. She was tired of being quiet… She thought being quiet made her look cool… and for the most part it did, but it was hard getting her ideas out. It exhausted her.

However much she liked looking cool, she could always get cooler armor, being quiet wasn't worth the difficulty.

As she reached the table, she spoke in a slightly urgent tone…

Ria: "Zavala… why is the temple on the moon closed off?"

Zavala: "You're speaking now? No matter. Indeed, the temple is off limits. A while back, we staged an attack on the temple… thousands of guardians joined… only a handful survived. The danger in that temple reaches extreme levels"

Ria: "I can handle it Zavala… You haven't seen what I'm capable of yet, but I assure you, it's nothing I can't deal with"

Zavala: "I am not willing to take that risk, guardian. The temple houses Crota. The threat he poses is unimaginable. Even with all of those guardians, we were only able to seal him"

Ria: "This Crota or whatever, what's so special about him that makes him so strong?"

Zavala: "I have already said too much, the Temple is off limits guardian. That's all you need to know. No matter how much I like you, I will not break that rule"

Ria: "How am I supposed to do my quest then?"

Zavala: "Find another… or I will give you something else to do."

Ria: "Whatever…"

Cayde: "Come on Zavala… you can't keep it closed forever."

Zavala: "I can and I will, no one is allowed in there. I am not losing another guardian because of Crota"

Ria had enough of Zavalas nonsense. She was strong enough to handle the uglies without any difficulty, how much stronger could Crota be? He can't be that much stronger right?

Ria pushed away any thoughts of listening to a word Zavala said. She was going to prove him wrong.

Ria: "Ghost… Transmit me into the ship, bring me to the moon."

Ghost: "Ria! Did you not hear Zavala? I know you're strong… but… this is Crota we're talking about!"

Ria: "I don't know anything about Crota. I don't know and I don't care. Bring me to the moon"

Ghost: "This is a bad idea, but okay… transmit in 3…2…1… done"

Ria found herself in the ship after this. She took the controls and flew them to the moon. With the warp drive it took a little over a minute.

Landing on the moon, she could already tell something was off. There was an ominous feeling, she couldn't put her finger on it but it felt… powerful. Way more powerful than the uglies. However, she didn't think it was anything she couldn't defeat.

Ria: "Ghost, scan for the temple."

Ghost: "I can't, the system is down, however the console is nearby, if we can reactivate the console, we can find the temple"

Ria nodded, and made her way to where the Ghost said the console was. There was a small computer panel that hooked up to larger systems on the walls. It took the Ghost only a few seconds to activate since there was nothing working against him.

Ghost: "Systems are up. Scanning now…"

Ghost: " I have found the temple… it's only a few kilometers from here."

Seeing the coordinates appearing her map, Ria started dashing her way there. After a few dashes, she found near a giant door, with a lock that appeared to be a rune.

Ria: "This is the temple? It looks kind of bland…"

Ghost: "Scans show the entire temple is buried under the surface…"

Ria: "Can you open the door?"

Ghost: "Yes… give me a couple minutes. Hive runes aren't the easiest to decrypt"

Ria: "Hive?"

Ghost: "A different alien race. Back on Earth, the aliens you were killing were the fallen. A race that once was blessed by the traveler. Right now, we're going into a Hive temple. Be prepared, the Hive are not to be underestimated ."

Ria: "Aye aye captain…"

At this, the rune lock on the gate vanished, and the door creaked open. From inside, Ria could hear screams from what she could only assume was the Hive the Ghost talked about.

The second the door opened, tens, if not, hundreds of grey aliens rushed out.

They all looked the same, skinny, grey, ugly little aliens.

She threw a large solar grenade and wiped out half of them. Their corpses vanished due to the extreme heat of her grenade. She was a little bored of the easiness of her fights, so she wanted a slight challenge. Range made the fights super easy, so she decided to get super close up. What better way to do this than with your bare hands?

Ria coated her hands with extra light, forming flaming claws on her hands. This was perfect for her, as she wanted to test out other ways to fight. What if she dropped her gun? What would she do then? She didn't have a sword so this was all she could do. A sword would be cool in the future though…

Ria faced the hoard of grey aliens and surged her light once more before heading in. It was crazy. She had to be constantly alert to avoid getting hit.

She swiped at a group of aliens, taking out three of them. Before she knew it, she could see another out of the corner of her eye. Dashing a few feet to the left, she impaled it with her hand and dashed into the sky. She was about twenty meters up in the air, and she dashed down with the most powerful dash she could force herself to do. When she landed on the ground, a shockwave of flames spanned for 100 meters outwards. Eliminating the rest of the grey aliens and some of the rocks around her. The temple looked untouched, however.

Turning off the light on her hands, she took a deep breath.

Ria: "That was fun… hah… I should do it more often."

She felt the fight to be a lot more interesting than the standard gun shooting, however, it was considerably harder, so she wouldn't use it all the time.

Ria walked into the temple, and instantly, she could feel the ominous feeling getting stronger. She was excited for whatever was coming up next. If it could make her feel like this, it must be something good.

The temple was ordinary, just aliens that could be killed in a few shots, it wasn't as exciting as the large hoard earlier.

Ria: "I thought Zavala said this was super dangerous? When does that happen?"

There was no danger so far, besides the large group of aliens, the most threatening thing in this temple was the risk of falling… which would do nothing.

Unknown: "Skraaaaaa!"

Ria: "What the hell… Ghost what was that?"

Ghost: "Incoming communications from Zavala…"

Zavala: "Guardian!! Get out of that temple! Now!"

Ria: "And what if I don't? I'm going to kill this Crota, and wear his head as a helmet"

Zavala: "This isn't a joke! Get out of there, you can't resurrect in that temple!"

Ria: "Then I just wont die… simple. Bye Zavala, see you when I come back, and don't be surprised if I come back with a dead Crota."

Zavala: "Guardi-"

Ria turned off her communications, she couldn't listen to Zavala any longer…

She was going to kill this Crota, turn him into armor, and wear it in front of Zavala.

She didn't just want to do this, she needed to.

She only made it a few more steps before she was teleported to an unknown location…

Ria: "Ghost, where are we?"

Ghost: "You can't be serious! We're in… Crota's ascendent realm!"

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter and late, i was busy with school work

EmptyWritercreators' thoughts