
You Hate Me That Much..??

The dinner gose well.. but there is no news to Nick.. where is he.. this question is keep eating me alive..

That make me frustrated to.. and even make me mad at him too.. and I do try to smile front of everyone.. but Michelle keep asking me that I am fine or not.. why I am acting like this.. I just shoke my head. And told him that everything is perfectly fine..

After dinner.. they all hug me once again.. and than left the house.. mom and Ari help me to take me to my bedroom.. and I am thankful that they did help me alot for all this.. but I can't stay like this all the damn time.. I do want to do all my things in my own..

Ari help me to change my night suite.. and than she quickly said night wish and than leave me alone.. and I other head. Again come back to my bed.. my stomach still hurting.. it's still Paining.. but lesser than before..

I do check my burise.. my stomach is stolen.. and it is look red.. when I touch it.. that burise my hand brun touching my stomach. It's hot as hell.. I grab my medicines.. and eat it.. Ari and mom told me which one I have to eat and when.. I am glad. At least I did this think in my own..

When I about to switch off my light.. that suddenly.. my windows door open and someone climb in.. and I got scared..

Who's he.. I can't see him properly.. he's face is opposite to mine.. and he's back is showing me.. and than that night memory come to my mind.. all scene what happened that night.. and I hug myself tightly.. I can't be feel weak like this.. but I am hopeless that time..

What is going on with me.. why I am feel like this.. I am not like this before.. what happend that make me to weak.. and I going to yelled that same time he turn around and I see him..

And my heartbeat slow down.. he literally give me heart attack.. he did said that how I hold myself.. and how he make me scared..  quickly come to me.. and seat on my bed.. I know he look worried looking at me like this.. I try to claim myself..

" Did I scared you.. I am so so sorry it won't happend again.. " he started to Apologise to me.. and I keep controlling my breathing..

" Hyy you okky.. you need water.. wait.. let me give you..." He panic looking at me like this..

" I am fine Nickolas.. just give me second.. you just enter suddenly I got heart attack.. " i snap at him.. and he feel realx hearing that I am fine.. and he come close to me.. and hug me.. Makin me relaxx and clam.

" I am really sorry.. because of me your suffer that much.. I never thought that all this will be happend.. " he keep apologising me.. and I just want to stop him.. but other hand I do feel happy that he did care about me.. I forget that how he treated me on past life.. i just feel that I get back my old friend.. and big smile come to my face.. when we broke the hug.. he did see that big smile at my face..

" Why are you smiling.. did I said joke to you.." he ask me with confused.. and i shake my head. And told him no..

" Nohhh it's just that I got my best friend back.. and I am happy for that..." I told him and smile at him..

" Here I am worried about you.. and you are thinking this.. seriously.." he said.. and I giggle at his behaviour..

" Don't make fun of me.." he said irritingly.. and that make me laugh.. after done laughing at him I did apologize to him.. but my stomach hurt when I laugh.. and I stop laughing.. and he did see that it's hurt.. when I laugh..

" It's still Paining..". He ask me.. touching my stomach.. and i don't know how to tell him that it's kill me.. when someone touch it.. I nodded with my head. And he also nodded with me..

" Don't worry it will be Heald.. and i did check up all things.. all is well . Nothing's happend.. it's just stolen that he hit you where you already have burise.. but it will be fine.. he give you injections and medicine that you will Heald fast.. in end of this month you will be fine.. and this pain gose away.. but for that you have to take more rest.. no outing.. no juckfood no nothing.. okky.." he said to me.. and I Rolle my eyes at him.. nodded with my head.. I never see this type of Nick side.. I mean I know him when we are kids.. but it's long time ago.. now it's feel little change when he take care of me like this..

I alway see him.. bully me.. angry with him.. hurting me.. but I never see him like this to take care of me..

" What happend ... You okky.

" He ask me.. when I didn't said anything to him..

Than same time I remember that I have lots of questions to ask him.. and it's now or never think..

" Where were you I call you and it's gose straight to the voicemail why so.." I ask him.. amd he look at me and than smrike.. i think he get my question in other way..

" Why you missed me.. if you do.. than don't worry now I will never swtich of my phone.. okkyy " he tease me.. and I give him look like really dude.. you know why I am asking you.. and he Rolle he's eyes.. and sigh..

" I was busy to handling some things.." he said to me..

" What happend to them.. where are they.. did you find out anything.." i ask him.. he know very well I am not going to leave him without knowing this..

" We did them but no one speak anything about it.. why they are come there.. and whom they are come for.." he said avoiding my eye contact.. I know he hiding somthinng to me.. but I also know that how to blow up everything in he's mouth..

" What about that guy which I make he's face look like trashed. " i ask him..

" He is dead.. " he said to me.. and my boy hand in my mouth.. it can't be.. he won't be death..

" He can't.. Nick tell me that your lying.. he can't be dead.. I want him to ask questions... He is main guy.. and he know why they are here.. " I tell him.. hiding that they are come for me.. I can't tell him.. if I did he will be do somthing that I don't want that not right now..

" When we part both of you guys.. that time he was half of dead.. and Marcus torture him more but he didn't said a word.. we don't have left any choice so we kill him.. " he said to me.. I don't know how to react..

" What.. what about he's cell phone.. did you check he's phone.. " i ask him.. I don't want to tell him that I did hear it that that bitch talk in phone..

" We didn't find any phone in he's cloths.. we did check twice.." he said to me.. and trust me I don't believe it what he said.. I know he did hiding me things from me.. if he don't want to tell me.. than be it.. I will found of in my own..

" What happend to me.." I ask him..

" You just passed out.. and i was so so scared that time.. I don't know how to handle you.. what to do.. you make me so worried.. first thing I did it that I took you to hospital which is far away from our house.. I felt like I lost you.. lots of things going on in my mind.. what will I tell to our parents.. " he said to me... And I do hearing everything he is  telling me..

"  when we reached hospital.. I am happy that we take you first and check you up first.. and than we know that you hurted badly.. I did do all reports again.. I didn't tell to anyone.. it's just me and guys know.. and we did hide with to our parents.. I told them that you were drunk and fall to the stairs.. " he said to me..

" In sleep you keep crying and yelling because of pain.. so I told doctors to giving you drug so you can sleep as much as you can because I can't see you like this.. and if our parents know this.. they will surely aks us lots of questions and also kill us knowing about this.. so I don't have other option so I drug you.. and I am sorry for that.. but I am happy that it's work.. and you reached home selfy.. and looking at you that you are sleeping space fully that make me worry less.. " he said to me.. I know he did think good.. but still I am hurt that he lie about that guy.. how he made up story.. they why he fool to our parents same like he fool me..

Why he is hiding.. that make me Angry and mad at him.. and I can't control myself to anymore.

" You know what Nick.. I surely know they come for Ness and he's brother.. don't you think so.." I tell him.. and he did snap at he's thought the way I said this aggressively..

" I also do feel like they are come for them.. but we still are searching.." he said hesitantly..

" If you don't invite them.. this things never happend.. because of you.. I see my friends and my family on danger.. I don't care about myself.. but I do care about them.. how many time do I have to tell you that your fucking stupid Mafia gang we all are in danger.. you even know that.. what if.. what if we didn't take all of them down.. anything happen to that night.. do you have any idea about it.." I said to him angrily..

" I know right.. but we don't know that something is going to be happen like this.. but don't you think we handle it very well.. " he said and define himself..

" Ohh shut up.. you didn't even know that I was with that guy in empty room.. so don't say that you care about anybody.. not me.. and how can I forgot that you are guy.. who bully me in my whole life.. how you hurt me insults me.. I never forget that.. " I tell him.. amd I know that make him hurt.. looking at his eyes.. I can see it properly.. that I did hurt him.

" Do you have any idea what are you taking about hazal.. " he said still controlling he's anger..

" I do know what I am talking.. because of your fake girlfriend my family and friends literally in danger..  I know that you don't care about me if I die or not.. but you literally make our family in danger.. which make me hate you more.. and I will never forgive you for this.. now you have to chose Ness or us.. " I ask him.. I know what I am doing.. I know this is not right.. I know what is actual happen but I can't make him danger because of me..

" You are crossing all limits don't forget that they also are my family too.. " he snap at me.. and i Rolle my eyes.. like I never know.. I show him hater.. that how much I hate him.. I know the way I am acting it's too much but I have to do this.. if i want to find out that why people are want me and after me.. and who's he that want me so badly that they come there to kiddnap me..

" If you really care about our family that you never invite them and they never come with us.." i said to him..

" You think it's my fault.." he ask me.. and i want to said that no.. but I just can't..

" Than who's fault.." I ask him..

" Do you hate me for this.. " he ask me.. and I know that it is to hard to said and convince myself to show him that I don't care..

" Do you think that what happen make me RESPACT you or love you... " I said to him.. and I know I did broke him. Telling me this.. he didn't said more.. and got up and left me there.. and I am holding my tears long time not to show him that how much hurt me to hurting him.

When I feel that he fully leave this house.. I cry out loud.. I am so so so sorry Nick.. I know what I did what I said.. it's just.. I can't see you like this.. I don't want to come near me.. and get in trouble because of me.. I know he know already why they are come.. he know everything but he still don't tell me.. and he still don't tell me and stay quite not to reveal anything.. and that make me more angry at me..

I don't want to hurt him saying all of this.. I just want to know it saying things that he blow up and say that why they actually come to kiddnap me.. but my plan didn't go well.. and here I am hurting him and myself too..

I don't know how much time I still stay like this and cry.. but one think I know that crying like this when I get sleep and I close my eyes and sleep.. my pillow was wet but still I don't give fuck about it.. and I get in deep sleep..