
New Year's Party

Next day.. Nothing happend..

I still thinking about my and Nick conversation..  and I do feel guilty the way I act front of him.. I know he will be hate me for this.. or just shock for this my suddenly out Brust.. but he also hiding things for me.. so he deserves it..

I try to get up in my own self.. don't want to trouble to mom and Ari.. and it did hurts.. but I did it on my own..

My friends come to see me.. we do hang out together.. and that make me little bit clam happy.. not to thinking about him.. first sure..

Noah also come.. and stay by my side whole time.. and take good care of me.. I do see he possessiveness.. why he is acting like this its weird..

'Lena.. do you want something..,' 'it is still Paining..' 'should I call doctorz..,' 'did you eat somthinng,' 'are you hungry..,' 'did you take your medicine..' lots of questions and that make me like what he is up too..

Even Mia and Holly also shock looking at this kind of his behaviour.. I mean who doesn't.

When everyone left... Noah want to spend time with me.. I don't.. don't want to b but his just too stubborn to tell him to go home.. he always do what he wanted..

We both watch movies.. spend time each other.. he play with my hair.. and he did ask me time to time that I am okky.. or not.. and it is cute.. but I don't like it the way he is behaving..

After that watching movie when I sleep I didn't even know that.. bit when I woke up.. I see that I am alone in my bedroom.. when I check time. It's  3 o'clock at night.. that means Noah left for he's home.. they way he is acting it's quite surprising but maybe looking at me that state maybe he also get scred that something happend to me..

If I was in he's state maybe I also act like this.. so I don't have to worry about him more..

School is going well.. but like the doctor said.. I have to stay home and take rest so mom dad told me to stay home.. and trust me I feel so so fucking bored.. I mean no one is home.. expact me..

I can't go anywhere.. yeahh Ari give me notes which I copy it but still it's not working.. I feel like go to school.. and enjoy my time..

The pain is gone.. it's not hurting that much.. I can now walking properly... I still want to join my gym.. but not that fast.. I did talk with doctor but they said.. I do have to rest more and take more time to before I do any sports activities..

My friends do call me and tell me what is going on in school.. Noel are Makin out with Lara.. nothing that I am surprised for.. I mean he will move on that fast I never thought about it.. Ness and Nick are getting more closer.. the popular and bad guys are not seat together.. like old time.. because of Noah.. I gues.. I know they why he show he's hater to Nick.. I know he will never try to connect with him..

So all in one this treap not going well the way we think about it.. Noah do call me and text me tell me that how he feel bored without me in school.. and it is to cute and madee laugh when he creak jokes..

I didn't heard about Ari and Noah.. don't know what happend to them.. I didn't even see them talking..

Sometimes Noah do come home and talk to me spend time with me.. but whenever Ari come he always made some excuse and leave us.. and Ari act like she don't give damn about it.. what I am missing here..

Ring ring.... Ring ring...

Than that make my thoughts snap.. it's none other than Holly.. and I smile..

" Hyyy elle baby how's you.." she ask me..

" Better than ever.. and I miss you guys very much.." I said to them.. I do miss them.. how we all are spend our time and all..

" I know right.. that you can't resist to us.." she said and I rolle my eyes..

" Okky so let's come to the point.. " before she said someone take phone to her hand talk to me..

" Hyy that's my phone.. " Holly yelled.. but that person care..

" You think I care.. no.. so shut up.. " see I know it..

" Hyy Bessty how's you.. " Mia said. And I laugh how Holly started to yelled at her. And she totally ignore her..

" Me good as always.. but I am getting bored staying home.. " I told her..

" Don't worry not any more.. " she said to me.. and I do excited hearing that maybe they are coming home to hangout.. and i am glad that having them to my house..

" Are you guys coming home for hangout.. than guys I am up for it... Just tell me the time.. so I can arrange things.." I tell them.. but she cut me..

" Hold on girl.. we are coming your home that right.. but not for hangout.." she said.. and i stop.. and my smile drop..

" Than what is going on.." i ask her..

" We are having new year party.. and we are going there. And I can't see you at home.. so you are coming with us.. " she said to me.. and I don't know what to said.. I mean another party.. is it good idea..

" Party.. seriously.. you know guys why I am home.. or you forget.. " I told her..

" Don't worry we are not leaving you we will be stick with you.. and yeah get freshnup we are coming we all going to ready together and go together okky.. " she said.. and I want to said that I don't want to go.. but she also right that.. I can't be stay home in new year.. it's new year how can I forget this.. I can't be stay home doing nothing but sleeping.. so I agree with her.. and did what she told me to do...


" I think I am looking good.. and it's look perfect on me.. don't you think so guys.." I said looking myself standing front of mirror.. I am wearing black sexy crop top.. and jeans.. and trust me it is look good.. simple but attractive..

MIA and Holly both are come home two hourse before.. and whole this two hours we just do that what to wear what to know.. who going to who's make-up..  and trust me they wear thousands of clothes and Remove it.. I mean I it's just party.. I know it's new year party.. but still there Nothing important than this..

Yeahh there other think that they want to impressed there dates.. and I can understand.. but why they are putting me in this.. I mean whom going to I am impressed.. and I am way good the way I dress up..

" Yeahh you look good.. but that red dress also looking hot as hell in you.. " Mia said to me.. and i Rolle my eyes . Red dress.. seriously.. it's more than dress. Every part of my body showing it.. and I feel like I am even wearing clothes or I am going nude..

" I see you rolling over me.. but girl I am telling you truth.. it's look good on you.." Mia try to convince but I am happy what I am wearing.. it's comfortable and also look good in me.. I don't want to embarrass myself front of anyone..

" MIA.. leave her.. she is look sexy in this black.. so don't force her which she is not comfortable to wear.. " Holly said. And this time Mia Rolle her eyes.. and I hug Holly.. finally one of us is on my team.. and they know me..

" You are the best Holly.." I said and kiss her checck and she giggle..

" Hell you can't snitch my friend Holly.. she is my best friend first.." and here we go.. they started to fight about this..

I didn't stop them.. I leave them.. and started to apply little bit make-up.. before they force to color my face.. trust me I like when they do dress me up.. but sometimes it's look over dress. And I don't like over dress.

I am like me simple type of girl.. and I do look cute I know..

After that they see that.. I am doing my own work.. and they are still argument about who's best friend I was.. and who's first become my best friend.. than they snap about they argument.. and look at me.. that I am done with all ready to do to party..

They are suprise looking at me..

" I don't know what to say girl.. I mean you look cute and same time you look sexy and attractive... " MIA said.. and I know she will be we agree at the end when I will show her that this outfit worth it.. and I give her smrike and she know what I am telling her..

" Yeahh now I get it.. that red dress little bit look like sult.." she said but again I hug my chest with my both bear arms.. looking at her and she did know what I am looking at rising my eyebrows.. and she did change her statement.. " naah its too much showing and it is sult type of dress and I am agree that what you guys said.. yeah.. now I have to done my makeup too.. or else we are going to be late.." she said.. avoiding eyes contact and than me and holly look at each other than her.. and laugh at her..

" Now before you said somthing Holly.. don't start right now.. you both are my best friends.. and I can't chose one because I love both of you.. " I tell her. And she didn't said after that.. and agree with me..

" So we are going together.. or someone will be come and picking us up.." i ask her..

" We all are going together.. Derick will be come and pick us up.. even Natan also want to come pick Mia but she said that she don't want you to be a feel that you are third wheel.. so yeah.. we four of us go together.." she explan.. and trust me.. I don't mind.. I mean I know I do feel like that but still I can alway come alone and give them there privacy..

" Now I know what you said.. but no.. like I said earlier in phone call.. I am not going to leave you.. and yes whole this new year party.. you are stuck with us.. whole night.. so bear with us..." MIa said to me.. and i sigh..

" So it's already decided so than whom we are waiting.. call Derick  and ask him where he reached.." I tell them.. and they also agree with me..

" I got test from him.. and he said that he already left and will be here any movement.." Holly said. And I did help her little bit touch-up..

" So guys it's new year.. any idea.. or any plan.." I ask them..

" Yess.. drink lots of alcohol and dance like there is no tomorrow.. and celebrate this last day with my favourite people.. what I need more.." Mia said.. and i smile they way she said..

" Trust me.. same.. " Holly agree with her.. if i want to say or feel something.. actually I also want to do the same.. but I also don't want to take any risk too.. after last time the think happen..

" Hyy guys mind if you guys drop me too.." Ari come suddenly and ask to us.. and I smile at her.. I don't mind.. if she come with us.. not even my friends too right..

" This is the even question sis.. you are coming with us.. just we are waiting for Derick.." I tell her and she smile and nodded..

" Fine than I am downstairs.. whenever we are ready just call me.." she said and leave us.. and I nodded with my head..

And than same time we hear the voice of car.. and I know it's him..  plus same time Holly got call and it's Derick.. so we all get up and wear out heels and shoes.. and than left my bedroom..

" Lets do this.. I am so excited.." both Mia and Holly said. And I laugh at them.. and agree with them..

I call Ari.. and than we all hope in and than Derick start the car.. and ask me how I am feeling and than we talk.. and than Holly start the music.. and like this our ride go fun and loving.. I can't wait to enjoy my new year party..