
Destiny's journey to my past

A call from the past for a magical boy.. the mythical world journey await for boy to find about himself. a waiting of thousand year of lot's people..

Bhanu_More · Urbano
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Scroll

In the bustling city of Mumbai, where the vibrant colours of the streets blended with the cacophony of life, Raj's twelfth birthday dawned with an air of uncertainty. The year was 2015, a time when the city stood as a testament to the fusion of tradition and modernity. Yet, within the walls of the orphanage, Raj's world was about to transcend the boundaries of time and reality.

The night before his anticipated departure, Raj found himself sitting on the edge of his bed, the dim light casting a soft glow on the worn-out pages of a picture book. His fingers traced the images of fantastical creatures, and a familiar restlessness tugged at his heart. The dreams that had haunted him, a vivid tapestry of otherworldly landscapes, beckoned with an irresistible allure.

Mumbai's distant hum permeated the room as he pondered the mysteries that enveloped him. His dreams were not ordinary; they were windows into a realm where gravity was a mere suggestion, where people moved with an agility that defied logic, and where battles unfolded against a backdrop of celestial grandeur. The dreams were so tangible, so real, that the line between sleep and wakefulness blurred.

As Raj drifted into the embrace of sleep, he welcomed the ethereal realm that awaited him. The familiar sensation of weightlessness overcame him as he soared through skies adorned with hues beyond earthly comprehension. Strange landscapes unfolded beneath him—forests of iridescent flora, mountains that seemed to breathe, and rivers that glowed with an inner luminescence.

Yet, intertwined with the wonder was an undercurrent of unease. In these dreams, Raj encountered beings with powers beyond imagination—figures that moved with an effortless grace, their eyes revealing depths of ancient wisdom. The sensation of flying, though exhilarating, bore the weight of a destiny yet to unfold.

The morning sun cast its golden glow over the city, illuminating the dusty panes of the orphanage windows. Determination fuelled Raj's movements as he packed his modest belongings—a handful of clothes, a cherished photograph of his parents whom he could barely remember, and the mysterious parchment adorned with Sanskrit teachings.

The parchment, a relic from the day he arrived at the orphanage, held an inexplicable significance. Its ancient surface, etched with cryptic symbols, emitted a faint glow as if whispering secrets from a bygone era. Raj's fingers traced the contours of the Sanskrit characters, an act that felt both instinctual and profound.

The orphanage, alive with the stirrings of excited chatter, bore witness to Raj's departure. His fellow orphans, their eyes a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, observed from a distance. Raj, accustomed to the isolation that his peculiar dreams had brought, faced the farewells with stoic resolve.

Guided by an unspoken intuition, Raj's destination was the Ganesh Mandir—a place where solace and friendship awaited. Ganesh, a small, handcrafted figurine gifted to him by a passing pilgrim, had become his silent confidant. The crowded streets of Mumbai unfolded before him as he navigated the labyrinthine paths, each step bringing him closer to the mysteries that awaited at the Ganesh Mandir.

The night before his departure, as Raj lay in the hushed stillness of the orphanage, a voice resonated within his consciousness—a conversation not meant for mortal ears. "That boy is still too small. You can't take him from here, and now is not the time," declared the orphanage dean, a figure of authority who seemed to be privy to the enigma surrounding Raj.

"We don't have much time left, and that mantra is going out of control," insisted another voice, the urgency palpable.

"But you said we had a few more years," the dean protested.

"Not now. We need to take him away now," the other voice asserted, a note of concern cutting through the air.

The tension in the room mounted, and Raj felt a peculiar sensation—a warmth emanating from the parchment nestled in his hands. The Sanskrit teachings, etched on the ancient surface, began to glow with an ethereal light. The room itself seemed to respond, its walls shimmering with otherworldly energy.

With a sudden burst, the luminous parchment released its enchantment, transforming the atmosphere. The figures of the monk and his companion stood frozen, their eyes widening as the room underwent a metamorphosis. Mumbai's sounds melted away, replaced by a celestial hum that resonated with a frequency beyond human perception.

Raj, caught in the midst of this cosmic transformation, watched in awe as the luminous parchment unfurled its secrets. The Sanskrit words, now liberated from their static existence, danced in the air, weaving an intricate spell that transcended the boundaries of understanding.

The room quivered with energy as Raj found himself lifted from

the familiar ground. The orphanage dissolved into a tapestry of swirling colours, and the monk's voice echoed, "The boy is the bridge between worlds. Embrace your destiny, Raj."

In the blink of an eye, the room fell silent, the luminous parchment now resting peacefully in the hands of destiny's chosen. The journey had only just begun, and as Raj soared through the realms of historical fantasy and mysticism, the city of Mumbai, with its ceaseless rhythm, faded into the background, becoming a distant memory in the tapestry of his newfound destiny.

As the radiance enveloped him, transporting him beyond the familiar, Raj glimpsed fragments of the fantastical world from his dreams—the soaring skies, swift movements, and battles waged in distant landscapes. The monk's voice echoed in the cosmic symphony, "The boy is the bridge between worlds. Embrace your destiny, Raj."

And with that, the room fell silent, the luminous parchment now resting peacefully in the hands of destiny's chosen. The journey had only just begun, and as Raj soared through the realms of historical fantasy and mysticism, the city of Mumbai, with its ceaseless rhythm, faded into the background, becoming a distant memory in the tapestry of his newfound destiny.