
Choosing a Female Lead

After all the greetings, the three of them all decided to go back to their respective party. When both Nate and Zack came back they went directly to their seats.

"Zack, remember the project I talked to you about? My come back project and also the reason why I want to work here for good." Nate said out of nowhere. "Oh. Yeah. I remember. The one that you're still looking for the female lead?" Zack asked casually.

"Yeah. I think I already found the perfect candidate for the female lead." Nate said and then he smiled. Zack caught this and that's when he realized something's off.

"Bro, don't tell me the female lead you are talking about will be Raine?" Zack asked and Nate just stared at him and gave him a smile. Zack took that as a yes and he burst out laughing. "I can talk to Raine for you. I'm sure she will be happy to accept your offer. By the way, you are not the type to just casually suggest an artist. Do you like her?" Zack asked using a teasing tone but Nate just gave him a mysterious smile and said: "What do you think?"

After hearing what his best friend said Zack once again burst out laughing. "Alright. I already know the answer. Don't worry I will help you." Zack said while still laughing. "Thank you. " Nate said.

"I will now go to the other function hall, that's her welcome party. Do you want to come with me?" Zack asked and Nate just nodded and stood up. Zack chuckles and then he also stood up "You really are going to abandon your own welcome party to attend another welcome party." Zack said while laughing. Nate just ignored him though.

Meanwhile, At the Function Hall 2, Corraine and Linnet are both on their seats and Linnet's currently asking about the two men who she saw earlier with Corraine. "Shea, quick tell me. Who are those men with you earlier? They are handsome." Linnet said and then she giggled.

Corraine stared at her and laugh "Silly. That's Zack, my childhood friend and his best friend Director Nate Xanthe." Corraine said and Linnet was shocked after hearing what her best friend told her and just when she was about to say something again, her eyes caught the two men walking towards them while the other people around them are also surprised to see those two in the venue.

Seeing what Linnet's expression is Corraine was confused for a while until she looked behind her and check where Linnet's staring. Upon seeing the two men in almost in front of her, Corraine was surprised and she quickly stood up.

"Yo! Raine, I told you I will drop by, right?" Zack said and then he smiled at her.

"Welcome to my party, Zacky and also to you Mr. Vermillion." Corraine greeted and then she smiled at them.

"I told you earlier that you can just call me Nate, Shea. " Nate said while smiling and Corraine just nodded.

"Anyway, I have something to do. Go back to your seat, Raine." Zack said and without even waiting for what Corraine will say, he quickly walked to the stage and borrowed the microphone from the host.

"Ahem. Mic test. Mic test. Hello! I hope everyone is having fun right now. I'm Zackery Gavinzki, Corraine's childhood friend. I know everyone here knows that fact. I'm here with Mr. Nate Xanthe Vermillion, the famous Broadway director and since he is also here, he decided that he will grace us with a song! Please welcome, Mr. Nate Xanthe Vermillion." Zack announced happily and the people in the party clapped their hands.

'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!' Nate thought and he glared at his best friend. However, Zack just ignored him.

"I didn't know that you can also sing, Nate. Thank you." Corraine said and then she smiled from ear to ear at Nate.

This time Nate can't turn down what his friend announced so he just walked onto the stage. When he reached the stage he whispered something to the musicians and then he gets the microphone from Zack. Just after he got a hold of the microphone, Nate glared at his friend but no one noticed this aside from Zack himself and he just laughed it off.

Nate walked in the middle of the stage and said: "Good Evening, everyone. I hope you are enjoying Miss Weismann's party. My party's just beside this hall but I decided to go here with my friend to greet Miss Weismann."

After saying his piece, the music starts and he started singing.

"Someday, when I'm awfully low,~

When the world is cold,~

I will feel a glow just thinking of you~

And the way you look tonight.~"

While he is singing he is just staring at Corraine not even sparing a glance to the other women who are present and admiring his voice.

Meanwhile, while Nate is singing Zack went back to where Corraine is and sat beside her. "Raine, do you want to be a part of Nate's latest project? I hope you can grant me this favor." Zack said seriously to Corraine.

Upon hearing what he said Corraine was shocked, she didn't expect Zack to offer her a job that easily. Corraine calmed herself down and told Zack: "Are you really fine with me being a part of his Project?"

"Of course. Besides you are a great actress." Zack said while smiling.

"Alright. Send me the script later. What role am I going to play anyway?" Corraine asked casually because she thinks that the role given to her will most be likely the second lead role but after Zack answered her question she was rendered speechless.

"The female lead." Zack quickly replied while smiling.

This novel's update will be every Sunday (PST) and its update schedule will be once a week. But if I still have time I will release more chapters. :) Please feel free to leave a comment or a review for me to know if I should change something and for me to improve my novel. Thank you very much!

itskeishixxcreators' thoughts