
Destined : Will We Meet Again ?

It is famous saying, " Destined people are bound to meet, either in this life or after life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alexander Richards adopted a seven year girl, much to his family's dismay. The girl was frightful and never came out of her room. She would only talk to Alexander. He would also give all his attention to her instead of his grandchildren , which infuriated the family but they could not do anything. They tried to ask Alexander who that girl was bit he would just reply, ' A simple girl with a broken heart.' To make her little princess happy, he married her yo the love of her life, his grandson, Xander. But Xander never cared about her. Since, Alexander had promised Christina not to interfere in their private lives, he could only watch from side. After a year of their marriage, the broken Christina got into an accident and got missing, leaving Alexander devastated behind . To ask for an apology of his grandfather, Xander sets out to bring Christina back, even if it meant to go to hell to search for her. So the question is: Will they ever meet again ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Ina, I like you ." , Han Yuan, a ten year old boy said. He looked at the little face of the bunny in front of him as he held her hand, and confessed his love. " Brother Han, I don't know how to reply. ", Six year old girl gave a confused look to the young boy. " You have to reply in 'yes' or 'no'. Do you like me?", Han Yuan knew that this little girl did not know anything about love. " Y......" , before she could reply, a voice ruined their time. " Ina! We have to leave. Where are you?" " Brother Han, I have to leave. I will answer once I return." The girl looked at the boy in front of her. She gave him a hug and left without saying anything else. The young boy was dazed as the girl left. He could not help but stare at her leaving back. ' I will wait for you and your answer.' Time passed but neither the girl nor her answer came. So the question is: Will they ever meet again ? How will this destiny play with the lives of Christina, Xander, Ina and Han Yuan? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Remember, the villain of the novel is still out there wanting to destroy each of them . ~~~~~~~~

uncagedspirit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The Culprit

The morning, 

The sunrays entered the room through the windows and fell upon the man sleeping soundly. 

His features were marvellous. They toned skin. Hard chest, muscles and abs all added to his handsomeness. There was a troubled expression on his face. His blonde hair was falling on her face. 

The room and the house were quiet. There was only some noise of his even breathing. This calm room was disturbed by the phone which was ringing. 

The man opened his eyes and picked up his phone. 

'' Happy anniversary, boss. '', a voice sounded on his phone. 

'' Hmm'', the man closed his eyes as he did not have a good sleep plus last night' s hangover made his headache in pain. 

'' Eh? Boss, you don't sound happy? '', his secretary George asked. 

'' Anything else? '', sounded tired Xander wanted to continue his sleep. He was not interested in this matter. First his grandfather and now him… 

George did not give any reply as he tried to recall the main point which he had forgotten due to his happiness. 

'' I am hanging….. '' 

'' Boss, wait…. '', hehe finally remembered. He needed to tell Xander this matter immediately. He had not slept last night due to this matter. How could he forget the result, so easily? 

'' What? '' Xander was now annoyed to death. He screamed on the phone, making chills run down George's spine. 

'' Boss.. I have found the person who leaked the information… '', George controlled himself. This later was very important. 

'' I know it's Christina. '', Xander said in a firm voice. His mood soured up. He was about to hang up but George's words stopped him. 

'' No… Boss, you have a misunderstanding… It is not lady boss. '' 

'' What! Say clearly. '', the glimmer in eyes shone.

'' Boss, I have checked five times. The person who leaked our news is your PA Gurmi, not lady boss. '' 

'' Are you sure? '' 

'' Yes, boss. She was the one who did it. I found that everyday after you left the office, she would go to clean the table and take pics of the work. We could not find where she got your computer's and laptop's password. But we are definitely sure, it's her. ''

Listening to the truth, Xander directly hunged up the call. He.. What did he do? He did not trust his own wife. She told him that she didn't do anything but he had not believed. He had hurt her very deeply.  He had even hit her out of his irritation and baseless accusation.

'Shall I apologise?'

Xander was not the kind of an arrogant person. He knew how to say sorry and thank you. But it was just in the case of Christina, that he did not want to thank her or apologise but this time… . 

He lifted from the bed and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. He decided to talk to her when they would meet at the dining table. He still did not want to say ' sorry' but just a 'talk'. 

He looked into the mirror. His deep navy blue eyes were like the ocean ready to sink anyone in its depth. 

He still did not remember the big fact that Christina had left the house last night. Did she come back or not? Xander did not care to check.