
Chapter 40


The first thing that I felt was a throbbing in my head, causing me to wince. I could hear the sound of a heart monitor and could smell the scent of cleaners and medicine. It took me a few minutes to open my eyes, but once I did and they adjusted, I frowned. I looked around, noticing I was in the hospital. I snapped my attention over to the door as it swung open, revealing a doctor. She looked up and smiled warmly at me.

"You're up!" She beamed.

I frowned, "Why...why am I here?" "You don't remember?" She asked, furrowing her brow. I sighed and closed my eyes, after a few seconds it all came rushing back. I winced as my head proceeded to cause more pain. "Nevermind." I sighed. "I remember....Arabella. Where's Arabella?" I tried getting up, but she quickly pushed me back down. "Your highness, you need to let your body heal. Shouldn't take long." "What...what made me shift back?" I asked, slightly irritated.