
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs



I was thoroughly in love with my dress, and I really felt like I was the prettiest bride in the whole universe. When I looked in the mirror, I was unable to believe that the person looking back at me was me, myself.

Valentina was my maid of honour. Ms Meyerton walked me down the aisle; for that was my wish. My uncles, my late father's brothers, really wanted that honour, but I preferred Ms Meyerton. She knew me well; because she raised me. If anyone deserved that honour; it was her. As for my uncles, it was enough that I had invited them to the wedding. For that, they should have been grateful.

When I looked at all the people standing; looking up at me, I felt highly honoured. I thanked God for placing me at such a position in life, considering where I was coming from.

And confidently I walked towards my man; the one and only true love of my life. It was at that moment that I experienced for the first time, the pure bliss of getting married. I did not care that Mrs de Milo was not there; I was just happy. Everything was going on exactly as I would have wanted it to go; if not better.

When we were pronounced husband and wife, Arianna came from her chair to congratulate us. She was really happy for us, it was clear as day. Ciera and her husband were also very happy. Pete, who was Dylan's best man, was also over the moon. And of course Valentina; my very own best buddy and virtual twin, was unable to hide her joy. My page boy was obviously Liam. For the mini bride, we used a little pretty girl who was a little niece from Dylan's side.

Everything flowed with no drama. For the father-daughter dance, I had chosen Gareth to dance with me. He was my favourite brother; the one who showed me love from the first time he saw me.

Dylan and I, happy as any newly married couple can be, went up and, as we watched the beauty of the city of Yellowleaf beneath us; one of our favourite songs played:

Way up in the mountain, four thousand feet high

There's a trail through the trees to a cliff

Where (mountain Rope) meets the sky

Ohh, and there's a view I just can't describe

No, we're not there yet, just a few more steps baby wait

Okay, you can open your eyes

This is it, this is now, this is what I been talking' 'bout

Looking' out, can't you see forever

You take my hand, just take it in

This is the moment we won't forget

On top of the world, here, together

If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it

Girl, I know that you been waiting' and talking; to your friends

Wondering' if and wondering' where and wondering' when

Well, I've been waiting' too, holding' on to this ring

For the right words to say

For the right time and place, for me to get on one knew

This is it, this is now, this is what I been talking about

Looking out, can't you see forever

Take my hand, just take it in

This is the moment we won't forget

On top of the world here together

If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, well this is it

Now you're walking down the aisle

And I can't help but smile

This is it, this is now, it's what I been talking about

Looking out, I can see forever

So take my hand, just take it in

This is the moment we won't forget

On top of the world, here, together

Surrounded by our family and out friends

If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss

This is it

This is it

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Frank Rogers . Aaron Eshuis . Scotty Mccreery


Dylan! Dylan! How could you do this to me; your own mother! I stood up and walked towards the giant family portraits that hung in our room. Slowly and carefully I took down Dylan's portrait. In the picture, a ten year old Dylan smiled brightly into the camera. His smile was very beautiful, and his hair was neatly combed. He wore a pure white shirt…white was his favourite colour since childhood. He looked very innocent in the picture.

I held the picture in my arms and brought it to my chest. I totally failed to control the tears that ran freely. Slowly I held the picture facing up; it's rims just below my waistline, looking at it. The tears fell in huge drops, spoiling the beautiful canvas on which the picture was beautifully painted.

"Dylan…I made a mistake! I should have never taken you to that orphanage. When I think that you never wanted to go, and I forced you, I curse myself over and over again…of Lord! Never in my dreams did I ever think that a child from Olga would one day be my daugh….." I stopped.

The word daughter-in-law refused to come from my lips. It was stuck there, hanging, refusing to come out.

"Dylan my son! You chose her? Out of all the capable women…you spend all your time with proficient, skilled ladies from well to do families; and yet you picked her? Why Dylan, why?"

I curled myself up on the carpet, sitting on top of my crossed legs. The picture was still in my hands, and how, at that time, I wished it was possible to turn back the hands of the clock. For if it was, I would have taken care of things before everything got out of hand.

For a long time I sat on the carpet. I had a terrible headache, but I did not call for any medication. One of the mansion staff, asked if I needed anything, but I quietly dismissed her, telling her that I did not want to be disturbed.

I checked the huge clock on the wall. 15.12hrs. The wedding was scheduled to start at 15.00hrs. So ….it had started? The wedding had started? It was streaming live on social media platforms. I slowly pulled my laptop and logged in.

Did I want to see it? Did I? Before I could answer myself, Anisha's face flashed on the screen. She was walking gracefully, her face covered in a veil. She looked like an angel. She looked way too beautiful, such that for a moment I wished to be there. A part of my heart yearned to be there, but I shook my head in denial. The camera moved to the guests, and I saw Hayden Rockridge smiling brightly. I also saw Honour Octavia…and I could not take it anymore. I slammed the laptop shut and took my phone. I wanted to call…maybe I could go too. Maybe I could just ask Roderick to send the private jet for me?

Was there any possibility that the wedding could just not happen? Somehow? Maybe…maybe someone was just going to collapse and die, leading to the cancellation...or rather postponement of the wedding? What if a snake just came out of the mountains and bit someone? Was there a chance of any such thing happening…or I was just dreaming? What about…what if Dylan finally understood what I had been trying to tell him all along? What if he finally got it, and he changed his mind?

I imagined the pastor asking, "do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife…", and Dylan...what if Dylan suddenly realised his mistake and said, "I'm sorry, I cannot do this anymore."

Was there any chance of that happening? Was there any chance? Or…or I just had to accept her? She was not that bad after all…I mean, she was from a poor background, that one was for sure. But she was beautiful and she seemed nice. I mean…she covered up for me in some instances. I tried to buy her off using two cars and a house; and she never told Dylan about it? Huh? Was she nice, or she was just pretending to be nice? She knew very well that I tried to get her raped by Logan, yet she did not have me arrested! I had her drugged as well. And that case…the Carter case. I played that one very well, I was clean in everything. Poor Carter and Lisa; they were behind bars for collaborating in drugging that girl. But….did Anisha know? Dylan…was there any chance that they suspected me? No. I covered all my tracks. Lisa and Carter were fools. They never even asked for Toast's name; those cowards were too scared! And in court, they could not even state who gave them the orders to do what they did! Silly people! What kind of people fail to carry out a simple task? Was it that tough, to just have that girl drugged and have her say a few things while recording it? Silly! Carter had a good chance. If that video had gone through, there was never going to be a wedding. Carter and Anisha had a history, so carter was going to stand firm on his word and say indeed Anisha was his girlfriend. And yet he failed, getting locked in the house by that stupid orphan.

Urhhhhh! I got so angry. My body shook and itched in great anger and shame. Shame, yes. I felt the shame. I was defeated. Defeated! Oh, I hated it! I failed to imagine Anisha present at our family dinners. I could clearly see myself and Roderick at the huge dining room table. I saw in my imagination, Ciera and Keith Junior, Arianna, Pete and their little baby. I saw Dylan too, but the moment I tried to imagine Anisha, my vision just blacked out. No. She did not deserve to be there! She was not worthy! So she was coming to just eat from our sweat? We worked tirelessly to raise the de Milo Group, and this girl was bringing absolutely nothing with her!

"Dylan what did you do!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I looked at the painting in my hands and shook it angrily. "Why Dylan, why? Why, my son!!"

I shook the painting violently. It made me feel better. It made me feel like I was shaking Dylan himself, and I hoped that he would change his mind. I quickly flipped open my laptop and logged into the wedding site as quickly as I could.

"You may kiss your bride," the pastor's voice came through.

Eww! Of all the scenes that I could have seen, why this one? I shut the laptop with much force, picked it up and sent it flying into the wall. It fell down with a huge thud, thank God for the carpet, it could have shattered into pieces. I wanted to ease my anger. I needed to destroy something…destroy something…destroy, Shimmer! I walked towards that damn laptop and picked it up, hurling it across the opposite wall, and it fell down, the lower and bottom parts beginning to separate.

The canvas! The canvas too had to go! I hurled it into the direction of the door. I swear that canvas painting could have knocked out an eye off a maid's face, for just as it was hitting the door, the young girl was opening it and getting in. She darted the canvas and screamed a little.

"Ma'am de Milo! Are you ok? I came in because I heard some noise. I came in to help you." Her face was frozen white with fear.

"Help me?" I sneered. "If you want to help me, fly to Yellowleaf and stop that damned event which is ongoing right now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Excuse me?" she was shocked.

"Get out! I said leave me alone! If you still value that useless life of yours, don't show you disgusting face here!" I screamed so loud that I think most of the staff in the mansion must have heard me. In great fear, the young girl closed the door, and I could hear the sound of running footsteps.

My head throbbed in deep pain. I experienced the most terrible headache, like I had never experienced before. I started seeing darkens, and I knew I was not well at all. What was happening? Was I losing consciousness? I found myself on my knees, crawling desperately towards my phone. I felt sick. I needed help! Help, someone please help me! My stomach churned in desperate pain, and I shivered, feeling extremely cold. The room became dark. The darkens continued to increase until the room was pitch black. Was it pitch black, or maybe I had turned blind? Huh? Was I blind, all of a sudden? I crawled on, holding on to the last string of energy I had, and felt on the carpet for my phone. The phone could not be found.

"Roderick please help me," I uttered in distress, then everything became pitch black!