
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs



Iris looked everywhere and failed to see Dylan. Her heartbeat had madly increased, sweating profusely and also knowing without a doubt that something was terribly muddled. Raelynn and Anisha going into the same room? How? Why? Although Iris could have hurried to the said room to ask what was happening, she figured she would have risked her job by doing so. Somehow she knew that whatever Raelynn was doing had something to do with Shimmer; and was therefore connected to the threat that she had received just before the function began. If Raelynn had the guts to be going into the manor bedrooms, it meant that someone had given her the authority to do so. Or could she have been doing so herself? But how had she known about the bedrooms? As far as Iris knew, Raelynn had never been to the mansion suites. She had only been as far as the kitchen, lounge and dining room.

She shook my head and weighed her options; what was best? To try and check out what was happening or risk losing her job? For she knew that if Shimmer was involved in whatever was happening, and if she happened to be the one to disturb the plan, she surely was going to lose her job. Or would she? Would Shimmer fire her after having served loyally for all those years?

Throwing to the back of my mind all thoughts and calculations, Iris ran towards the group of young doctors who were having a merry time. Without excusing myself, she tagged on Pete's elbow before pulling him aside.

"Iris?" Pete was shocked.

"Shh!" she signaled for him to shut up and pulled him all the way to the staircase.

When they were out of view, the woman asked in-between great gasps, "where is sir Dylan! something is wrong, sir Pete, something is wrong!"

"Calm down and tell me, Iris!" Pete became alert.

"I…I just saw Miss Raelynn going in with Anisha! They went into one of the suites; the one that sir Dylan used as a child! Sir Pete! You need to hurry!"

"What? I'm not following. Please calm down and explain!" Pete frowned.

"Something is wrong, sir Pete! I can't explain now but please do something! And please, ma'am can't know that I told you this!"

"Iris, you're really sounding weird! Did you take any strong drinks or…."

"Sir Pete please! Please sir Pete! Find sir Dylan! Or if you can't find him, go there alone and save Miss Anisha!" she pleaded for urgency.

Pete nodded and pulled out his phone.

Immediately the elderly woman ran to take her seat, for she feared what would become of her should Shimmer notice that she was missing from the spot where she had instructed me to sit. If anyone knew that shimmer was truly capable of doing the extreme, it ws Iris.


Besides the bathroom door and another door leading to the balcony, there were two other closed exits points. I tried them both and they were locked. The balcony door was locked too. Logan laughed and while he had been standing in his spot all the time, he started to move towards me. The bathroom door was near where he was standing, so it was difficult for me to access the bathroom. Opening his arms wide, he smiled at me and I used the chance to escape under his arm and ran towards the bathroom. I pushed it open and thanking God that it was not locked, ducked into the room. I meant to shut it in his face when it refused to shut; and I realised that the huge tail of my dress was stuck in the doorway.

"Oh no!" I wailed in desperation and pulled the dress inside, but it was too late. Logan was already in the bathroom with me. I held the skirts of my dress and hurled with all my strength, causing Logan to fall on his knee, because he was standing on the tail of my dress.

"Oh! You are a fighter, aren't you?", he mocked.

By then, the drug that Raelynn had given me was starting to have effect. I felt hot and I was also starting to become weak in the knees. Although I was not a doctor, I has seen enough movies to teach me what the drug could do. If what I had seen was anything to go by, then I knew that in a short while I would be begging for Logan to touch me and to have sex with me. Oh, that thought disgusted me to the core. My plan was to be able to lock myself somewhere before the drug took over.

In the bathroom, I ran into the glass shower and closed the door, but if had no lock.

"Stay away from me!! Stay away!! How much is Raelynn paying you to do this! I will pay you double or triple?" it seemed like negotiating was the only way out.

Logan laughed and cocked his head aside, "From where? Where will you get the money from?"

"I promise you, I can even give you ten times whatever she is paying you! please let me go!"

Ignoring my pleas, Logan walked towards me and opened the shower door. I looked around hoping to find a shampoo or anything to toss at him, but there was none. From looking at it, it seemed like the bathroom had not been in use for a long time.

"Come to daddy", he smiled.

Using all my might, I pushed him off and he staggered two or three steps back.

"I have greatly underestimated you!" he shouted angrily. "You think you can fight me?"

He came towards me but I was not ready to give up. I looked around and saw a removable tissue holder which I took and held in my arms, ready to use it in whichever way possible, as long as I could defend myself. I stared at him and just then, I saw two images of Logan. Two hazy images! I understood very well what was happening! I was already feeling dizzy! So what was going to happen? What was he going to do to me?

Of course the tears would have come but at that moment I told them no; this is not the right time. I could not afford to shed any tears at such a time, for I had to fight until the end. I lifted my hand to hit him hard with the tissue paper holder, but most of my energy had already deserted me.

He held my hand and although my mind was urging me to fight, my strength would not. I felt very weak and I saw him taking the tissue holder away from me.

"There you go! Good girl! Now come to daddy!", he lifted me and carried me towards the bed. I kicked and tried to set myself free, but he proved too strong for me.

"We will switch on the camera now", he smiled.

"You can take off your dress, or do you want me to help you?" he said.

I pulled a pillow and, using the little strength I had, I hit him, but obviously a pillow could not have any bad impact. He smiled.

Slowly he started to unbutton his shirt and took it off. He unbuckled his belt and threw it on the bed.

"W...why? Why a...are y...y...you d...doing this?" I said in-between sobs.

"This is good for you. Raelynn just told you that she drugged you. You need a man. And I am here! You and I will have fun. I will make love to you until you cry, whether you like it or not! I'm just following Raelynn's orders, sweetheart!" the man's voice sounded like an echo.

"You mean you will rape me? Why would Raelynn…..?"

"Raelynn is gone," he laughed. "It's just you and me now."

He knelt at the foot of the bed and I turned using all my energy, rolled off the bed and fell on the floor.

"Oh! You prefer the floor?" he mocked me.

He came to me and forcefully unzipped my dress before pulling it off. I prayed to God for energy. When he came closer to me, intending to unhook my bra, I bit him with all my might on the shoulder.

"Arrrrrrh" he screamed before pushing me off. Falling on the carpet, I had expected to see some blood gushing out of his shoulder, yet there was none. Since he was in pain, I used the chance to pick one of the wine glasses from the table near the bed and I threw it as hard as I could. The glass hit his head and shattered into bloody pieces. He screamed again, and fell on the bed. I reached for the second glass, broke it on the table with the intention of stabbing him with it. I could not fathom being raped, I told myself I was going to do anything and everything within my power to defend myself. When I broke the glass, it cut deep into my palm, but I had no time to think about that pain. I went towards him, cut him on the leg and when I was about to cut again, he held my hand and squeezed my wrist with so much power that I was forced to let go of the glass. His forehead was bleeding. He pulled me up by the wrist, and the two of us stood facing each other. Without warning, I vomited right on to his chest.

He pushed me away and falling on my back I retreated using one palm to support my weight, for my other palm was badly hurt and bleeding. All the while I kept my hazy focus on the man. He walked angrily towards me, roughly wiped off the blood on his forehead before dropping off his already unzipped pair of trousers, leaving him in his underwear only.

"You asked for this! I will take you roughly at first; to satisfy my ego which you just bruised. I will take you the second time passionately, for the camera! And after that I will play with you as a boy plays with his new toy! Besides that mesmerizing beauty of yours; you won't have anything more to be proud of, after I am done with you!" he said in a cold emotionless voice.

Then at the top of his lungs he shouted madly "my toy! You are my toy! I'll have fun with you!!"

Me, on the other hand, dressed only in my pant and bra, was crouched into a ball, continued to retreat until I reached the wall. hugging on to a curtain which I used to cover my nakedness. I was determined to give a good fight until I lost consciousness; that is if I was going to lose consciousness!