
Destined to be with you (OneShot)

He was a victim of love-survivor, as what his friends teasingly told him. But for Wei Zhan, after his second heartbreak, he promised not to fall in love again and avoided every man that shows signs and symptoms of courting him. And so, he busied himself as a Real Estate Broker. However, in the most inconvenient circumstance, his life got involved with Lan Yibo- a good- looking but at the same time an outrageous Bachelor. Will Wei Zhan can still fulfill his promise? Will he give in?

Mofarose · Celebridades
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Destined to be with you (OneShot)

Piiiiiiipp!!.. pipppppp!!!

Wei Zhan is becoming very impatient as he always looks at his wristwatch while constantly blowing his car's horn.

"Damn! Why is it when we are in a hurry everything has come to be so slow?" He frustratingly mumbles.

Wei Zhan has a very important appointment with Mrs. Lan. The middle-aged woman called to purchase the penthouse of one of Zhan's company is selling. They will ink a contract today and will collect the cheque for her payment.

These past months, Zhan had a few units sold and today he was very happy that he finally got his first income of the month and above all it is the most expensive unit of the building.

That's why he should not be late or else it will be a huge embarrassment!

When the traffic light turned green, he stepped on the accelerator and turned left quickly to enter a private subdivision for a shortcut road. Thankfully he had purchased a gate pass to allow him from entering.

He looks at his wristwatch again, "15 minutes, I still have 15 minutes". He drives about 80km/h in a private subdivision and is aware that he's fast but what can he do? He's in a rush. He saw a car's front bumper appearing from a blind spot on his left side but Wei Zhan cannot afford to slow down and so he stepped the accelerator more. He smirks to the idea as it flashes on his mind that he's one of the actors of Fast and Furious movie- who were we all knew are indeed fast & furious drivers, but that smirk immediately turned into worry when he heard a loud bang!

He immediately stepped on the brake pedal that created a loud screech of his car's tires. His heart pounded that he can literally hear its beat and his face flushed like it was soaked with white vinegar as he looked himself in the rear mirror- he fucking looked so pale!

He unbuckles the seat belt and goes out. The other man did as well.

"You! Stupid moron! Are you insane? If you're planning for suicide, do it yourself! do not hassle anyone! Ahh! You're so stupid! look at what you've done to my car!" The man screamed angrily.

"L-look, I'm v-very sorry Mr." Wei Zhan says as if he was drunk. He can't able to compose words properly because his heart as if anytime would stop functioning because it had been beating irregularly that he can't almost breathe.

"Sorry?" the man laughed bitterly. "I said look at what you've done to my car, you idiot!. Half of my front bumper was damaged and you'll just say I'm sorry? For your kind information, Mr. This car that you just destroyed is brand new and is the latest model! And It just delivered to me yesterday!. You should pay for its repair!".

"Ahh fuck my life!" Wei Zhan internally groaned hearing the information but annoyed at the same time as the man was constantly telling him hurtful and insulting words.

"Don't shout at me, you ugly fool earthling! I am not deaf!" he hissed. "It takes two to tango, so do not fucking blame me for what happened to your car! Also, my car is damaged, would you also like to take a look at what your car has done to my bumper?!"

He paused and deep inhales "You bumped into my car so you should be the one paying me!"

The furious man laughs at him mockingly "You really is an idiot! You are impossible! How did you get your driver's license huh?! And you were the one who was driving like you're racing and bumped my car and now you're saying I was the one who bumped you?. Wow just wow! It seems we need 'police assistance' to settle this 'problem' of yours.

Wei Zhan upon hearing the word police immediately was alarmed.

"That would take a lot of time and he cannot delay this anymore, Mrs. Lan is waiting for him," he thought.

"Hey!" Zhan shouted. "Give me your number and we'll settle it later, can't we? I have a very important appointment today, if I can't go there on a scheduled time, I might be unable to pay with your car repair" he says almost pleadingly as he approaches him.

The man smirked victoriously. "There! That's much better. I promise you I'm good at negotiating" while sternly gazing at him like he was presenting himself freely as a prey. "You're actually pretty, I don't mind you paying with your body if you don't have money to pay me," he says devilishly to Zhan's hearing.

Zhan swore if only intense gazing can kill, this man in front of him is surely dead minutes ago.

Wei Zhan haste a stride and swung his right hand and it successfully landed on the man's cheek, unsatisfied, he swung the other hand and also landed on the other side of his face.

"Fucking pervert! You really think too highly of yourself?. Fuck your dick and go to hell and replace satan! He must be very proud of you!" Wei Zhan shouted and hastily went back to his car and went off.

Lan Yibo stood frozen recovering from the surprise slaps he had received minutes ago. He roughly held his jaws as if adjusting them. He tilts his head and chuckles "that man, you're the very first to ever do that to me, pray to never cross our paths again" he mumbled.

It has been 2 days since that incident and Wei Zhan is now preparing to meet Mrs. Lan in BJYX Cafe. Fortunately, the meeting was postponed because according to her, his son who was supposedly the one meeting him instead of her met an accident. Thus, she suggested moving it on Thursday.

Wei Zhan was minutes ahead of Mrs. Lan, fortunately, this time nothing bad happened. Mrs. Lan approached him with a smile that plastered over her face.

"Did I keep you waiting too long Mr. Wei?"

Wei Zhan smiled, "no not at all Madam," he says.

They talked for a while, according to Mrs. Lan the penthouse is for his son. So the contract and other legal documents in transferring the title should be signed by the owner itself. And so Mrs. Lan will bring the papers and promise to return it after his son signed it. According to her his son is a busy man, and that the last day- their supposed meeting was his son's only free day. Mrs. Lan gives the cheque to him as they talk more until it's time to bid goodbye.

Wei Zhan lazily laid his body on his bed. That was a long tiring day. His phone buzzed, it was a text from Mrs. Lan. She says that his son has already signed the papers and he will be the one to return it instead as he wanted to personally apologize for the no show on their supposed meeting. Of Course, Wei Zhan highlights that there's no need for apologies as it was an accident, and besides, he was late also- but didn't include it. But Mrs. Lan insisted she says the documents will be returned tomorrow at 5pm after his meeting. Zhan agreed and will wait at the office until 5pm.

He heard his brother Wei Zhuocheng call him for dinner and he immediately stood up as he was feeling hungry.

"Where's your car Wei Zhan?" Zuocheng suddenly asks and he almost choked out.

"Err. Overhaul maintenance" he said, "Hmm shijie's cooking skill is really getting better every day!" He applauded his sister at the same time for changing the topic. His sister gave them the sweetest smile. "That's the least I can do for both of you".

"Ah Shijie don't say that. And you Yubin how was school?"

Yubin their working student who was silently eating while listening to their conversations "ah, it's fine Zhan"

"Good," Zhan says. "Focus on studies not on girls, okay?"

Zuocheng snorts and Wei Lu laughs "Yah! Wei Zhan! How about you? You're old already, how about focusing on love life rather than work?"

Wei Zhan glares at his younger brother, "shut up!"

And he suddenly remembers the stupid man he encountered the last day.

5:30pm, Zhan sighs in frustration as he looks at the wall clock in his office. He's all alone for quite some time now and it's starting to get dark outside. He played PUBG to ease the boredom. Great 3 games finished yet no signs of Mrs. Lan's son. He decided to leave the office, he had given it an hour allowance. He checks the clock again- 6:48pm.

He absently goes out to the office building and bids goodbye to his security guard friends and proceeds to the parking lot. He halted his steps as he remembered, "ah fuck! I forgot I don't have a car" he mumbled. He stood there for a while as he tried calming himself.

"Mr. Wei!"

And he abruptly turns to see who calls him and froze on the spot upon seeing it. The caller, the same as him, had also instantly frozen upon seeing again the face that he will never forget.

Both of them flushed in astonishment as if they had just seen a ghost.

"Of all people in China, why does it have to be him, this pervert man!" Zhan internally ask himself

It took them minutes to stand there as if they were mannequins before snapping out.

The other man was first to move even closer towards him "what a small world pretty boy!. Of all people I cannot believe it's you- Mr. Wei Zhan! Oh I ask the guards over there and they pointed at you" he said sarcastically.

Wei Zhan was also quick to fire his defense. "Me too! Of all people I can't believe it's you, Mr. Pervert, satan's descendant whom I'm going to meet" he said sarcastically.

The man laughs at him

With obvious displeasure, he asks "are you Mrs. Lan's son?"

"Yes. I am Lan Yibo" and then offers his hand for a handshake but Zhan pretends to be blind. "Ah, I was just checking. How come that as good as Mrs. Lan has a devil-stupid-pervert son?" He innocently asked; crossing his arms.

Lan Yibo laughs again-

"Cute" he mumbles "but you know I'm so happy to see you again Mr. Wei" he then hastes a stride to grab the other man's shoulder and whisper "don't you forget you owe me? And it's payback time". Lan Yibo crashed his lips to Wei Zhan hungrily making Zhan gasp out of surprise and took that opportunity to boldly explore inside the other man's cavern "no" Zhan says between the kisses. He tried pulling out but Yibo used his other hand to hold the back of his head as he deepened his kisses more and moaned for satisfaction.

Zhan is ashamed of himself because the walls that he built for a long time had seemed slowly crumbling down because of this forbidden kiss that he swore he doesn't like but like at the same time. The kiss slowly awakened the sleeping cells and he felt the heat crawling all around his body. Lan Yibo's kisses become sloppy because he wasn't resistant anymore and he took this chance to push him with all of his might!

"FUCK YOU!" Zhan says shaking as his eyes start gleaming. He wanted to scream but couldn't find his voice.

"Oh god. I-I'm sorry Zhan, I didn't mean. I'm sorry" Yibo tried to reach out at him again but he avoided his touch.

"Don't touch me you pervert! Don't I didn't mean me! I know you wanted to do it!" he says full of antipathy.

Lan Yibo combs his hair through his shaking fingers, unable to say anything.

Zhan slowly walks away from Yibo.

"Zhan, where are you going?"

He didn't respond, instead he continued walking while his knees are also now shaking threatening him to break anytime hence he gathers himself and continues his journey away from the idiot.

Lan Yibo just let Wei Zhan walk away from him as he also tried to gather and question himself as to what stupidity he had just done to Zhan.

Wei Zhan decided to take a break and go out of town for a week's vacation. His sister Wei Lu was happy about it but his brother Zuocheng questioned him why of a sudden. He scrolled to book a resort-hotel through Agoda when he received a message from his bestie.

Meng Ziyi: Beshy, don't forget about my birthday celebration on Friday 6pm at WXYZ Hotel and Resort. I already booked for a pool party 😉

Zhan: cool! Thanks for reminding your old friend

Meng Ziyi: of course I have to remind you, so you don't have reasons not buying me a gift *grins

Zhan: a dozen condoms would be fine right?

Meng Ziyi: How about a bouquet of condoms? Haha

Zhan: deal!

"Right! So I'll just book WXYZ Resort and Hotel then" Zhan uttered

Wei Zhan was having a great time on the first day of his 1-week vacation. Tomorrow is Meng Ziyi's birthday and he bought her two packages of strawberry flavored condoms and Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia Perfume

(A/N: ahh my fave scent haha!)

He went to island hopping the whole day with fellow guests in the hotel. When he reaches his room it's already 7pm and he's so tired from the whole day activity so he immediately dozes off.

"Zhan!" Meng Ziyi calls him happily.

He was wearing casual beige Khaki shorts topped with a slim fit white cotton Armani Exchange polo and a pair of white low cut Chuck Taylor sneakers.

Zhan quickly approaches her "Happiest Birthday Bitch" he whispered hugging his best friend.

"Oh! You look stunning! Thank you for coming beshy, where's my gift?"

"Here. Enjoy safe sex!"

She giggles while inspecting the paper bag "Of course!" and winks.

C'mon Zhan let's go to the pool.

The pool is full of people; most are partners hugging in the water busy showing their affection publicly- that is such a huge disrespect to singles like Zhan, some are drinking on the side of the pool and some who don't want to swim or be wet just sat on the vacant chairs just like him. He drinks the sub-zero beer his holding.

"Oh my goodness!"

Zhan jolted for the sudden loud voice not afar from him. His guts say that voice was familiar!. The man walks towards him

"I knew it was you! What a small world it is! Hello, my pretty boy!" Yibo standing in front of him smiling.

Wei Zhan's mood abruptly turned sour, "are you stalking me?"

"Yes!" Yibo replied without second doubts, still smiling at him.

The birthday celebrator rushes to them

"Ah Zhan do you know each other?" Meng Ziyi asks him curiously

"I don't know him" he replied sourly but Lan Yibo inserted "Ouch! Why are you denying me, Zhan Zhan?"

"Y-you! Don't call me like that!"

Meng Ziyi shook her head while watching the two and decided to leave them.

"What are you doing here?" Zhan asks dryly.

"what am I doing here?" Yibo repeated and continues "of course, Meng Ziyi invited me! It's her bday after all!"

Wei Zhan rolls his eyes "I don't know if you are just pretending to be an idiot or you're really an idiot that couldn't understand what I meant? I said what are you doing here why are you seating here next to me where there are a lot of vacant spaces over there!"

"Ah" Lan Yibo grins. "Obviously, I want to be with you, I've missed you"

And suddenly flashbacks appeared at the back of his mind to what happened in the parking lot last days.

Wei Zhan stood up, he doesn't want to deal with this overconfident Yibo

"Where are you going Pretty?" Yibo inquires

"Anywhere, away from you!"

Lan Yibo let him be, "No pretty boy, now that I've found you, I will never let you go so brace yourself " he mumbles

Meng Ziyi approached Lan Yibo "Thank you, sir, for this wonderful party. Rest assured, I will help you with Zhan" she smiled.

Zhan woke up early the next day as he was going for another island hopping in the west part of the Resort hotel. His itinerary for today is to visit two islets and a quick cave experience, then a stopover in the middle of the sea-the pacific ocean for diving and swimming.

He was surprised when he saw himself alone in the Lantsa/Pumpboat

(A/N: Lantsa/ Pumpboat is bigger than a regular boat that is often used in sea tour/island hopping)

When the Pumpboat started its voyage he asks the man whom he believed that is the labor in charge of the boat.

"Ah sir, where are the others? I'm alone it'll be a lonely tour" he said dejectedly

The man shakes his head "it's a private tour sir"

Before he could talk again, someone spoke on his back, just cm away from his ear, and hastily stole a quick kiss to his nape "good morning, my pretty boy!" The whole thing sent dangerous shivers all over his body that he literally jolted and cringed. "Y-you! Again?!" Zhan exclaimed. "You're really a pervert! What are you doing here!" He is sure that he is mad at what he shamelessly did just now but his heart engulfed with a familiar feeling that made it flutter.

"I wanted to be with you, so I rented a private tour so no one will disturb us"

"Don't you know that you're pissing me? Your mere existence is making me pissed!"

"I promise I'll be a good boy for you baby" he winks.

"don't baby baby me LAN YIBO!" he said glaring at him and decided to pretend as if Yibo didn't exist.

As promised, Yibo is being a good boy all day, he assisted Zhan and insisted on bringing his things, Zhan let him be. When the pump boat stops in the middle of the ocean for swimming and diving, Lan Yibo pushes Zhan which earns him a deadly glare.

The good boy turned once again to be a pervert when he hugs Wei Zhan underneath the water. He snakily held his sexy waist and pulled him to himself and stole two kisses on his cheeks and a smooch. Wei Zhan whined because his body is acting strangely as he felt the urge to hug back the other man.

"I thought you're going to be a good boy today?" He glares at Yibo who is smiling widely. "Am I not?" he replied attempting to pull him again

Zhan rolled his eyes

"is it bad hugging and kissing my pretty boy? You're irresistible, don't you know it?"

"Tch! It's because you're a Pervert!"

Yibo successfully pulled and hugged him again "I'm pervert, only for you baby, only for you" he whispered.

It's almost dinner time when they arrived at the resort.

"Zhan let's have dinner in a while okay?" Yibo immediately said as they were walking towards their respective rooms.

"No" he replied "I'm tired Yibo"

Yibo pleaded "Please? I already ordered lots of seafood, you like butter and garlic lobsters right?

Zhan gulped. He loves lobsters but rarely eats them because it's expensive "how did you know I love lobsters?"

Yibo chuckles, "I told you I'm stalking you" he winks, "now take a bath and I'll fetch you in 20 minutes.

Zhan frowns "how did you know my room?"

"Baby, one more question or I'll kiss you" he warns, smiling "now save your questions later okay" and quickly stole a kiss on his forehead before walking towards his room.

"But you still kiss me" Zhan mumbles

The dinner was superb. Wei Zhan didn't even eat the other viands on the table, he only ate the lobster and prawns. Lan Yibo happily watches the other man eating big bites.

Lan Yibo invited Zhan for a walk beside the seashore. He said yes after a moment of contemplation as he thought it, as a payment for their sumptuous dinner because Yibo didn't allow him to pay even half of the bill.

Yibo reaches for his hand and brings it to his lips- he kisses it so passionately as if it was the rarest gem on earth.

Zhan stares at the other person. "Y-yibo?"

"Zhan, I-" but Zhan sensed what's he's going to say and immediately cuts his words. He retracted his hand from him

"Yibo, I have a favor" he seriously says

"Yes baby, tell me.." he too looked at Zhan lovingly. "I will gladly do it"

He sighs, "I must tell him before it's too late," Zhan said internally

"Of course, this favor of mine is very easy. You can do it without a doubt!" Zhan heaved a sigh again and continued "Yibo, can you please leave me alone?" he says almost whisper

Lan Yibo's brows crippled and didn't say anything. He was as if still digesting the last sentence Zhan said

"If you must know, I don't like a guy like you. I-i don't like you Yibo so please.." he frankly said. Zhan must be happy but strangely his heart hurts as he says those words to Yibo. He really likes taking those words back but his mind says No!

After his two failed relationships, he promised he will never love again. Because that love is only good at first, but as time goes by they will eventually replace you and leave you nothing but painful memories.

He knew he is no longer young anymore, that at his age of 29, he must've someone that will be by his side for the rest of their lives. It's scary thinking to be alone forever, but if it's his destiny he can't do anything. Because, if Zhan were to ask, he is so damn scared in risking-to trust, love, and enter a relationship again. Right now, he is starting to get scared of himself because he knew if he would still allow Yibo to be close to him, he might want Yibo to his forever.

"You don't like me?" At last, Yibo found his voice "But why Zhan? Are you still angry at me because I forcedly kissed you? But I already say sorry right?" Yibo pleaded, his eyes starting to gleam as the light of the moon perfectly reflects at him.

"Believe me, Zhan, I wasn't always like that. I don't know what has gotten me, But I never do it to anyone. You're just so attractive that I wasn't able to control myself. Please Zhan, I'm sorry"

"Yibo.. but I haven't forgiven you"

"Zhan, please I promise I will never do that again please, forgive me"

Zhan wanted to hug the man right now but he really restrained himself not to

"Don't be ridiculous Lan Yibo! I said you're not my type! Are you really that persistent? YIBO, I DON'T LIKE YOU SO PLEASE, get LOST!" He hissed.

"But Zhan, I like you. No, no, I Love You!" He insists

"Let's go back please" he pleaded

"Zhan, I'm sorry but I can't let you go. I don't know but my heart and mind say you love me too! That when we kissed it seemed that you like it too, that when I hugged you our hearts wanted it too! That when we hold our hands we want the time to stop so that we can cherish and enjoy our times together while your hand's warmth with mine. That when we look into each other's eyes we felt the same way, we are both attracted to each other and we are happy being together. It's not only me, right? I know that you're just scared to try it out again Zhan. Please baby, all I want is for you to trust me"

"Why are you so hard-headed?" Zhan wanted to cry because he's on the edge of letting go of his restraints and choose his heart over his mind.

"Please Zhan, just give me a chance. Give me a chance to court you properly, please."

Zhan didn't reply, he instead just stared at the other man who was pleading as if his happiness depended on him.

Yibo continues "before meeting you, I thought staying single forever. Yes, I'd meet several people in my life but I've never been this in love before that I practically beg you to give me a chance. No Zhan, I haven't done this before. What I'm saying is that I love you very much. When I saw you again for the fourth time at Ziyi's birthday yesterday I am so sure that it's you whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to annoy you forever, I wanted you to make a bowl of soup when I'm sick, I wanted to kiss you when you get hurt, I wanted to hug you forever, I wanted to sleep and wake up next to you in the same bed forever, it's you whom I wanted to undress and made love with me every day forever. I want to have happy and sad memories with you forever. Zhan, baby, please accept my love for you now and I'll court you forever."

"Wait wait..what do you mean by you saw me for the fourth time yesterday? Isn't it the third? I mean, our first encounter was obviously, second at the parking lot and third was yesterday" Elaborate Lan Yibo he says as if he's angry.

Lan Yibo smiled. "I literally spoke out my feelings to you and you just remembered the fourth one thing. Accept me first, and I'll spill the beans" he grinned. He can sense positivity looking at Zhan's face.

"Okay never mind" as he attempted to walk away but Yibo was quick to hold his hand and pulled him to hug

"Don't leave me, baby, please" as he caresses and kisses the other man's hair.

"Speak!" Zhan demanded on their hugs

Yibo sighs in defeat, "okay okay"

I first saw you at your company's event three months ago during the "Yunmeng Developer Inc. Broker Awards 2020". You were one of the top 10 awardees.

Wei Zhan was just nodding while Yibo is still hugging him and caressing his hair

"How did you know?" He inquires

"I was invited by Mr. Jiang" Yibo replied

As you know, I am working with my uncle in his company-Gusu Land, Inc.

"Wait!" Wei Zhan pulls himself out of the hug and stares at the other "You're working at Gusu Land, Inc.? But why did you still go through me to buy that penthouse where your company is the developer of that building ?"

Lan Yibo smiled and cupped his cheeks and gave him a peck on his lips "let me finish talking first okay?" He fondly says and hugs Zhan again.

So, I was invited that night, and then I was one of the guests on stage to hand your plaque of recognition. You may not remember me, but I clearly remember you because as I've said you attracted me that much!

"Why didn't you approach me that night then after the event?" Zhan questioned

"I tried, but you were busy with your colleagues that's why I thought of another way to meet you"

Zhan pulled himself again "So you know me already on that day I accidentally bump you yet you still told me foul words!" He said pouting

Yibo cupped him again but Zhan didn't look at him directly "baby, please look at me" Zhan sulked. "Baby please?" Zhan twitched his brows "okay!"

Yibo sighs "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings that day my love, I just want you to learn your lesson to never drive that speed again, also I don't know how to react that time, I got panic a bit baby. I'm sorry, okay?"

"It seems that you are sincere," Zhan says stubbornly

"And to answer your question, I choose you as my broker on the penthouse because I wanted to be closer with you"

Yibo kissed him. A not so hungry kiss that is full of love and care. Zhan almost whined when Yibo stopped and pulled away.

"Zhan, you didn't answer me yet"

Zhan look at him dearly "Yibo, I have something to tell you but I'm shy"

"Oh c'mon baby, I'm open-minded tell me" and winks!

"Pervert!" Zhan exclaimed

"Just joking. Tell me" but Zhan contemplated, Yibo continues "I can read it in your eyes but I want to hear it from your lips"

Wei Zhan heaved a sigh before speaking "promise not to laugh at me"

Lan Yibo nods his head "I won't laugh"

"I Love You," Wei Zhan said wholeheartedly.

Lan Yibo laughs at him teasingly

Wei Zhan glares at him

But his lover pulled him into a hug and then give kisses all over his face, "I love you more baby, and I mean it!"


A/N: I borrowed a line from this love quote

"I don't believe in courtship, it's a waste of time. If I love the person, I'll tell her right away. But for you, I'll make an exemption: Just love me now, and I will court you forever."

― Ferdinand E. Marcos