
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs

68- Xu Fang and His Three Wives [R-18]

Xu Fang guided his shaft into Lie Ning's pink cave because Lie Ning was already wet enough to make entering her cave easier, After entering, Xu Fang held her waist and started to move his hips.

"Ah~, Husband is big, I feel full, Ah~" Lie Ning moans softly when Xu Fang starts to move his hips slowly after entering her cave from behind.

"Yin Er, come here." Xu Fang told Shen Yin to come closer to him.

"Ahh~, Ahh~"

Shen Yin nodded her head and walked towards Xu Fang on her knees, standing on his left side, while Xu Fang started to increase the speed of his hips.

Xu Fang moved his left hand from Lie Ning's waist to the back of Shen Yin's head and pulled her face towards his own, Their lips touched and they started kissing, A few moments later, they started to move their tongues in each other's mouths.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~"

Shen Yin held Xu Fang's face with both of her hands and they kissed greedily, their eyes closed to enjoy kissing passionately, Then Xu Fang left Shen Yin's head and moved his hand on her lower lips from her back while Shen Yin's peaks pressed against Xu Fang's chest.

Xu Fang started rubbing Shen Yin's little sister with the index and middle fingers of his left hand and made her body tremble as she moaned in his mouth softly.

"Ahh~, Husband, faster, Ahh~" Lie Ning moaned in pleasure and wanted to feel more pleasure.

Xu Fang increased the pace of his hips back and forth to make Lie Ning's cave leak love juice with every thrust into her cave with his big rod, while Xu Fang was busy kissing Shen Yin passionately and rubbing her lower lips.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~"

Shen Yin and Xu Fang opened their eyes when they broke a kiss while making a brigid of saliva, Xu Fang looked into Shen Yin's blue eyes that filled lust fire while moaning softly because of her lower lips simulation by Xu Fang.

"Ahhh~, Ah~, Ahhh~ Ah~" Lie Ning and Shen Yin's moans started mixing in a room that sounded like music to Xu Fang's ears.

"Yin Er, your eyes are very beautiful; that makes me feel like I'm living in the depths of the ocean." Xu Fang complements Shen Yin's blue eyes in a charming tone.

"Ah~, Husband, you are the same, but even deeper than mine, I feel like melting in them." A soft moan comes out of Shen Yin's mouth and she complements Xu Fang's blue eyes.

"Yin Er, get on your all fours." Xu Fang told Shen Yin to get her all fours on the left side of Lie Ning.

Shen Yin nodded her head and got on all fours beside Lie Ning, while Long Xiu was already lying on her back on the right side of Lie Ning and Xu Fang.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~" Lie Ning started to move back and forth to match Xu Fang's movements, causing his rod to access Lie Ning's cave's deeper parts.

Xu Fang was holding Lie Ning's waist with his right hand and from behind on his knees, thrusting his big rod into her cave, and his left hand moved towards Shen Yin's lower lips. Xu Fang put his index and middle fingers into Shen Yin's little sister and started thrusting.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~" The room was filled with Shen Yin and Lie Ning's moans, Xu Fang thrusting Lie Ning with his rod and Shen Yin with his fingers.

"Xiu Er, come here I want to kiss you." After a few minutes, Xu Fang told Long Xiu, who was lying on the right side of the bed.

Even though Long Xiu was resting after her climax, she didn't waste any moment, got up and approached Xu Fang, who was busy with Lie Ning and Shen Yin, and held Xu Fang's face with her hands. Their lips met and they started to kiss passionately.

Xu Fang and Long Xiu exchanged saliva for two minutes and broke their kiss; their eyes met and didn't disconnect from the kiss from start to end, Then Xu Fang moved his eyes to Long Xiu's peaks and her erect nipples and Long Xiu understood what was on his mind.

Long Xiu adjusted herself at her peak level in Xu Fang's mouth and Xu Fang started licking and sucking her peaks.

"Ahhh~, Ahh~, Ahhh~, Ahh~" Inside the bedroom, loud and soft moans of Shen Yin, Lie Ning, and Long Xiu filled. Xu Fang thrusts into Lie Ning's cave with his rod and Shen Yin's cave with his fingers, while his head is held by Long Xiu on her peaks and Xu Fang sucks her nipples.

"Ahhh~, Husband, faster, I'm coming soon, Ahhh~." Xu Fang was multitasking when he heard Lie Ning's words.

Xu Fang pulled his fingers from Shen Yin's cave and held Lie Ning's waist, Now he had his hands on her waist and he started to move his hips faster and deeper than before, making Lie Ning fly cloud nine with pleasure. Her cave wall start to grip on Xu Fang's shaft, making it hard for him to move.

"Husband, why did you stop?" Shen Yin asked Xu Fang with a lusty tone when he pulled his fingers from her cave.

Xu Fang was busy thrusting Lie Ning faster, while his mouth was sucking Long Xiu's nipples, so he didn't respond to Shen Yin, only increasing his speed to make Lie Ning cum faster.

"Ahhh~, Husband, I'm coming, Ahhhhhhhh~." Lie Ning climaxed with a few more thrusts.

Xu Fang leaves Lie Ning's waist after she cums out and lets her rest. He pulls his head from Long Xiu's embrace and peaks, then Xu Fang moves behind Shen Yin, who is already on her all fours.

"Here, take it, my naughty Wife." Xu Fang didn't waste any moment after approaching Shen Yin; he put his shaft into her wet cave.

"Ahhh~" A scream comes out from Shen Yin's mouth when Xu Fang puts his big shaft in her cave in one go till it touches her womb.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~" Shen Yin starts to moan as Xu Fang holds her waist and starts to move his hips back and forth faster.

Long Xiu got on her all fours besides Shen Yin and Xu Fang moved his hand toward her cave, put his index and middle fingers, and started to thrust.

"Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~"

Shen Yin's bedroom inside Xu Fang's Mansion was filled with sweet and melodic moans that didn't stop for the next eight hours.

Xu Fang switches wives after they cum out of one to another. That circle runs till Long Xiu, Shen Yin, and Lie Ning are fully exhausted, This time, Xu Fang doesn't use his Light Element-related healing move on any of his wives because he wants to see his and his wives' limits and make this long Dual Cultivation session a beautiful moments remember.

Xu Fang also didn't use his Lust Goddess technique on his wives a lot in this session, he only used it when Xu Fang handled three of them at the same time.

After a long session of Dual Cultivation, they were all asleep and they didn't even put their clothes on.


Xu Fang's Mansion inside the LOG treasure, inside Shen Yin's bedroom, on the king-size bed, Xu Fang sleeping in the center, while on his right side, Long Xiu was sleeping while hugging his right arm, Shen Yin sleeping while hugging his left arm, and Lie Ning sleeping prone on the chest of the Xu Fang.

Xu Fang, Long Xiu, Shen Yin, and Lie Ning had been sleeping happily for the last six hours. Xu Fang opened his eyes after waking up and saw three beautiful ladies, three of them were his predecessor's stepmothers.

But now three of them are his wives.

Xu Fang felt warm bodies that pressed against his own from three sides, Xu Fang didn't want to wake them up, so he closed his eyes, but he didn't sleep again, and he also didn't want to get hard again after watching naked beauties in his embrace.

A few minutes later, Lie Ning woke up and looked at Xu Fang's face and blushed, because all the things she did with him before sleeping came into her mind.

'Husband looked more handsome while sleeping.' Lie Ning thought in her mind.

Xu Fang felt her movements, but he didn't open his eyes and acted like he was sleeping. Lie Ning started to comb Xu Fang's silver hair with her right hand, with a smile on her face.

Long Xiu and Shen Yin woke up a few more minutes later at the same time, and they saw Lie Ning lying on Xu Fang's chest and combing Xu Fang's hair with her hand and a smile on her face.

"Sister Ning, you looked happy." Long Xiu spoke to Lie Ning with a low but teasing tone.

"Sister Xiu, when do you wake up?" Lie Ning stopped combing Xu Fang's hair, turned her face toward Long Xiu, and asked in a low tone with a red face.

"When you are smiling and busy combing our husband's hair," This time, Shen Yin spoke up in a low and teasing tone.

"Sister Yin, did you also wake up?" Lie Ning turns her face to the other side, and her red face turns even redder.

"Both of you, stop teasing my Ning Er." Xu Fang spoke up but didn't open his eyes.

"Husband, are you awake as well?" Lie Ning asked him with a surprised tone.

"Husband, why did you speak up?" Long Xiu said to him with a slightly sad tone.

"Yeah, Husband, it's very fun to tease Sister Ning." Shen Yin added in with a slightly sad tone.

"Ning Er, leave them; you continue what you were doing earlier." Xu Fang told Lie Ning to continue combing his hair with her hands.

"Husband, when are you awake?" Lie Ning asked him with a red face.

"Ning Er, do you want to know the truth or lie?" Xu Fang opened his eyes and asked Lie Ning back.

"Truth," Lie Ning said to him with a serious tone.

"Before, little before you awake." Xu Fang told her the truth.

"So, all this whole time, you are acting like you are sleeping." Lie Ning said to him with a smile on her face.

"Yin Er, Xiu Er, you two tell me, is there anything wrong if I enjoy combing my hair with my lovely wife?" Xu Fang asked Shen Yin and Long Xiu.

"Husband, there is nothing wrong with it; if you like that, then let me comb your hair with my hand." Long Xiu replied to him with a smile on her face, and Shen Yin nodded her head.

"Ning Er, you listen to that, so do be embarrassed." Xu Fang told Lie Ning with a smile, and she nodded her head.

"Now let's go take a bath, then I have to do something else in the real world." Xu Fang told three of them.

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