
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs

47- Xu Fang and Xu Min Bath Together


Please be advised that this chapter contains explicit content involving Xu Fang and Xu Min (not sex-only foreplay). If you prefer to skip these chapters, it won't impact the following storyline.

However, if you choose to read them, feel free to enjoy them. If you have any thoughts or comments about these scenes, please share them in the comments section.

Thank you!


Without waiting for Xu Min's reply, Xu Fang turned towards the bathroom and entered. Once inside, he removed his robes and settled into the bathtub. After a few minutes, Xu Min also entered the bathroom. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xu Fang turned his head to address Xu Min.

"Xu Min, you..." Xu Fang began, intending to ask her why she hadn't gone back to her room. However, upon seeing her, he fell silent.

The sight before Xu Fang rendered him momentarily speechless. He found himself captivated, as he couldn't help but memorize the beauty of Xu Min's naked form.

Seeing Xu Min without a single piece of clothing for the first time stirred a mixture of surprise and admiration in Xu Fang. His heartbeat quickened, and warmth spread through his body.

Xu Min's brown hair cascaded freely down her back, and her amber-colored eyes held a mix of shyness and nervousness. Her flawless white skin accentuated perfectly shaped, C-cup breasts with delicate pink nipples.

As Xu Fang continued to observe, his gaze traced the contours of her beautiful, flat stomach and slim waist. Between her long, closed legs, he noticed a clean surface without a single hair.

"Beautiful..." The words escaped Xu Fang's mouth unconsciously.

Despite the desire to act on his impulses, Xu Fang managed to control his emotions. He stood up from the bathtub, attempting to divert his attention and regain composure.

If Xu Fang didn't start to practice his emotional technique, then it would be hard for him to control himself. Xu Fang is sitting inside the bathtub, watching Xu Min, who just came into his bathroom and is standing naked in front of Xu Fang. 

When Xu Fang stood up from the bathtub and went forward towards Xu Min,. Xu Min's eyes widened in shock when she saw Xu Fang's erect, thick, and long dick stand tall like a mountain. Both of them stand in front of each other, with Xu Fang watching Xu Min, who doesn't want to move her eyes from his big dick.

"Naughty wife, didn't I tell you we have to wait till the right time?" Xu Fang broke the silence and asked her with a smile.

Xu Min woke from a daze and saw him blushing, but didn't say anything in response, only nodded her head.

"Then why didn't you go back to your room instead of walking into my bathroom?" Xu Fang inquired, seeking an explanation for Xu Min's presence.

"I... I just wanted to take a bath with you," Xu Min admitted in a low tone, her face blushing.

"You see what you've done?" Xu Fang pointed out, indicating his erect member.

"I didn't do anything," Xu Min replied, sounding confused.

"You didn't do it directly, but your beautiful body made me like that," Xu Fang explained with a smile. He continued.

"If I hadn't promised myself to hold back, you would have already lost your virginity by now because of your actions, coming naked in front of a hungry wolf.

Sigh... leave it. Now, let's take a bath together; we only have a little over half an hour," Xu Fang sighed and informed her, not receiving a response from Xu Min.


A small scream escaped Xu Min's mouth when Xu Fang suddenly lifted her in a princess-style carry after finishing his sentence.

Xu Fang gently lowered her into the bathtub and sat down. The water in the tub was warm, and now Xu Min was on his lap, making the situation even more intimate. To ease the atmosphere, Xu Fang turned her face away and settled her comfortably between his legs.

Xu Fang began to clean Xu Min's back, and she could feel the warmth of his erect member against her. The sensation tempted her, and she moved her hand back, inching towards his erect member.

"What are you doing?" Xu Fang asked with a teasing tone.

"I... I just want to help you. It's so hot, I think it's hurting. Right?" Xu Min replied with a shy voice.

"Yes, it's hurting, but we don't have much time to solve this problem. I can handle it until dinner is done. After dinner, I'll get help from my wives to solve it," Xu Fang declined her offer, knowing that with her inexperienced technique, she wouldn't be able to alleviate the issue in time.

"Why didn't you give me a chance to help you? It's hurting because of me," Xu Min asked with a sad yet curious tone.

"It's not what you're thinking, but we don't have much time left," Xu Fang reassured her with a comforting tone and continued.

Leave my problem, I can handle it, but I think you didn't handle your lust, hahaha…"


A little moan comes from Xu Min's mouth when Xu Fang squeezes her beautiful cup-size C breasts with both hands.

"My little naughty Wife, now I'm going to punish you because you did a naughty thing today.

So hold your moans, otherwise, if anyone hears it we get caught." Xu Fang told her to control her moans. 

"Mmm~" Xu Min closed her mouth to hold back her moans.

"Ah~" Xu Fang pinched her nipples with his index and middle fingers of both hands and she didn't hold back this time and moaned.

'What is this feeling?' Xu Min thought in her mind.

It's the first time for her to do it. This action of Xu Fang caused her body to tremble in pleasure.

Xu Fang's right hand moved towards her pussy and touched her lower lips.

"Ahh~, Ahhh~, Ahhh~" Xu Fang started to rub his index and middle fingers on her lower lips.

"Naughty Wife, hold your moans what if others hear it." Xu Fang told her to not moan louder but she didn't care about anyone now.

"Ahhh~, Husband." Xu Fang put his index finger in her little virgin cave.

Xu Fang didn't use the Lust Goddess technique to increase the effects of his touch and pleasure, because for Xu Min, who's still virgin, it's hard to hold back for a long time if he uses it.

"Ahhh~, this feel, Ahhh~, great" Xu Fang starts thrusting his finger.

"Ahhh~, Husband, Ahhh~, you are, Ahhh~ amazing" Xu Min feels like flying in a cloud because of this feeling of pleasure she feels for the first time in her life.

"Husband, why did you stop? It feels amazing." Xu Min asked him when Xu Fang stopped thrusting his finger in her little virgin cave.

"Naughty Wife, stand up and open your legs. I want to see your pussy." Xu Fang told her to stand up.

Xu Min nodded her head as he said to stand her up while her back facing him.

Xu Min slowly stood up, now her beautiful small round butt in front of him. When she wants to turn around she feels lips on her butt, because when Xu Fang saw her beautiful butt he kissed her butt immediately.

A few moments later Xu Min turned around and opened her legs as Xu Fang said to her.

Xu Fang saw her beautiful little pussy, and then Xu Min saw her face come close to her little sister, so she hurried to put her hand on her pussy and spoke up.

"Husband, don't it's dirty."

"How is this beautiful thing dirty that belongs to my beautiful wife?" Xu Fang told her with a smile and removed her hand from her beautiful pussy.

"Mmm~" A soft moan released from Xu Min's mouth when Xu Fang's lips touched her lower lips.

After kissing for a few seconds, Xu Fang's tongue came out, and he started to use his tongue to lick her pink pussy without wasting any moment.

"Ahhh~" Xu Min again starts to moan.

"Ahhh~, more, Ahhh~, faster, Ahhh~" After three minutes of licking, Xu Min is lost in lust, and she wants more.

Xu Min held Xu Fang from his head, and Xu Fang moved his hands on her butt to support her and make it easy to lick her pink little sister.

"Ahhh~, Husband, Ahhh~, something, Ahhh~, coming, Ahhh~" Xu Min told him with a moan.

Xu Fang increased his speed a little bit more.

"Ahhhhhh~" Xu Min for the first time in her life, has experienced an orgasm.

"Huft… huft… huft…" Xu Fang helped her sit back in the bathtub while she was trying to breathe properly.

Xu Fang didn't let the bit of Yin Qi he obtained from her go to waste; he absorbed it. Unlike in the LOG treasure, where he refrained from absorbing Yin Qi, here, if he didn't absorb it, all the Yin Qi from Xu Min would be lost. The second reason was simple—Xu Fang wanted to gauge how much he benefited from virgin Yin Qi, even from someone as new to cultivation as Xu Min.

"How do you feel?" Xu Fang asked with a smile, noting that her breathing had stabilized.

"Husband, it's amazing. I've never felt something like that before," Xu Min replied with a happy and excited face.

"Hahaha... as expected, my naughty wife enjoys naughty things," Xu Fang chuckled, teasing her.

"Husband, you are bad," Xu Min complained, pouting her lips.

Without wasting a moment, Xu Fang's lips met hers. Xu Min closed her eyes, savoring her first kiss. After a few seconds, Xu Fang introduced his tongue into the kiss. Feeling his tongue, Xu Min opened her mouth, allowing Xu Fang to explore her mouth with his tongue.

Xu Min, lacking experience in kissing, began to emulate Xu Fang's tongue movements, and they engaged in a passionate kiss until Xu Min was out of breath.

"Hurry up, we need to wash ourselves. We don't have much time left before dinner," Xu Fang suggested with a smile, and she nodded in agreement.

After their bath, they assisted each other in drying off and then put on their clothes. 

"Let's go out for dinner. Stay calm, and don't forget to keep our relationship secret from others. Xu Min, meet me after lunch tomorrow in my room." Xu Fang instructed her to remain composed, as he didn't want his mother to become suspicious.

Xu Min nodded, and both of them exited Xu Fang's room, making their way toward the dining hall.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Master_ADcreators' thoughts