
Destined Ties: A Contract To Love

In the bustling city of Easternland Country, two strangers, Alex and Lily, agree to a mysterious contract marriage orchestrated by a wealthy benefactor, Mr. Sterling. As they navigate the charade, their pretend affection slowly becomes real. However, secrets about Mr. Sterling's true motives unravel, leading Alex and Lily into a thrilling world of danger and intrigue. Will their love survive the unexpected twists, or will they end up as pawns in a treacherous game?

Air_Ace · Realista
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Contract Marriage Begins

Flashback at the night of the event.

At the entrance of the ballroom hall Alex and Lily had their first encounter.

Alex had been dressed impeccably in his finest suit, his well-defined jawline and chiseled features catching the attention of more than a few admirers. Yet, amidst the opulent crowd, it was Lily who had truly stood out.

Lily, equally elegant in her attire, exuded a magnetic allure. Her radiant smile, framed by perfectly rosy lips, had been enchanting. Her skin was as flawless as a pearl, and her fiery red hair, cascading like a waterfall of rubies, had drawn the gaze of even the most jaded attendees.

In the world of celebrities and high society, where handsome faces and beautiful people were a dime a dozen, Alex and Lily had been like rare gems, outshining the glittering sea of glamour that surrounded them.

They have seen countless beauties and handsome faces but this is the first time Alex and Lily become awestruck by someone's appearance.

Now, as they stood in the opulent apartment, the memory of that first meeting and the undeniable attraction between them lingered in the air, creating a palpable tension that neither could ignore.

Lily finally broke the spell. She chuckled softly, her voice warm and inviting. "I suppose we should decide which rooms to take."

Alex smiled, grateful for the shift in the atmosphere. "Right, we have four bedrooms to choose from."

They wandered together down the hallway, adorned with tasteful artwork, until they reached the first bedroom on the left.

Lily pushed the door open and stepped inside. "This room is lovely," she remarked, her eyes taking in the elegant furnishings and the plush queen-sized bed. It had a cozy and inviting feel, with a large window that overlooked the city's skyline.

Alex nodded in agreement. "It is. But let's see what the others offer before deciding."

They moved to the next room, just across the hallway. Alex pushed the door open this time, revealing another beautifully decorated bedroom with a king-sized bed and a cozy reading nook by the window. This room had a slightly more regal and spacious ambiance.

Lily stepped inside, drawn to the window. "This one has a nice view too." The window opened to a balcony that provided a breathtaking panorama of the city.

Alex chuckled. "We're spoiled for choice here."

They continued their exploration, examining the remaining two bedrooms. Each had its own unique charm, from a room with a private balcony overlooking the city to another with a spacious walk-in closet that seemed tailor-made for an art studio. The last room had a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Finally, they stood at the end of the hallway, facing each other with a mixture of excitement and amusement.

Lily broke the silence, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Well, which one will it be?"

Alex pretended to ponder, then pointed to the room diagonally opposite from the one they had just examined. "I choose that one." He was referring to the room with the private balcony.

Lily grinned. "Great! I'll take this one," she said, indicating the room next to his choice, which had the walk-in closet ideal for her journalistic work.

With their decisions made, they headed to their respective rooms to unpack and settle in, each excited to make the opulent apartment their home for the next two years.


Throughout the day, an awkward tension hung in the air between Alex and Lily. Despite the luxurious surroundings of their new apartment and the grandeur of their arrangement, they found themselves navigating unfamiliar territory, both emotionally and physically.

Their awkward interaction began when they bumped into each other in the well-appointed kitchen. Alex, dressed in a crisp white shirt and dark jeans, was preparing a cup of coffee. His movements were precise, but his mind was racing with uncertainty.

Lily, wearing a sleek blouse and trousers, had come in to make herself some tea. She reached for a teapot on the shelf just as Alex was reaching for a coffee mug. Their hands brushed against each other, and they both instinctively pulled back, casting each other sheepish smiles.

"Sorry," Alex muttered, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

Lily chuckled nervously. "No problem. I guess we'll have to figure out this kitchen choreography."

As they went about preparing their beverages, the silence felt heavy. The absence of conversation, despite their natural inclination to engage in dialogue, was unsettling.

Once their drinks were ready, they retreated to the spacious living room, which was adorned with elegant furniture and a large television. They sat on opposite ends of the room, each absorbed in their thoughts.

Alex couldn't help but steal glances at Lily from time to time. He admired her dedication to her work, how she held her tablet with a determined expression, scrolling through news articles. Her focused demeanor intrigued him, yet he was uncertain about how to bridge the gap between them.

Lily, on the other hand, felt a mixture of curiosity and discomfort. She knew they had agreed to this contract marriage, but the reality of sharing her personal space with a near-stranger was challenging. She observed Alex's intense blue eyes as he flipped through an art book, seemingly lost in his thoughts. His passion for art fascinated her, yet the barrier of uncertainty prevented her from initiating a conversation.

Hours passed, and their interaction remained limited to occasional glances and polite smiles. As the day wore on, they independently explored their luxurious new home, Alex spending time in his new art studio, and Lily setting up her work area in the room with the walk-in closet.

Lunchtime arrived, and an unspoken agreement led them to the elegant dining area, where a sumptuous meal had been prepared by the apartment's staff. The dining table was beautifully set, but the silence between them grew more pronounced with each passing moment.

Alex cleared his throat, trying to break the tension. "So, um, what do you think of the apartment?"

Lily glanced around, appreciating the opulence of their surroundings. "It's breathtaking, no doubt. I never imagined living in a place like this."

Alex nodded, relieved that she had responded. "Yeah, it's... quite something."

Their attempts at conversation remained stilted throughout the meal, with both of them struggling to find common ground.

After lunch, they retreated to their respective spaces once more. Alex returned to his art studio, where he began working on a new canvas. He poured his emotions into each stroke of paint, finding solace in the familiar embrace of his art.

Lily, on the other hand, delved into her journalistic work. She had a series of articles to research and write, and her dedication to her craft pushed her to focus on her tasks. She couldn't deny the allure of the walk-in closet, which she had transformed into a functional workspace with her laptop, notes, and reference materials.

As the afternoon sun bathed the apartment in a warm glow, Alex and Lily remained engrossed in their individual activities, the uncomfortable tension lingering like an unwelcome visitor.

Eventually, evening approached, and the fading light of day filtered through the elegant curtains of the living room. The scent of a delicious dinner wafted in from the dining area, reminding them of their shared mealtime.

Alex took a deep breath, determined to address the tension between them. He approached Lily in the walk-in closet, where she was engrossed in her work.

"Hey, Lily," he began, his voice gentle.

She looked up from her laptop, her green eyes meeting his with a hint of surprise. "Yes, Alex?"

"I... I know this situation is... unusual," he admitted, his gaze searching for understanding in her eyes.

Lily nodded, her expression softening. "Yes, it definitely is."

He continued, "And I want to make the best of it. We're going to be sharing this space for the next two years, and I'd like us to at least be comfortable around each other."

Lily appreciated his honesty and nodded in agreement. "I feel the same way. It's just, well, this whole thing is a bit overwhelming."

Alex smiled, a warm and genuine expression that put her at ease. "I understand. Let's take it one step at a time. Maybe we can start by sharing a meal tonight, like we did at lunch."

Lily smiled back, a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "That sounds like a good idea."

With their agreement in place, they made their way to the dining area. The table was once again impeccably set, and this time, the atmosphere was different. There was a sense of openness and understanding between them, a willingness to move past the awkwardness of the day.

Alex, sipping his wine, began to open up about his artistic journey. "You know, Lily, I've been painting for as long as I can remember. My mom used to work two jobs just to make ends meet, and I'd spend hours with my sketchbook to keep myself occupied. Art became my escape from the financial struggles we faced."

Lily leaned in, genuinely interested. "That sounds like quite a journey. Tell me more."

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