
Chapter 32

'Isaac! I love you remember that.' I say to him.

'What's going on?' He asks worry laced his voice.

'They have us. Bentley, Holden, and I.'

'Where are you?'

'They just got out of the territory.' I get out right before everything goes black.

I open my eyes in a cage, and with chains around my legs. I look to my right and see Bentley in another cage, and on my left Holden is sitting in a cage. He looks at me and his eyes go wide. "What's wrong?" I ask worried.

He inhales and gives me a small smile. "You're pregnant." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him. "I'm not lying. You smell different, and I figured out why. It's because you're pregnant." He says.


"Yes mommy, I'm going to have a younger sibling." Bentley says happily. Just then Sam enters the room. He freezes looking at me.

"Let's go." He says opening my cage, and taking the chains off my legs. He picks me put and carries me out.