
Desperation Chat Group

Ever since the catastrophic event that occurred in the year 2030, humanity was forced into an age of desperate evolution. To fight for their own survival, humanity developed a futuristic society run by an organisation of combatants tasked with ensuring the survival of the human race. Kasuga Kaito, a young man who is about to become a new recruit to become one of humanity's defenders, finds himself invited to an anomalous and mysterious chat group full of mysteries more miraculous than anything he's ever seen. However, he will soon come to know that this chat group is a blessing in disguise! . . . Main: Custom World

ZeroCocytus · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Dimensional Chat Group

Once Kaito made it down to the arena he was assigned to, he looked around to see that there was a male examiner standing on the other side with a holographic clipboard of sorts. From the looks of it, the person was tapping away on the screen.

"Kasuga Kaito, correct?"

"That's right."

"Good, your examination will begin shortly. First, I'll have to explain a few simple things." The examiner spoke simply before tapping something on the clipboard. Kaito watched as the ground opened up before multiple humanoid robots rose up from beneath. "I'm sure you recognise these if you utilised the public training facilities, do you know how they work?"

"Only the basics."

To put things simply, these were the robots that the country provided its citizens in a multitude of training facilities scattered around the country, the purpose being for the citizens to practice and get stronger by fighting them.

"We'll be starting from the weakest robots and making our way up from there, and you'll have a total of five minutes to defeat the robots from each phase. If you run out of time or are unable to continue, your entry into the academy will depend on how far you get. Are you ready?"

"Of course."

"Very well, then we'll begin... now!"

Kaito quickly got into position, narrowing his eyes as the robots suddenly came to life, their opticals flashing into an icy blue as their heads rose up. Kaito wasn't at all concerned though, he had been training with these robots for a while now, and dealing with the lower levelled robots were no problem for him.


In the next second, the robots weren't even able to respond as they were soon sent flying into the opposite while with a loud crash. Silence was all that sounded in the arena as both Kaito and the examiner stared silently at the destroyed robots with widened eyes.

"That's... very impressive. Those were the weakest ones though, can you keep it up?" The examiner gave Kaito a small smile after having recovered from the minor shock. 'Destroying these robots aren't difficult, but doing so that easily? This kid has some good potential...'

Just like the examiner, Kaito himself was surprised by what had transpired. He clenched his fist a few times before a small smirk made its way to his face, it would seem that the pills he had been given by this strange chat group were legitimate.

Don't get him wrong, he himself had no trouble destroying robots as weak as the ones he had just destroyed, but not to such a great extent. Prior to taking the pills, it'd probably take him around two to three punches to destroy them, but he had just sent it both flying and shattered it to pieces.

No doubt, his strength had doubled in comparison to before, if not more than that due to the second pill he had taken.


"Principal Azami, here's the next list of applicants that have passed today's examination."

"Yeah... just place them on the table."

In one of the private booths that were overlooking the entire examination, a man who looked to be in his mid-fifties was seen staring down from the transparent wall. He had black short hair that was combed to the right, and his attire consisted simply of a fancy black suit.

The person that had just entered the room looked to be a young man in her late twenties or early thirties, with fair skin and long red hair tied into a curled side ponytail. Just like the man, she was wearing a black suit, but one that had a dress skirt instead of long pants.

"Principal Azami, is something the matter?"

"What information do we have on that boy in Arena 2, Miss Yuzuka?" The principal didn't directly answer the question, instead deciding to ask his own as he held his chin in thought. The female blinked in confusion before walking over. "He seems to be doing very well, though I do not recognise him."

"Arena 2? Let's see..." Miss Yuzuka took a quick look down towards the arena in question, to which she widened her eyes to see a young male effortlessly smashing apart a multitude of robots. "I don't see anything on him, I think this is his first time taking the exam. His name is Kasuga Kaito from what the information says, a recent D-Class. Impressive for someone his age."


The principal narrowed his eyes as he watched the young man grab one of the robots by the head before smashing it into the ground, causing both the robot's head to shatter as well as cause a sizeable crack to appear on the ground.

"This one seems to possess quite the incredible physical capability, definitely not one befitting that of an early D-Class. If anything, pure physical strength like that should belong to someone who should be near entering the C-Class. Are we certain of his rank?"

"According to the latest recorded information, that should be the case."

"How long ago?"

"Two weeks."

"Only two weeks..!" Principal Azami widened his eyes at the information before immediately turning his attention back down towards the arena. "Looks like he's about to start the final phase, this should put him to the test. Very few have ever managed to complete the phase, you'd at least have to be a high D-Class to do so. in fact, I believe only one other in this academy has managed such a feat. Before I forget, what's his ability?"

"From what it says here... electrokinesis."

"...I suppose he will pass this phase after all."


Kaito was starting to feel pretty tired after fighting through these waves of robots, he kinda regretted not buying those potions. Then again, it wasn't like the examiner was going to let him bring any items to help him through the examination.

Anyway, he had managed to reach the final phase of the exam, and it would surely prove to be the most challenging. If he was honest, that previous phase was probably the limit of what he was comfortable with trying to fight with his current newfound strength.

"Rest time is over, prepare for the next phase!"

"R-Right!" Kaito gave a strong nod before taking a deep breath, wiping his forehead with his arm before narrowing his eyes. Kaito then watched as the ground opened up once again, this time only one single robot rising up from the ground. 'Definitely looks like a final boss...'

Unlike the previous phases, the final phase didn't consist of a mob of robots, only a single one. Unlike the others though, this robot was easily over three times the size and had a bulkier and more powerful frame in comparison. On top of that, it had two machine guns as hands.

"Begin... now!"

Kaito didn't wait for the machine to fully start as he charged forwards, he wasn't going to take any risks, he was going to take advantage of anything he could in this phase. However, he wasn't exactly concerned, he had a trump card to use after all.

"Damn, this thing's tough...!" Kaito grimaced when he tried to punch the robot straight in the stomach. His attack barely created a dent into its strong frame, and his hand was definitely feeling some of the recoil. "Guess it's time to bust out my trump card, I'm seriously running low on energy..!"

Kaito jumped back before quickly hopping into step as he began circling around the robot with impressive speed, all the while avoiding the shower of energy bullets that were being fired at him from the robot's machine gun arms.

He continued running around the robot before kicking himself forwards into a slide, which worked wonders as he slid under the rain of bullets once the robot managed to turn towards him. Kaito slid under the robot's legs before skidding to a stop, he then jumped up onto the robot's back.

'Here we go..!'

Kaito's eyes flashed a brilliant blue before sparks seemed to come flying off his eyes, he then placed both hands onto the robot's back before electricity began coating his hands. With a loud cry, both he and the robot were surrounded by a dense barrier of blue electricity.

This continued on for a few seconds before stopping abruptly, to which Kaito quickly kicked off of the robot and landed back onto the ground a few meters behind it. The force behind his kicks sent the robot stumbling forwards before crashing onto the ground.

Kaito definitely could have utilised his ability to manipulate electricity against those robots prior to this one, but he had one to test the limits of his new physical powers. For this final phase, he definitely didn't have a choice since he was running out of energy.

Speaking of energy, that last attack pretty much drained the rest of what he had as he now fell onto his bottom while panting heavily.

"Y-You pass...!" The examiner snapped out of their stunned state before declaring this. "Very well done, young man! You are more than qualified to enter into Freedom Academy, we'll be looking forward to your first day in the next week!"

Kaito merely gave a thumbs up before dropping to his back.


After the examination was complete, Kaito immediately made his way home after being given all the necessary pieces of information he'd be needing once he started school the next week. The first thing he did was take a shower before getting something to eat.

It wasn't anything grand, he just cooked up a few eggs along with a simple steak, as well as a few vegetables on the side. Since his parents were currently out of the house for work, he was all alone and had no choice but to make his own food. Not like he minded, it was called being independent.

"Hm? Oh, forgot about this thing..." Kaito suddenly voiced before swallowing the food that was in his mouth. With a swipe of his hand, he opened up the chat room screen. "It seems like the others have already introduced themselves."

True to his words, when Kaito opened up the chat room he saw a multitude of messages that were sent by the various chat group members. From what he could tell, the one that didn't really seem to be messaging all that much was the one called 'Shikigami Sorcerer'.

『Fujou's Punchline King: I still can't believe that we're from different dimensions, it's ridiculous!』

『Isekai Bear: Well, believe it. Cause it's facts』

『Fujou's Punchline King: Like hell it is!』

『Isekai Bear: Are you just going to deny the fact there's a floating screen is in front of you then? ( ̄ε ̄)』

『Fujou's Punchline King: ...』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: Are you two still quarrelling over this matter?』

『Fujou's Punchline King: You bet we are!』

『Isekai Bear: Oh, you're on, cat girl』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: I still do not agree with this degrading name...』

『Fujou's Punchline King: How do you guys all just accept the fact that we're from different dimensions so easily?!』

『Isekai Bear: Read my name, I've literally been isekaied』

『Fujou's Punchline King: I'm supposed to believe that?』

『Isekai Bear: Yeah』

『Fujou's Punchline King: Like hell!』

Kaito just watched the messages surf on by as he continued eating his dinner, he was kind of amused by the flow of the conversation. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the members when he first saw their names, but they definitely proved to be quite amusing.

『Isekai Bear: Wait, it says that other guy's online! Hey, we know you're there, say something! @Humanity's Last Cry @Humanity's Last Cry @Humanity's Last Cry』

『Humanity's Last Cry: Yeah, I hear ya』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: Finally decided to join us, have you? Introduce yourself』

『Humanity's Last Cry: Kasuga Kaito』

『Fujou's Punchline King: ...That's it?』

『Isekai Bear: Wow, that was literally as dull as Fushiguro's introduction』

『Humanity's Last Cry: I only said what was necessary』

『Isekai Bear: Fair enough』

『Humanity's Last Cry: I assume this Fushiguro person is the fifth individual?』

『Isekai Bear: Yep, no idea where he is right now is though』

『Isekai Bear: Oh yeah, my name's Yuna』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: Keqing. Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing』

『Fujou's Punchline King: Kenji Kazama, nice to meet you or whatever』

The conversation continued with pretty much the same flow for the next few minutes, and in that time Kaito had learnt a few things about these people. Yuna was apparently some isekai protagonist based on what she had informed them, Kazama was just a high school kid, and Keqing was the Yuheng of a nation, whatever that meant.

He had also come to learn that the worlds they lived in were truly different from his own, Kenji's world seemed to pretty much be his own if the Blood Harvest never happened. Yuna's was an interesting situation, the world she was in was like those written in fantasy novels. The same could be said for the world Keqing came from.

Of course, they didn't say anything too specific, just the basic information about their worlds.

『Fujou's Punchline King: Wait, is your world like some kind of apocalypse?!』

『Humanity's Last Cry: I guess you could say that...』

『Humanity's Last Cry: Let's just say that my world went through something that caused it to lose over half of its population at the time』

『Isekai Bear: Wow, that's unsettling...』

『Fujou's Punchline King: No shit!』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: I'm interested, what did humanity do after?』

『Humanity's Last Cry: Well, we had to evolve. Simple as that. We had to evolve in order to fight back for our own survival, we really didn't have much of a choice』

『Humanity's Last Cry: Aside from my world's situation, did any of you check out the Points Store yet?』

『Yuheng Cat Girl: I did, the stamina potion should prove quite useful while I'm working』

『Isekai Bear: Again with the work, Keqing? Are you like obsessed?』

『Isekai Bear: Anyway, I did as well not too long ago. I bought one of those pills』

『Humanity's Last Cry: I can definitely say those pills work their wonders, though I'd recommend holding off until you've trained your body as much as possible. That way you can get the most benefits from eating the pill』

『Fujou's Punchline King: Huh? But, I already ate it!』

『Isekai Bear: RIP』


While Kaito was busy talking with the chat group members, Principal Azami could currently be seen sitting at his desk in his personal office within the academy's main building. From what could be seen, he was staring down with a critical look in his eyes.

More specifically, down at a piece of paper.

"Kasuga Kaito, it would seem that we've gotten ourselves another promising student." Principal Azami formed a small smile before picking up a pen and writing something at the bottom of the sheet of paper. "I'm looking forward to seeing just what he will be able to bring to the table."

Once he finished writing, a simple sentence was seen at the bottom.

'To be promoted to early C-Class'