
Chapter 36 She fainted

Lily Hart ate her supper and came home belching.

She thought that she would be able to fall asleep after being busy so late.

As a result, the sheep counted to one thousand and one, and her mind remained clear.

Lily Hart opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, very depressed.

I always feel depressed in my heart, but I can't find a specific reason.

Ivan Kramer is also in the same mood with her.

The two looked at the moonlight outside the window, sleepless until dawn.

Lily Hart suffered from hypoglycemia when she went to the museum to find materials in the morning because of staying up all night.

Terasa Myers happened to be in charge of the activities of this museum. Seeing that the person was wobbling and unsteady, she offered to help her to sit next to her, and handed her a piece of chocolate, "Take a break."

"Thank you." Lily Hart rubbed her temples in thanks.