
Chapter nine

Femi rolled off her in exasperation. He no longer enjoyed having sex with his wife. He had to think of Ifeoma Before can reach climax. He just had to do it to keep up appearances while he schemed his next move.

Jasmine moved to hold him but he was so disgusted that he flinched. He regretted it immediately. He wasn't supposed to let his emotions control him.

"I'm sorry love, I need to go shower, I'll be back to cuddle you" He kissed her on the cheek and stood from the bed. He hoped she hadn't noticed.

"It's okay, I'll join you" She called after him.

Damn! Why can't she just let him be? She has been so clingy since he started giving her attention. He hated it.

The fact that Ifeoma was playing hard to get was driving him crazy. When she rejected his gifts, he was paine,he had no choice than to stop sending them. He didn't want to look so desperate but from the look of things, it seems she doesn't care about him. He was going crazy, no woman has ever given him such a hard time. He must get her. He'll have to look for another way to lure her.

He heard his wife step into the shower behind him and an idea came to him. Why hadn't he thought of it before? He turned and smiled sweetly

"Babe, I know your birthday is next weekend and you already have your plans to have an all girls dinner party somewhere but I really want you to celebrate it here at home. I want to invite my friends and colleagues, I want to celebrate my wife and show her off to the world"

"Wow! That's so thoughtful of you but can't we do that next year?   I wanted something really quiet and lowkey this year"

"I understand, it's just that after the way I've acted all these years, I thought to make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me but if you want it your way, then so be it"  He sounded so sincere that he wasn't surprised when she yeilded

"It's okay love, I'm grateful that you've been so thoughtful of me lately. Anything you want babe, it doesn't really matter how we celebrate it" He hugged her tightly and proceeded to wash her himself, scrubbing and massaging her till she begged him to be inside her. He closed his eyes and imagined she was Ifeoma and they were done, he dried her with a towel and carried her to bed.

Jasmine couldn't believe her world, she had everything she ever wanted. The love of her billionaire husband, the good things of life and her beautiful children. When he laid her on their king sized bed, she pulled him close and kissed him passionately.

"Thanks for being such a great husband. I love you" She said not wanting the moment to ever end

"And I love you more" When he said it this time, she had no iota of doubt. He loves her, he fucking loves her!

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"But you said you wanted this year's birthday party an all girl's dinner. What changed?" I wasn't happy about thw news, I wanted to avoid Femi's house for the time being.

"My husband said he wants to celebrate me this year to make up for all the time he wasn't available. He wants to invite his friends and some important dignitaries will also be in attendance. I couldn't say no"

"But, we have already planned..."

"Well change of plans sweetheart, you'll have to help me on this one. I'll leave you to focus on your work. Talk to you later bye." She hung up the call before I could say a word.

That bastard! This was all his idea. But I won't fall into his trap the third time.

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I arrived at the party fashionably late in a silver  velvet short gown that glittered in the dark, my straight legs was to die for and I always show them off especially at parties like this. late.

Jasmine was right about the presence of dignitaries. I spotted the deputy governor, the Senate president son and other popular billionaires. The party was held in their garden which was converted to a fairy tale land by Jasmine's impeccable decorator.

I spotted Jasmine and her husband at the couple's seat in the front. Immediately I saw him my heart skipped. Our eyes locked and I quickly averted my gaze to my friend who had already stood to hug me.

"I thought you wouldn't come. I had already disowned you. Why did you come late?"

"I'm so sorry dear. Work has been hectic. I left the office so late but I wouldn't miss my girl's day for anything. Here's what what I got you"  I handed her a gift bag containing a channels bag

"Wow! You're the best friend in the whole world. I can't love you less" She hugged me and my eyes met with femi's. I hate that he has this effect on me. I needed to leave his presence immediately.

"Happy birthday girl, I'll be right back let me go grab a drink" I walked away and nearly bumped into a waiter holding drinks. I collected a glass and glupped down it's contents. I sat at the nearest table as my feet became weak. What the hell is wrong with me? I should have gotten over him by now?

I looked at him, he looked even more handsome in a white senator up and down with his fila. He was the epitome of a yoruba demon. He stood from his seat and signalled for the DJ to stop the music. He was about about to make a toast to his wife. And just before he started, we made brief eye contact.

"Good evening distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I'm so honored to have you here tonight" He had this rich baritone voice that made you want to eat him up. The sound of his voice in the microphone made shiver.

"For a long time before I met this beautiful Angel, I've had this void in my heart, that no one could fill till I met her. The moment I met her, I knew I had found my soulmate" He made eye contact with me for a second before turning to look at his wife. My heart started to pound. What was he doing? He was talking to me, about me and not her.

"Though she might not know it yet but she has brought such completeness in my life and I hope she realizes how much I adore and love her. I'll never love and want another woman apart from her. I thank the universe for bringing her to me. Happy birthday my love, I love you so much" He met my eyes before kissing her.

Everyone cheered and clapped but they were all blurry. All I could see was Femi kissing Jasmine with such passion that my blood became hot. I knew he kissing me in his head and not her but I couldn't stand the fact that he was kissing his wife.

The DJ began playing music and they began to dance while people sprayed them money. I left as quietly as possible to the main building. I went to the into guests toilet and shut the door.

Maybe Rita was right after all, maybe he belonged to me and we were meant to be together. Because why in the hell does he have this effect on me? Maybe this was how we were meant to meet. I stared at the mirror and dabbed the tears of frustration that were threatening to pour. I was just fooling myself, there's no way I can have him. He belongs to my best friend. My fucking best friend! The earlier I snap out this weird fantasy, the better for me.

The door opened and  to both

my horror and relief he was standing right in front of me. Without a word, he shut the door and pushed me to the wall, kissing me with such fervor mixed with furry, he grabbed my ass , squeezed my breasts and  touched me everywhere except for the one place that ached the most. I was dripping with want. It was as if he knew exactly what I wanted, his hand went in between my legs, he caressed his way up only withdraw.

Disappointment was an. understatement of how I felt at the moment. I was livid and wanted to strangle him.

"I know you want this as much as I do but we can't do this here, it's risky. Meet me tomorrow at that address by 4pm. I cannot wait to make love to you. I'll go crazy if I don't have you". He kissed me on the lips and left.

It was then I snapped back to reality. I realized how rashly I acted. I did not for once think of the implications of my actions. For goodness sake, his wife was close by and anyone could have walked in on us. I had completely lost my senses the moment I saw him. I forgot about the promise I made to myself not to fall for him again and here I was making out with him for the third time.

"I rushed out of the toilet to find Jasmine. I found her talking with some guests.  The moment I saw her, I could barely look into her eyes.

"Babe, I  have to go, something just came up, my sister just called me,I need to go see her immediately. I'm sorry but I have to go" I tried to sound as alarmed as possible.

"What happened, is everything ok?"

She looked genuinely worried and at that instant, I knew I didn't deserve a friend as sweet as Jasmine.

"I don't know, she didn't tell me anything, she just said it's urgent and she wants to see me. But from all indications, I don't think it's good"

"It's okay dear, you can go, please call me as soon as you get to her"

"Thanks for understanding babe, I promise to make it up to you" I hugged her briefly and hurried out before she could perceive the stench of guilt and betrayal oozing from me.