
Desire of the End

The end wishes for more, and so of course his opposite will deliver. Chat Group Fic Heavy Smut Harem

Negation · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Camp 2

'My… God.' Aika practically creamed herself from the sight in front of her. Actually… scratch that, she DID cream herself at the sight. She wondered how much she'd have to pay to the top doujin artist to even attempt to recreate this masterpiece.

Fate, in all her big tittied glory, was floating in the air. She would've thought it was some lewd magic trick if not for the fact that a rather ordinary teen gripped both sides of her waist and held her in that position. Either his arms were taking most of the burden or his dick was, either option seeming impossible yet incredibly hot to the young bespectacled teen.

She couldn't see the ripples of Fate's ass from her viewpoint just outside the slightly ajar bedroom door, but she could see the result of his thrust.

Every time his hips slammed into her soft and red ass, she looked like she'd take off, only stopped by the strong hands gripping her.

Her feet dangled about a foot above the floor and the lewd and copious amounts of his seed and her fluids drenched the carpet beneath her.

Aika was stuck in a trance, her focus honing in on the small glimpse of the girl's folds as well as the bits of what gave him the moniker the teen had. If that bitch wasn't broken by the end of this fuckathon, she didn't know what she would do.

She definitely knew what she was doing now though. Who cared that what she was doing was straight out of the daily life of the perverted Trio?

The pink pod-shaped controller became heavier in her hand as she acknowledged its existence. A soft hum was drowned out by the incomprehensible ramblings of a fucked silly Fate.

Aika rubbed her legs together and with a lewd smirk peered back into the room.

"Oh! Harder~ Show this pussy who it belongs to~!" 'She's vocal too, and submissive… hell yeah.'

"Ready for my load slut?" Yogiri in a fashion that made Aika simultaneously roll her eyes at the cliche and clench her nethers out of lust.

"Cream me~ Ooooo!" Fate's purring turned into stupified nonsense as her mouth formed an O shape and her eyes rolled up.

The final nail in the coffin of Aika's restraint was when her tongue lolled out and she took heavy breaths. Aika thanked any God out there that she had chosen to not put her panties back on when she left the mall. It made it all the easier to slip her hand into her folds.

Incredibly large tits swayed hypnoticly in every direction as he refused to stop pounding any remaining consciousness out of her. Those cherry red nipples if they touched anything would slice it clean in two. That hairstyle she had been rocking before, the same one Aika thought to ask about, was gone. Instead, strands of her long purple hair fell all over her face with a healthy mix of cum mixed in with them.

Aika felt it was incorrect to say they were fucking each other. No, it was more like Yogiri was fucking her, and she was just taking it.

She fell to the floor, listening to the heavy moans and simultaneously fingering her tight cunt madly.

"Again!~ I'm gonna die!" Fate screamed a low throaty moan and Aika could practically hear when her fluids came shooting out.

The next thing she heard was a plop and looking back through the crack, she saw as Yogiri unceremoniously dropped her onto the floor. Cum oozed more from her gaping hole than his dick.

Speaking of his dick, Aika finally got a good look at the thing when it wasn't sheathed inside Fate's womb. Her nose may or may not have started to bleed.

"Don't pass out yet. Clean me up!" He ordered and with half-lidded eyes, the girl did exactly that. She sucked like a true pro and the slurping sounds did something to Aika, enough that her legs spasmed, and with a barely controlled grunt her walls tightened around the thing lodged inside.

Aika stayed around just long enough to see him take two fistfuls of her hair and while remaking her twin tails, hammer his cock into the back of her throat as Fate uncontrollably choked on it.

After that, the short stack fell straight on her face, before Yogiri picked her up like a cum rag and threw her on the bed.

After that, Aika fled the scene and as to not raise suspicion took a room on the complete other side of the mansion. As it turned out, just about every other girl had done the same.

Early the next morning, Fate was back at it. With her body cleansed of the sticky substance that coated her yesterday, she wrapped her planet-sized fleshy and incredibly bouncy tits around his shaft.


She sucked and surpled and wiggled her tongue around his head. Eventually, the sleeping boy getting blown stirred under the force of her suction.

"Gush morn-." Fate tried her best to speak through her slurps as she turned her pretty pupils up at him.

"Morning." Yogiri, enjoying his wake up patted her head and slumped further into his pillow. The sight of her ass swaying in the air like a needy dog as she greedily blows him, causes a firmer reaction and his cock pulsated.

"Give it all to Mama!" Fate yelled out with a strange clearness considering his cock looked to take up all available space. A second later, Fate was gripping his thighs intensely and forcing her jaw as open and as much of his dick inside as possible.

"Delicious~." She unlodged the makeshift gag and pulled the heavy rod out. "As expected though, my inferior body could never hope to quell this beast." She stroked the shaft still coated in a thick layer of her spit and saliva.

"How very strange for a Goddess to say."

"I've learned it's the quickest way into your pants." Fate with utmost honesty replied simply.

"Of course you did." Yogiri thought of his sister and with a smirk grabbed Fate's frail arms.

With a single pull, her lightweight body came crashing down on him. She landed miraculously on top of him with her breast pressed into his chest and his cock firmly planted between her round behind.

"Round two?" She asked with a happy giggle. She kicked her feet in glee from the thought and phantom pleasure from the day prior made itself known.

"You'd be better suited as a hug pillow right now." Yogiri denied and wrapped his arms around her lower waist.

"No fair!" She pouted in genuine dissatisfaction. "You can't just give a girl hope like that."

"Later." He responded simply and ran his hands along her smooth back.

"Ugh, come on. Just a tiny bit." She spoke like an addict. "Plus, I have duties y'know, I can't just laze around in bed all day."


A firm spank to her ass followed and the girl moaned out in pleasure. "Yes, Daddy~." She didn't say anything after that and instead stuck her face in his neck.

Like a true human, the two submitted to sloth and fell asleep.

Luna awoke the next day more refreshed than she had felt in a VERY long time. From the fabric of the sheets to whatever was stuffed inside the pillow, her body was without a single kink.

Admittedly, she had been still on guard, just in case this who debacle was a trap and they were waiting for her to sleep. Well, she left herself completely defenseless, having fallen asleep damn near seconds after touching the bed, and they hadn't done anything to her.

So what did this mean?

As ridiculous and illogical as it seemed, she was plucked from her world and brought here for little else but to go on adventures in other worlds.

The fact that her first worry was being hunted down by the Guild said a lot. It was hard, scratch that damn near impossible to escape the guild. They'd make sure the only out for you was through death.

To her knowledge though, no one knew a thing about other worlds despite speculation, and they surely couldn't travel to them. 'Hopefully…'

She thought as she shivered against the slight breeze. It didn't help that she was completely naked, something she had learned was customary for bathing in a hot spring.

"Ahhhh~, that's the stuff." All tension and worry left her as soon as her body was submerged in the hot water. Indeed it was barely past sunrise, and indeed she had spent more than a few hours yesterday soaking here until she looked like a prune, but that wasn't nearly enough for her.

"Ha." And just like that, she was in heaven once again. Gone were her worries, gone was her speculation. They all washed and in its place the warmth of the mineral-infused water.

She had wanted to see if Olivia would come but the girl turned out to be a deep sleeper. Of the rest, she was the reserved around. They came from similar origins, and had a lot to talk about.

After her, Momo seemed the most normal, or rather she was the most normal of everyone else. Olivia seemed to have a thing for walking around naked.

The Pinkett had a royal air about her, which made sense because she specified she was in fact a princess. Outside of that, she was just a bubbly girl who had a lot of questions.

Then there was Aika. Well, she undoubtedly had a foul mouth, but she was…kind? It probably was a biased analysis, considering the girl had complimented her legs.

She called her a 'muscle mommy' and told her they were badass. Luna tried to hide it but the compliment did massive things to her ego. There was a reason her clothes were on the minimalist side, especially her shorts. It felt good to be admired for what she worked so hard to sculpt.

Now if only her breast could inflate to the level of Kuroka's. Aika wasn't wrong when she called them melons under her breath, they were huge. It matched though with the rest of the girl's demeanor. She reminded Luna of what an older sister would be. Maybe not as mysterious though, she rarely talked and instead seemed to be in constantly lost in thought.

And then finally, there was the Admin. Without a doubt, he was perverted. He left little to the imagination when he left early to go back to the mansion. She had also heard what was going on when they got back a few hours later. She had never had sex, but for a woman to moan out like that and beg for more in that manner, it had to feel good.

Yogiri had woken up a few hours later. Fate was still in his arms though his hands were holding her from a completely different place. Whether it was his doing or hers, one of her pink hardened nubs was in his mouth and he was sucking like a VERY thirsty newborn.

Meanwhile, Fate was covering her mouth with one hand while the other viciously dug in and out of her cunt.

Yogiri left along with the other girls after they raided the fridge. Before he went though, he made sure Fate was left on all fours with her ass pointed out, and her abused twat gushing his cum.

"Balls!" A brown-haired bespectacled teen clenched her fist as a large and heavy ball completely went off track from where she directed it, and straight into the dented trail of a gutter.

"It's alright to turn on the bumpers y'know." Yogiri mocked as he stepped up to take his turn.

When the pins were placed back down and his name flashed on the console above, he took the green ball he had been using since the start. He aligned his fingers in the holes, and with a swing of his arm, sent the bowling ball spiraling down the long wooden path… Is what he meant to do. Instead, his ball contrary to his swing took an exponential turn at an acute angle and straight onto the track next to theirs.

A baffled Olivia gave him a deadpanned stare as her ball undoubtedly would've resulted in a strike was taken completely off course.

Yogiri could only greet her gaze with a flat apologetic expression.

"It's alright to turn on bumpers y'know." Aika, who had been standing behind him with his arms crossed mimicked with a smirk.

"Whatever, let's try out the arcade this is rigged."

Yogiri shrugged and then his attention was drawn to a certain pink-haired girl as she knocked over every single pin with ease. They had a tournament going on, and for obvious reasons, Aika and Yogiri were dead last.

"Now we're talking, prepare to hold a handful of L's, and I'm not talking about Fate's mommy milkers." She boasted and puffed out her chest.

"That's actually pretty close." Yogiri thought back to earlier, those things were huge.

"Seriously?" Her jaw went slack and she blinked away her surprise.

"Seriously. Could you not tell from your angle behind the door?" Her eyes went wide and her jaw returned to nearly touching the floor. Her glasses slightly slid off her face and for a few seconds, she looked at him with a stupified expression.

A blush overtook her and she withdrew her eyes, catching the lack of care present on his face before she fully was facing away.

"It wasn't the best peep spot…" She spoke quieter than expected, intent on not showing her complete embarrassment.

The two walked towards the arcade and Aika the entire time seemed to find the ground very interesting.

"Sorry…" She said finally, again very lowly, but enough that he could hear her.

The last thing she expected though was a slight snicker. "Sorry for what, why the hell would I ever be upset that my skill left a girl entranced."

She stopped walking for a second, her flushed face staring into his for a second. "Entranced is a strong word…"

"Probably should've turned on a light before you started trying to mop up your fluids, I nearly slipped when I went to go get a snack." And just like that, her flush came back.

"I'm so going to kick your ass in air hockey." She groaned and sped walk through the countless game machines.

To her credit, she was pretty damn good at air hockey. Her eyes remained locked on the puck even when it blurrily rebounded all over the place.

And just like that, with a final score of 3-7, she kicked his ass hard.

"One L down, I'll let you pick your poison next." She smugly grinned and adjusted her glasses.

After that though, he bent her over his knee and made her groan in defeat, completely metaphorically of course. She stood absolutely no chance in any racing game they played.

"What happened to a handful of L's?" Yogiri cackled and spun the steering wheel in his hands.

"They're coming, in fact, what do you say about making those L's a bit more serious." Not losing her cool, she crossed her arms and with a glint looked into his eyes.

"How?" His eyebrow arched he tried to predict whatever perverted scheme she was planning. Indeed, it was in fact exactly that.

"One piece of clothing goes per loss, until you down to your tighty whiteys."

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

Aika's face upturned at that. "Too much for you huh?" That smile didn't last long, barely even a second.

"Not that, but why stop at underwear, I say we go the full mile."

"You mean like… nips and dicks out." She clarified, a little taken aback by the suggestion.

"The whole shebang." He nodded. "Go big or go home and all that, don't feel pressured though."

"You better prepare for your balls to shrivel." A menacing grin overtook her face. "The air conditioner is on."

The first round was a street fighter game. There were times when Yogiri, in the time when the multiverse was being created, that he'd multitask pounding into Mio while using her plentiful amount of ass to stabilize his hands while he played fighting games. So indeed, he was good.

To her credit, Aika was also very skilled, but could she beat eons of experience? The answer was no.

"I don't know how fair that is…" Yogiri deadpanned as he watched the girl take off a single one of her thigh highs. "It's fine though, the other will follow soon enough."

"Yeah right, you'll be in prancing around in your underwear long before that."

The next game was skee ball, and if it wasn't already clear from the bowling match they just had, they both were terrible at rolling balls.

Aika proved to be a bit less terrible though and got three points to Yogiri's one.

A single shoe came off.

The third round was a game of basketball.

The winner, Yogiri.

Aika removed her other thigh high.

The fourth round they decided was double trouble, and the game they chose was one completely based off chance.

"I'll have you know my luck with machines like these is exceptional." Aika boasted as she gripped the large wheel with a multitude of different numbers ranging from ten to 1,000.

The game was clear, whoever got a higher score won.

"We'll test that." Yogiri narrowed his eyes and waited in anticipation as she spun the wheel.

Comically, the red triangular-shaped indicator stopped completely just after 1000 and left her with a measly 40.

"Double.." Yogiri reminded a crestfallen Aika as he spun the wheel. He nearly punched the damn thing when it was about to land on ten, but thankfully it rolled over to 300 before it stopped.

Her next pick was obvious and seconds later she was standing without shoes.

"Not feeling so confident now, huh?"

She didn't reply.

The fifth match was cup pong, and for whatever reason, none of Yogiri's balls wanted to stay in the cup.

"Get to stripping," Aika smirked in much-needed relief.

Yogiri dropped his other shoe.

The sixth through the eighth match was the same game. A ring toss.

The first round went to Yogiri, and the second and third went to Aika.

So now they both stood barefoot. Those rounds had effectively put them on the same level as Aika got rid of her corset.

Things were starting to get serious, and with just a two more losses, one of them would be down to their underwear.

The next round was Flappy Bird.

"Haha! How sad is that!" Aika cackled out loud as before he could even get through the first pipe, he hit the bird on the top.

"Just go." With his head in his hands, he looked away and waited for his ultimate loss. Unfortunately, she didn't mess up, and he was down a shirt.

Aika swore she'd never play Space Invader ever again, not after that shit show he just put on.

It was so bad she didn't even let Yogiri go and instead stripped off her skirt. Her button-down was long enough that it hid her panties. She didn't realize she still had a ribbon strapped around her neck.

Capitalizing on her pantless state, the next game, billiards, was decided by Yogiri.

Contrary to his plan, even as he openly ogled her from behind, she did nothing to hide her pink-laced panties from his line of sight every time she had had to bend down.

Yogiri lost that one.

"Someone's down to one article." Aika teased as she sat on the pool table and pointed the pool stick at his underwear-clad crotch.

Her shirt when she sat rode up and revealed her legs and ass. She wasn't as busty as the other girls, but she had a natural sexiness to her that turned him on.

Unfortunately, he couldn't really hide his arousal and his dick poked through his underwear.

Aika was at a loss for words as she tried to hide the fact that she was glaring at it.

"Rematch, and considering that you just had more clothes on, I'd say we're about even."

"That so? Fine then, another double trouble, though for you I guess it's just one." Aika managed to spit out.

"This again I'm guessing?" She pointed to the cleared pool table and after getting a nod from the boy she went to rack the balls.

Long story short, Aika lost. She smartly took off her bra and panties first. Her shirt was doing a good job at covering up both parts as long as she stood up that was.

"Last game…" Aika sighed out, her breath was heavy and her heart was beating a bit rapidly. Her nipples were hard and clearly outlined by her shirt.

"Scared?" Yogiri teased, uncaring of the fact that he was only in his boxers.

"You wish…" Her words, quiet and unsure, reflected her confidence.

The last game was Guitar Hero. A game Yogiri had been dreading since the start. He missed more than a few notes and nearly broke the damn thing in his hand.

So yeah, Aika won.

After a sigh and a shrug, Yogiri placed the guitar back on its stand and turned to the girl. "Guess you win."

"Guess so." She smirked and leaned back against a pillar. She felt on top of the world.

"Want to do the honors." And then she transcended.

"Fuck yeah!" Her discrete glances turned into a blatant stare as she looked at the forearm length of the man's meat restricting against his boxers.

With gleaming eyes, she got down to her knees until she was face level with his crotch. She watched as it twitched in his boxers like it was alive.

Her fingers danced up to the bands and after a gulp, she began pulling them down.

Her brain shook in her head and she was sent from her knees to sitting on her ass. Such was the mighty power of the cock that just uppercut her.

It stood hard, and very very large. She could smell it as it towered over her. It looked so much more intimidating than when she was looking from outside the door.

"You just gonna watch?" Yogiri asked as he consciously made it wiggle.

"Hell no!" She shouted out and with a fervor, she latched both hands around it. She squeezed and it pulsated back.

"So what's my rating?" Yogiri grinned as precum fell from his tip.

"You broke my scouter!"

"This is straight out of some damn hentai," Aika whispered.

"No kidding," Yogiri said, really enjoying the feeling of his cock pressed in between the girl's thighs.

Currently, the two were stuffed in a very stuffed storage closet. As it turned out, the rest of the group had decided to pay a visit to the arcade as well. They both decided they'd rather not get caught with their pants literally down and ran to the first place they could think of.

Thankfully, their clothes were folded and placed in a place that wasn't likely to be seen by the group.

"Man… there really isn't a lot of space in here huh," Aika muttered out as the thing pressed between her thighs poked her and sent sensations down her spine.

"Are you complaining?" Yogiri asked his hands not so subtly trailing up her thighs.

"I can really see how you got your nickname-." Her words ended with a hot expulsion of air. His hands kept going up until they reached the bottom of her shirt.

"I don't remember losing." Aika mocked the protest, though did very little to stop his actions.

The light in the closet turned on as soon as they entered, which meant she was getting a good look at what was happening.

Her back was pressed against Yogiri, and his back was pressed against some boxes. Her ass pressed against his hips and his cock split her thighs like the red sea and continued on until it nearly touched the door.

She was horny, and incredibly wet. Her fluids leaked down onto his large cock and lubricated it.

Before she knew it, all the buttons on her shirt were undone and his hands made its way to what was hidden beneath it.

"Mmm~." She moaned out lightly as soon as his slightly cold fingers pressed against her hard nipples.

"Too bad theirs no space to do anything." He whispered in her ear even as he kneaded her breast in his hands.

"I'd bet you'd just love to ram that python in me and make me your little bitch, wouldn't you?" She responded with a growl.

"You act like you don't want the same thing." He chuckled back and squeezed her just a bit more.

"Well with a cock like this, how could I resist." Even while a large chunk of his shaft was poking through her thighs, there was still enough for her to wrap both hands around it.

Taking another scan around the room, Yogiri's eyes gleamed and his smile stretched wide.

"I think I see a door."

With some effort, the two climbed over the boxes and made it to the other side where a door was.

Outside it was a long hallways that they used to get to the arcade initially. The coast was indeed clear and with a mad dash they ran straight to the exit. Thankfully, it wasn't very cold out.

"I feel like I'm going to end up on some list." Aika expressed as she unconsciously hid her bare crotch.

Her shirt unfortunately got caught on something while she was crawling over the boxes and it was now useless.

"Well, you are a pervert." Yogiri appended, as he himself stood nude, he lacked shame though.

"You're talking?"

"I am, now how about we get to that mall? I'd love to see you with some good lighting right about now." Yogiri brazenly ogled her through the darkness.

"If you weren't such a hunk of man, I'd say you're no worse than those idiots from my world." Aika bit her lip. "Though, even then they don't have nearly as big of balls as you."

Her eyes remained on the still hardyshaft for a while longer before she with a nod made up her mind. "Yeah… let's hurry up and get to that mall.

"Damn, you suck good." Yogiri groaned out as he held the girl's head.

Coincidentally in the same place Aika had masturbated in the previous day, the two stood.

Aika squatted on the ground with her butt barely an inch from touching it as she with one hand stroked and sucked his shaft, and with the other fingered herself.

"I always thought my dildos needed some foreplay too." She released his tip from her mouth and spoke. Even then she continued stroking his long and thick shaft. "Though this is VERY different."

"Let's start with just the tip, okay?" Aika forced out as she gripped the base of his member and stroked it. "I think I might pass out if you go balls deep in all at once… scratch that I definitely can't fit that entire thing inside me at all."

"Don't knock it til you try it," Yogiri said huskily. Pushing her slightly, he bent her over the register of the clothing store they were in. The marble was cold against her skin and she shivered.

Her butt hinged and out he spread her perky cheeks with both hands and then ran both his thumbs from her vaginal opening to her clit.

Her legs shook and twitched and her ass clenched back against his hands. Yogiri felt the translucent fluid on his thumbs as the rest poured down to the ground.

"You sure you not part snail?" He teased and slightly lubricated his shaft with the fluid.

"You sure you're not part horse?" She retorted and wiggled her hips. "It's rude to keep a girl waiting.

"Personally, I like how you squirm in frustration." He lightly tapped his cock head against her folds and earned a light gasp and growl.

"Wouldn't you much rather see how I squirm in ecstasy as you make me your bitch." She looked back with raised eyebrows and unintentionally pushed her hips back.

It said a lot about her arousal that she trusted Yogiri when he said he had a way of dealing with potential pregnancy.

"I think I would," Yogiri smirked and then finally answered her desperation. His thick head with a bit of force began disappearing into her.

"Fuck! You're tight!" Yogiri groaned as pleasure instantly shot into her brain.

"Ready for more?" He asked and looked up to the back of her head.

She didn't respond. Instead, he felt her already tight walls constrict around him even more, and following that a downpour of fluid that coated his cock and fell down to their feet.

After that came a very delayed throaty moan.


"Seriously? With just the tip." Yogiri deadpanned and gripped the girls neck. He pulled her back enough to see her expression. Her lips were in an o shape and her eyes were rolled up.

It took a few minutes before Aika regained herself. "I-I came." She said almost like a question.

"Talk about easy to please." Yogiri laughed.

"Ugh." She groaned and squealed the sudden twitch of his cock head doing things to her very sensitive state.

"You can cum as much as you want, I'm not stopping until you're pumped full of my cum."

"W-wai-eek, AHHHHHHH~"

It didn't take long before the girl lost any strength in her legs. Nonetheless, Yogiri held her like a ragdoll as he pumped about half his cock into her. He didn't think she could take much more than that.

"Yoshiri!" She screamed his name unintelligibly as she came hard around his cock. "CUMMING~!"

"You like that slut?!" He smacked her ass at the same time he pounded into her. Her ass recoiled and jiggled.

"Yeshhh~!" It was all she could do to say that.

He changed his grip and with the crease between his bicep and forearm, he picked her up by her thighs.

His dick stopped pistoning for a second and he whispered in her ear. "I'm about to come, where do you want it?"

She shuddered just from the heat in his breath and leaned back. "Fill me up~ fill me with your godly seed~."

And so he did.

Aika passed out after that. When she next awoke, warmth encompassed her, and she looked down to see she was submerged in water.

Not only that, but she was planted firmly between a certain someone's lap.

"Had a good nap?" Yogiri asked as he extended his arms in a relaxed manner.

"What happened?" Aika groaned.

"What happened was your a quick shot."

"Bullshit." Aika refuted, until her memory returned and her eyes went wide. "How?"

"Don't ask me." Yogiri shrugged.

Aika felt… embarrassed. More than she probably ever had before. Which was honestly quite silly considering the context.

"What I do know is…" He trailed off bringing a hand beneath the water and to her thighs. She of course spasmed, her sensitivity at an all-time high. "I'll be damned if I leave it that way."

"W-what do you mean?" She squealed against his touch.

"I'm gonna train this puny pussy every day until I can actually get a good fuck out of you."

"H-huh?" She said stupidly. "Train me."

"Everyday." He nodded and removed his hand.

"T-that's hot." She breathed out. "Like some hentai… do I get to where a cum belt?"

"You're very kinky." He shook his head in exasperation. Everything was hot to this girl.

(A/N: Powerstones! Please..)