
Prologue 1

On a vast field of green, there stood a huge crowd in a circle. At their centre was a weird symbol. It was huge and was burned into the ground. Two full circles overlapping the one in between them, with a weird eye-like structure in the middle, in which instead of a circle pupil there were two triangles one on top of another joined by their corners, forming an hourglass structure.

As if on command they started breaking into three smaller groups, the colourful women at one side, the pale looking men at the other side, while some human looking men and women started glowing like little blobs of little suns. Sounds of chants started, increasing as time slipped from light into the throes of darkness.

The circles erupted into flames, the flames danced the dance of life and death with the tendrils of darkness. Both trying to claim each other. Then the flames erupted and drove away its lover and consumed all around it, even the screams were devoured. And the flames just vanished, leaving its lover to mourn it all. Left it's lover to be blamed for it all. The darkness wanted to rage and consume the world.

But then it saw what or rather several who's, which were left as the aftermath of the destruction of the betraying flames. A couple dozen, naked as the moon, little babies.

But what exactly were they it mused. They had pointy ears like those insolent and self-serving fairies, but they also had little fangs just visible in their small mouths. And what was that, darkness smelled raw power oozing out of them. And darkness knew that it was just another little domino piece in the destruction of the gods. It was just another mistake, the kind of mistake that Odeus did best. He just put one after the other, a piece of domino leading to his own destruction. The darkness just grinned, little stars peeking out of its grin. So it decided that these little creatures would be called fae and they will always have a place in the home of night. The darkness's domain. It was ready, ready to see the destruction that fae brought to Odeus's doorstep some day. And till then it would lay low and watch its little darklings rise to rule the world.