
Descendants of Maoshan

A scroll of silk found in the belly of an ancient corpse turned out to be a treasure map of the Later Jin Dynasty that the Ming Dynasty ancestor Zhu Di had not been able to glimpse with the power of the Ming court; And China's heirloom ?? The Heshi Bi National Seal is actually in the treasure! Zhang Guozhong, a descendant of Maoshan Road, embarked on a treasure hunt by chance, and a weird and bizarre web of suspense began! Can the royal families of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties use the power of the imperial court to see the true national treasure seal, and can it be seen again after a thousand years of dust? Can mysterious puzzles of the ages be solved? In the face of all kinds of ancient evil spells that cause death, can the omnipotent Maoshan Dao Art show its full strength? Birth-and-death experiences, suffocating plots, interlocking suspense; "Descendants of Maoshan" will lead you to get close to the profound Maoshan Taoism, a gripping puzzle treasure hunt, about to start around you!

DaoistSzLNI7 · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

The Soul Tower

If Zhang Guozhong is a newborn calf, then Old Liu Tou can be regarded as an old fritters. First, he drew two living talismans and pasted them on the two of them, so that the evil spirits would attack the living talismans first, which could buy a little time to meet the enemy or escape; Moreover, watching Zhang Guozhong swagger towards the center of the cave, Old Liu Tou dragged him to the edge of the cave. Because if there are really traps in this place, it must be in the middle, and it is slightly safer to walk against the wall.

Under the signal of Old Liu Tou, Zhang Guozhong had to probe forward first with each step, stepping on whether there was any empty chamber, so as not to fall into the trap. Since both sides of the cave are full of natural stalactites, there is no need to worry about any darts and dark arrows, this natural cave, in addition to the ground is full of gravel slag, if there is a little artificial trace on the wall, it will be obvious.

After walking for about ten meters, Zhang Guozhong suddenly found that the cave wall suddenly went inward, it turned out that this cave was a "convex" shape, and the place where they came in was at the top of the "convex" character.

In the place where the flashlight can shine is always dark, Old Liu Tou hung the folding shovel in his waist at this moment, took out the compass from his bag, and watched the compass while following Zhang Guozhong as he walked. I don't know what is in this hole, and the compass is always chaotic.

While walking, Zhang Guozhong suddenly saw a cluster of light in front of him, like a flashlight shining out. There is indeed something strange in this cave, it stands to reason that the strange shape of this flashlight should also be a military flashlight, and the brightness is not weak, but in this cave, the light range seems to be very short, through the limited flashlight light observation, there seems to be a fog in this cave, sometimes Zhang Guozhong if he walks faster, look at the flashlight of the old Liu Tou behind, only a few meters away, but it looks very weak.

"Mr. Qin!" Zhang Guozhong roared.

There is no answer on the other side.

Zhang Guozhong quickened his pace slightly at this time and found Qin Ge standing behind a stone pillar looking out.

"You guys changed your mind?" Qin Ge said coldly.

"Why don't you talk back?" Zhang Guozhong's voice was straightforward.

"Talk back? Back to what? Qin Ge's face was puzzled.

"I shouted at you, it's impossible for you not to hear so close!" Zhang Guozhong said sharply.

"You called me?" Qin Ge's voice also trembled, "So the person just now, it's not you?" "

"Just now...? Just now... What people!? Old Liu Tou walked over with a cold sweat on his face and said in a low voice.

It turned out that the compass of the old Liu Tou shook violently just now, and the old Liu Tou who shook this time was terrified. To be honest, Old Liu Tou is not afraid of death, but what is more deadly is that he is more reluctant to have a room of treasures at home than death.

It turned out that after Qin Ge walked into the cave himself, he also knew the truth of weeding, and when he walked along the wall to the inside of the "convex" shape, he suddenly saw a person within the range of the flashlight, this person's clothes are not very clear, but from the body shape is by no means Li Erzhuang, a flash is gone, Qin Ge shouted twice, and there was no reply, so he quickly chased up, chased to the place of this stone pillar, and the person could no longer be found.

"Sect Zhang, I want to ask a question, you must answer it seriously..." Qin Ge wiped his sweat and ignored Old Liu Tou, "Is there really a ghost in this world...?" "

"Mr. Qin, this hole is very evil, I hope you can go out with us, let's plan in the long run!" Zhang Guozhong did not answer Qin Ge's question.

After being silent for a while, Qin Ge gradually calmed down, and the strange figure just now really gave him a big shock.

"Well..." Qin Ge was helpless.

The three turned their heads and walked back, but the more they walked, the more wrong they were, and as they walked, Qin Ge suddenly shouted without any confidence.

"Don't go!" Qin Ge hissed.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Guozhong and Old Liu Tou also felt that something was wrong, they only walked a few steps when they came, how could they go back and walk for so long a day without seeing the entrance of the cave?

"This pillar... This pillar is the pillar you just found me..."

The pillars of stalactites have different shapes, and this strange pillar Zhang Guozhong and Old Liu Tou have also seen it just now, and there will be no mistake.

"Ghost... Ghost Hit the Wall! Old Liu Tou seemed to be about to attack, "You... Why do you have to come in!? Old Liu Tou roared at Qin Ge.

Ghost hitting the wall, is a folk saying, and often occurs in places similar to cemeteries and execution grounds, mostly at night, people who encounter ghosts hitting the wall will keep circling around the same place, but the parties will feel that they have always walked in a straight line. For this phenomenon, there is no relevant explanation in science, and the explanation in Maoshan is only "ghost obsession", the way to crack is to turn 90 degrees in the original direction, although the direction may not be right, but you can get out of this endless ***.

The seizure is a seizure, but staying in place is not a solution, at this moment the three of them are nervous to the extreme, do not do two endlessly, simply turn around and walk towards the middle of the hole.

After this walk, I found that this hole was not large, at most two or three hundred square meters, and a few people walked to the opposite wall without a few steps.

Qin Ge took out his compass, "The place where we came is in the north, go here." "

Old Liu Tou also ignored him, looking intently at his compass, and suddenly the compass needle trembled violently again.

"Stop!" Old Liu Tou shouted, his shout, Qin Ge and Zhang Guozhong immediately copied the guy.

"Slow down..." Old Liu Tou swallowed his spit and looked around for no movement.

At this time, Zhang Guozhong, who was walking in the front, suddenly tripped over something under his feet, and plopped down on his horse.

Several flashlight rays immediately concentrated on the place where Zhang Guozhong tripped down, and Old Liu Tou and Zhang Guozhong didn't feel anything, but Qin Ge covered his mouth with his hand and almost vomited.

I saw a person embedded in the ground obliquely, looking at the clothes that had been corroded and tattered, it should be an ancient person, due to the qi characteristics of the "falling cliff", so although the clothes were rotten, but the person was not completely rotten, but still maintained a painful expression before death, with his mouth open, half of his face obliquely buried in the soil, half of his face exposed, but the two eyes were already black holes.

"Country... Guozhong..." Old Liu Tou's tone was already choked, "This... It's a stay... Soul... Platform...! Old Liu Tou sighed, and glared viciously at Qin Ge again.

In ancient times, any emperor built a mausoleum, would execute or bury all the craftsmen to keep secrets, the grievances of these unjust deceased people can be condensed in thousands of years, anyone who infringes on the mausoleum, will first be attacked by these grievances, which forms a natural barrier to protect the tomb.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, some high-ranking people who saw profit and forgetting righteousness directly used this principle to repair the tomb, simply did not repair the traps, let the Zhuang Ding directly repair the tomb with great difficulty in building between the lofty mountains and mountains, and then directly kill or seal these Zhuang Ding inside, and then lay some formations around the perimeter, or build a water canal to artificially create a "graveyard", or use some other methods to strengthen the resentment of these resentful souls, so as to guard the tomb, which saves both cost and time.

Later generations of people for this lack of virtue method called "Cebu Soul Method", if applied to this method, or it happens that this principle works, if it is a tomb, it is called a Ceremonial Tomb, if it is a hole, it is called "Cebu Soul Cave", and now it encounters the town platform with the "Dragon Array", naturally it should also be called "Cebu Soul Platform".

Following the direction of the corpse embedded in the ground, the three people carefully shone on the ground with flashlights, and at this time they couldn't help but be surprised, on the ground, three or three were two faces, and some of the upper parts of their faces were buried in the ground, and only a row of teeth was exposed on the ground.

"Ugh!" Qin Ge shouted, Zhang Guozhong and Old Liu Tou hurriedly turned around, something that could scare Qin Ge out of the sound was terrible...

Unexpectedly, Qin Ge encountered a corpse that was not buried in the ground, this corpse was lying reclining on the ground, and a sharp blade was inserted vertically from the chest, obviously killed by others.

Old Liu Tou leaned down and looked at it carefully with a flashlight, "It seems... It's the dress of the Ming Dynasty..."

"This can't be!" Qin Ge also bent down, and saw that this person was wearing a Zhongjing crown and a black satin robe, and from the hat alone, it could already be concluded that he was an official of the Ming Dynasty at the level of "from the third grade" or higher.

Four or five meters away directly opposite the corpse of this Ming Dynasty official, Zhang Guozhong found another body that seemed to be a Ming Dynasty official, but this body was different from the previous corpses, decomposed and serious, except for the clothes that could barely be identified, the body was basically only white bones, and a dagger was inserted between the ribs, as if it had died with the person opposite.

"Qin Ye, someone from this place arrived before us..." said Old Liu Tou sarcastically, fiddling with the dagger pulled out of the ribs of this Ming Dynasty corpse.

Qin Ge grimaced at this time, did not say a word, and carefully touched the clothes of the corpse of this Ming Dynasty official with his hand.

"Qin Ye, we're late..." Old Liu Tou was also looking everywhere at the moment, squatting on a stone platform that was one foot square, only an inch above the ground, but empty.

Qin Ge came over, and saw that Old Liu Tou was wiping the mud on the stone platform with his hand, and a string of strange patterns gradually appeared.

"Strange... Idol... Kungen, Gan, Xin..." muttered Old Liu Tou.

"Mr. Liu, your words... What is the meaning? Qin Ge said slowly.

"Qin Ye, look, this is the Dragon Array Town Platform, which is empty at the moment." Old Liu Tou stroked the stone platform with his hand, still pondering the mystery.

"This may be the place where the jade of the Wang family is placed." Qin Ge didn't think so, took out the camera, aimed it at the town platform and clicked, under the strong light of the camera flash, a black shadow flashed quickly in the place where the flashlight could not be illuminated.

"There is a situation!" This flash did not escape Zhang Guozhong's eyes, just when Zhang Guozhong put the dagger across his chest and took a pose, he only felt a gust of yin wind blowing his neck, Leng Buding turned around, and slashed away, only to see a black shadow quickly dodge, and then snorted, retreating to a few meters away from him.

Bang two gunshots, Qin Ge also stood up, old Liu Tou picked up the folding shovel in his hand, and folded out the small pickaxe on the other side of the shovel handle, and several flashlight lights shone around for a long time.

Zhang Guozhong's flashlight was fixed on the opposite figure, it was Li Erzhuang, but unlike Li Erzhuang before, Li Erzhuang at this moment was standing on his legs, instead of landing on all fours, and the expression on his face seemed to be smiling, constantly grinding his teeth.

Qin Ge just turned the muzzle to Li Erzhuang, suddenly felt a gust of wind on his back, Qin Ge instinctively leaned forward, the things in the backpack behind him fell to the ground, Qin Ge turned around, and saw a man dressed as a mountain man standing opposite him, his expression was exactly the same as Li Erzhuang, staring at himself with his teeth narrowed.

"How... Two...!? "Old Liu Tou is also stupid.