
Deputy of Revolutionary Army

In the world of One Piece, a nameless and enigmatic deputy of the Revolutionary Army operates in the shadows, concealed even from his own comrades. Known only to the highest echelons of the World Government, he strikes fear into the hearts of all who cross their path. With unparalleled mastery of Haki and Devil Fruit abilities, he is a tactical genius, moving like a phantom to challenge the oppressive World Government's reign. His commitment to the Revolutionary Army's cause is unwavering, and he is a symbol of resistance and rebellion, a force that terrifies even the most ruthless of government officials in the ever-chaotic world of One Piece.

Anonymous_User_9473 · Urbano
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3 Chs

The Time Traveler

The East Blue was the weakest and most peaceful of the four seas that surrounded the Grand Line, the world's most dangerous and unpredictable ocean. It was also the birthplace of many famous pirates, such as Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, who had recently arrived at Loguetown, the town of the beginning and the end.

Loguetown was where the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was born and executed. His last words before his death sparked the great age of piracy, inspiring countless people to sail the seas in search of his legendary treasure, One Piece.

Among the crowds that gathered in Loguetown, there was one man who stood out from the rest. He wore a black cloak that covered his entire body, hiding his face under a hood. He had a mysterious aura that made people avoid him instinctively. He was not a pirate, nor a marine, nor a bounty hunter. He was the deputy of the Revolutionary Army, the organization that opposed the World Government and its corrupt ways.

He was also a devil fruit user, one of the rare and powerful beings who had eaten a strange fruit that granted them supernatural abilities at the cost of losing their ability to swim. His devil fruit was called Krono Krono no Mi: Model Eternity, and it allowed him to manipulate time in various ways. He could slow down, speed up, stop, rewind, or fast forward time for himself or others. He could also travel through time to different eras, but he had to be careful not to create paradoxes or alter history.

He was not from this world, but from another one called Earth. He had transmigrated to this world by accident when he was experimenting with a device that he had invented. He had no idea how or why he ended up here, but he soon realized that he was in the world of One Piece, his favorite manga and anime series. He had always dreamed of living in this world, but he never expected it to be so real and dangerous.

He had joined the Revolutionary Army after meeting its leader, Monkey D. Dragon, who was also Luffy's father. Dragon had recognized his potential and offered him a place in his ranks. He had accepted without hesitation, as he shared Dragon's ideals and vision for a better world. He had also learned a lot from Dragon, who was one of the most powerful and mysterious figures in the world.

He only obeyed Dragon, and no one else. Not even his fellow revolutionaries knew much about him, except for his code name: Chronos. He preferred to work alone, using his devil fruit powers to infiltrate enemy bases, gather information, sabotage operations, or assassinate targets. He was feared by many as the Time Traveler, a ghost who could appear and disappear at any moment.

He was in Loguetown for a special mission: to find out more about Gol D. Roger and his connection to Dragon and Luffy. He had heard rumors that Roger had left behind some clues or secrets in this town before his execution. He wanted to see if he could find them and learn more about the Pirate King's legacy.

He knew that Luffy and his crew were also in Loguetown, but he did not intend to meet them or reveal his identity. He did not want to interfere with their journey or destiny. He respected them as fellow dreamers and adventurers, but he also knew that they were on different paths.

However, he did not know that someone else was also looking for him: a part of the World Government that specialized in hunting down devil fruit users like him. They had detected his presence and were closing in on him. They wanted to capture him alive and use him for their experiments or worse.

The stage was set for a clash between Chronos and his pursuers, as well as a possible encounter with Luffy and his friends. What would happen next? Find out in the next chapter!