
Demonic Warlock

Jason was transmigrated to a world of magic. All his siblings and friends had their awakening ceremony done at age 7 and were training to become wizards. Jason's awakening was halted by his grandfather who tells Jason that he isn't meant to be a wizard but a WARLOCK. That's when Jason finds out that the ancestor of his family is none other than the DEMON WARLOCK, one of the 4 evil warlocks whose myths have been a famous tale among all the continents. But the whole world believes it as nothing but a myth including Jason and his siblings until Jason realizes the truth. Let's see what the calm and collected Jason will do when he inherits the blood essence of his ancestor

lazarus898 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Eyes of Lesser Demons

As I pushed the door and entered the room I saw both my grandpas sitting on opposite ends of a table and the table was filled with books, scrolls, and stone tablets with drawing inscribed on them.

"Jason my boy remove that lens and let me see your eyes," Hama said

I did as grandpa told me and removed the lens. Both of them stared at them for a few seconds and then grandpa Charles banged the table and started laughing.

"See Hama I was right he has got the eyes of the lesser demons already."

"Fine Charles there is no need to gloat so much. Jason, what difference do you feel with these new eyes?"

I knew hiding anything from these old geezers will do me no good so I decided to be honest about it.

"Grandpa Hama I can see more clearly and have a 360-degree view."

"Hmm...which means Charles we have gotten the right Scriptures. And he already has 2 of the 3 passive powers of those eyes. The third one will require training which he will receive until he turns 10."

Grandpa Charles picked up a scroll from the table and pointed it towards me.

" Jason take this and read it. It has all the information about the eyes you currently possess. Read it after you go to your room and don't let anyone know about it other than your parents. Keep the eyes a secret from your cousins and your friends."

I took the scroll and asked them "Can you guys tell me more about these eyes?"

"Jason everything you need to know about those eyes is written in the scroll but we will give you the general information of the demonic eyes. There are many planets like earth and many galaxies like the solar system. But there is also Heaven and hell but as you read in the books it is not some afterlife. It's an independent plane just like ours. They aren't connected to our realm and for eternity they haven't interfered with our world." Hama said.

"Grandpa Hama you mean that angels and demons exist but we humans don't go to their world even after we are dead?" I had to ask as all the things I have read and listened to in my previous life was getting demolished piece by piece.

"No...do good deeds and go to heaven or do bad deeds and go to hell are all just fantasies created by idiots who wanted peace. It was their way of fooling the general populace. Now I'll tell you about the demons that reside in the Netherworld. They are classified into 6 types...

1st--Lesser demons


3rd--Greater demons

4th--Demon King

5th--princes of hell


The eyes you have currently are those of a lesser demon but they will evolve into those of demons the moment you unlock your magic. There is a slight chance to upgrade them into the eyes of greater demons when you absorb the essence left by the ancestor. The chance of that happening is 1 in a million so I won't count on it. For now, all this information is more than enough for you as I don't want to burden you at the start of your magical journey." Grandpa Hama said.

" Magic less journey...hahaha...you have to wait more than 2 years" grandpa Charles couldn't let this chance to tease me slip by.

After talking to my grandpas for a few more minutes I started walking towards my room. The house seems almost empty today. Wonder where everyone went. I saw my butler standing outside my room.

"Why is the house empty today?"

"Master Jason...Madam Edna had everyone go out to a tournament in Canada so that the fact of you being in a coma could be kept hidden. They will probably be back in 3-4 days."

I nodded and entered my room. Seems like my parents and grandparents didn't let anyone notice what happened in the past couple of days but they seem to trust my butler enough as he knows that I was in a coma.

I opened the scroll given by grandpa Hama and saw a picture of an eye that looked similar to my demonic eyes. The title was "Eyes of a lesser demon".

Under the photo of the eye, there was a description and two lists named passive abilities and active abilities.



[Passive abilities]

360° eyesight: Provides the entire view of your surroundings including those at the side and back of your head.

enhanced eyesight/ Illusion resistance: Nothing can hinder your vision including other spells, illusions or even any seal.

Slow-motion eyesight (in combat): This ability when gets activated automatically when you are in combat or when you sense danger.

[Active abilities]

Soul pressure: This allows you to instill fear in your opponents. If used properly you can even make your opponent's spell fail to result in them receiving backlash.

Soul torture: You can make an opponent with a weaker soul than you feel pain The physical body remains unharmed. This ability can be used for interrogation or simple torture without direct contact.

Chains of Netherworld (1 chain): Releases a chain toward your opponent and they can't use magic unless the chain binds on his/her soul is removed. Using this on a person for a prolongated amount of time or multiple times can result in the person becoming mentally unstable. The chain weakens the opponent's soul to a great extent so it is suggested to use soul torture after the chain for the best outcome.



After reading the scroll I understood that even though the powers given by these eyes are good...all the three active powers will only affect if the opponent has a soul weaker than me. As I have transmigrated from a different world maybe I have a strong soul as compared to others but I can't leave it up to chance. The passive powers aren't offensive but I think that's obvious as they don't require any magic power. Maybe I should ask Grandma or Grandpa what I can do to increase the power of my soul.

The active abilities won't be useful in combat but they are more of the intimidating and torture type. And seeing their purposes I think they will require a ton of mana not to just use these abilities but even to keep them working. I am just waiting to get my magic unsealed which has still 2 years so now I have to concentrate on my physical aspect and as Grandma said that I am an hybrid I can't slack off with Grandma's training.