
Demonic Revenge Contract

Alister was often bullied, and the home that was supposed to be a solace was riddled with trouble. Every day, he cursed his own weakness. In a particularly bad day, he cursed his own fate. Why was he born weak? The Gods gave no answer, and a demon's soul that inhabited his body answered instead. "You are weak, and you would just accept it without a fight? Might as well die now, you maggot!" The demon who called himself Zeri, offered an unrivaled power and a wish, in exchange, Alister would have to kill the twelve families who killed Zeri in his previous life. Or was that really the full truth? It is a story of tempering resolves, and a cosmic war that brews under the pristine facade of humanity as we know it.

Magium · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


"That depends, what kind of deal are you trying to make?"

Alister eyed the woman with a wary gaze as he gripped the weapon until his knuckles had partially turned white from the strain. It was clear, even though the woman exuded a sense of gentleness and perfection, she had an underlying motive in exchange for the assistance.

"Let's put it this way," Catherine glanced at the angel that was floating near her. "Nelchael and I are both currently… restricted, and in exchange for our freedom, I will give you this bunch of Moonlit Lavere and this… Nelchael?"

"Understood," The angel spread both her hands, and light started to gather from all around them, before it hardened into a milky white crystal carved with numerous symbols.

In one glance, Zeri was able to understand what the symbols truly meant.

"That is a Spirit Technique crystal, right?" Zeri glanced at the item, and Alister followed suit. Right afterwards, a line of notification appeared in front of Alister's eyes.

[Spirit Technique Crystal - Blue (Mid-Low) Tier]

[Can be infused with knowledge of mid-low tier spells as needed. Upon use, the item will disintegrate and the spell knowledge will be infused into the user's mind.]

"Even a low Spirit Technique crystal like that takes quite some time and effort to make, and it cannot hold more than two or three mid-low tier spells at most. What do you really want?"

"I told you already, I want my freedom." Catherine touched the petals of the glowing flower on her hand with her fingers. "I am the sole heir of Fioreta, and I have a lot of resources at my disposal. If you are willing to get stronger to free me and Nelchael, I will give you everything I could get my hands of."

"You're being dodgy," Zeri added and looked at the two from top to bottom, clearly has lsot his patience. "Tell us already, or we can't help you."

"Wait!" Catherine said, uncharacteristically panicked.

"Catherine, calm down." Nelchael added. "There is no need to rush. Come what may, I will always protect you."

"If I don't take this leap now, there is no telling when we can be free." Catherine said as she gripped the plants in her hand, a powerful resolve clear in her gaze. "Alister, take this first. I am offering you the resources I have at my disposal in exchange for you destroying the Fioreta family and my freedom. If you accept, meet me again here at the same time and place."

"Then, what is stopping us from taking your things and not doing anything to help you at all?" Zeri glanced at them and raised his eyebrow. He did not even make any move to claim the flowers at all.

"You think we are unaware of that-"

"Nelchael, calm down." Catherine said. "We will use this."

Just like before, Catherine waved his hand, and a black scroll sealed with the symbol of a thorned rose appeared in her grasp. "I am sure you are aware of what this is?"

Alister glanced at the item, and once again, a line of notification appeared before his eyes.

[Black Thorn Contract - Gold (High) Tier]

[A contract believed to be derived from the scroll used to make deals with ancient powerful entities beyond comprehension. Any contract written in this item will be enforced with magic, and should any of the involved parties fail to fulfill the obligation as written, their soul will be taken and used as hostage, leaving their body permanently catatonic]

"That is a forbidden item." Zeri eyed it cautiously. "Just how did you manage to get it."

"I believe that is not relevant to our agreement," Catherine dodged the question, and placed the flowers on a bunch of flattened grass thanks to the earlier battle. "I will leave this here. Again, if you are willing to take my offer, meet me here again in one week."

Without giving them a chance to answer, Catherine and Nelchael turned around, and the woman beckoned the angel to come closer. The angel obliged, and they merged into one, a majestic creature that still bore Catherine's appearance yet with massive wings growing from her back. They jumped high into the sky and took flight, leaving Zeri and Alister alone.

"They are underestimating us." Zeri huffed. "But one thing is clear, we have to train, Your techniques are practically nonexistent, and right now, all you did was throw your strength onto your opponent. That kind of tactic works when facing enemies weaker than you, but in a long, huge-scale battle, you'd be the first to die."

Alister picked up the flowers, and Zeri inspected it once more. "It's real. Let's go back, and I will teach you how to use it."

When they returned back, the house was quiet, and Alister decided to give a cursory greeting he hoped would reach the whole house. Zeri instructed Alister to get a metal container, and he took a small steel bowl from the kitchen before going back to his room.

Alister instructed him to take a few stalks of the plant, shred the flowers and pile the remains onto the bowl before lighting the bowl. A fragrant smell settled into the room, and Zeri instructed him to close his eyes, sit cross-legged on the floor and inhale the fragrance in deep breaths.

The effect was immediate, as in the darkness, pinpricks of light started to form, until his mind's eyes saw something from the distant past.

There was no way he did not remember this place. From the high cellings decorated with a chandelier, the luxurious furniture and massive beds, and the parties that seemed to be held every time he came here. Even the feel of the plush bed beneath him, despite how everything was clearly an illusion, felt far too real.

Alister decided to jump off of the bed and walk outside, the tickling feeling of soft carpet clear on his foot.

As he opened the door, he looked at the bottom floor, finding it mostly empty save for the few servants busy cleaning what remained of last night's festivities. The light of the morning sun had started to shine through the windows, carrying a distinct warmth.

"Alister, you are awake?" A familiar voice called for him. "Come, I need to show you something."