
Demonic Contractor

[NOVEL STATUS] Unfortunately, I've decided to pause the story and it's unlikely that I'll continue it in the future. I realized that I needed to start fresh and create a story with better quality. I had two options: either to rewrite all the current chapters or start a completely new story. After thinking it over, I chose to end this novel and focus on a new one. The new novel is still in progress and hasn't been published yet on the platform. I'm taking my time to ensure that it's perfect before I share it with you all. It might take some time, but I'm determined to make it the best possible story that I can create. I want to thank my small community that has been reading Demonic Contractor. You guys are awesome! And if some of you liked the characters, I think you'll be happy to know that the new story will take some inspiration from Demonic Contractor in certain aspects. PureDarkness -------------------------------- Oliver, a man without family or private life, dies after living a pitiful life, he is then faced with a trial and thought hardship he gets a second chance at life. He gets the taste of what it is like to have a family but just as he starts his second life a life changing event happens. He is left with two choices: live his life like nothing happened or walk the path of revenge. Follow Oliver as he new self Damian as he faces countless trials in order to attain the pick of strength and takes his revenge. -------------------------------- [Excerpt of chapter 0] The God of Creation created a space called the void, then to fill it he created a new space and added matter and constraints. He named the constraints he used to shape reality, laws of reality. These laws reshaped the new space and life, planets and stars were created.  One of the five primordial laws of reality states that the end is never truly the end, it is nothing but a state. This law is known as the cycle law, it is absolute and cannot be broken.  Life is no exception, it also follows the cycle law. The end of life is not a true end, it's only the beginning of death. But what happens after death?  Does death escape this law of reality? Is it a true end? Or does something new start?  Death is only a state, and it is not a frozen one, it can be changed. It also a force that ensure that souls of the dead don't come back to life, it's an opposite force to the cycle law.  The cycle law may be absolute, but death is not easily defiled. For the cycle law to manifest, one must have a powerful will to live that doesn't weaken against whatever trial comes before him.  All souls of those that attempt reincarnation and fight Death will have to face a pain that can't even be explained with words or compared to any over kind of suffering, it's what can be called absolute suffering.  The soul is crushed by the invisible force that is Death, the closer the souls get to the gates of reincarnation the more the force increases and the more pain becomes unbearable.  Only those the souls can accomplish the trial of reincarnation and reach the end of the path can break free from the influence of death. It is only then that the cycle law can exercise itself on the soul and that the soul can be reborn into the mortal world.

PureDarkness · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

CHAPTER 1: A new beginning

He regained his senses only to find out he was floating in endless darkness. He then saw a staircase leading to a bright light, This was the path of reincarnation and the light the gates of reincarnation.

Oliver had a feeling that it was his way out, so he headed to the path, but it seemed his objective was not any closer after what he fought to be approximately one hour. He didn't back down and continued his journey, Oliver finally arrived at the stairs having lost all notion of time. He didn't take the time to rest and started walking the path of reincarnation, as he felt that if he stopped now he wouldn't be able to continue afterwards.

He started his ascension on the path of reincarnation, with each passing step he felt as if his soul was getting crushed more and more by an invisible force. It was like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Oliver endured the pain with all his will and continued walking to the light in front of him.

The gates were shining so brightly that he had to close his eyes as he came 100 meters close to it. After what seemed like an eternity of suffering he arrived at the gates while being forced to crawl by the unbearable pressure that was exerted on his soul.

Oliver used all his remaining strength to move his arm and touch the gate, as he made contact with it, he felt as if his soul was being sucked into it. Using his will he had resisted his suffering and had completed the condition for the cycle law to manifest, Oliver's soul was then sent to the world of the mortals for the second time.

——{Reality0 - Ivental - Trust Empire - Salvatore noble clan Mansion}——

Oliver opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in, he was in a richly decorated room with lots of furniture that looked like antics apart from the fact that they were all in perfect state. He got up still wondering what had happened and headed to the big minor in the corner of the room.

Oliver couldn't believe his eyes, he was looking at the body of what seemed to be a young noble of around 25 year-old that had a good and strong figure that gave the feeling of strength and determination, the young man had dark blue hairs and storm like gray eyes.

He felt as if he was watching a thunderstorm as the man's eyes were of different tint of gray and had golden veins like patterns, the young noble was wearing a dark gray vest and a turquoise colored tie. Oliver suddenly understood, he was looking at his newly obtained body, he even looked 20 years younger than his old self.

He got up but as he headed to the door he felt an unbearable pain making him hold himself on the door. He felt as if his head was going to burst open, memories then started flowing in his head.

Any normal human receiving the same amount of suffering would have died instantly but he was able to withstand it to some extent and stayed barely conscious. He had suffered from a similar pain when he took the reincarnation trial of will, a pain related to the soul, and this time it was the pain of his soul being engraved with memories.

Oliver immediately understood the memories he received were those of the original host of the body. The host was a young noble called Damian Salvatore. He had developed strange powers at the age of 20 that looked very similar to one of the powers of the inferno demons, he had the ability to corrupt and kill anything with nothing but one touch.

Damian had made custom silver gloves to hide his power, as it is the only material with the ability to resist the demon's power.

His family was the most reputed demon slayer noble family in the continent that had an army composed of 1 million soldiers sent in all parts of the empire to subjugate demons. The Salvatore noble clan had a deep hatred against the demons, as countless of their family members were killed by high vampires and Infernos.

Infernos were considered like walking and talking disasters that only appeared when they had a certain chance of victory, bringing death and destruction. Forcing Damian's great-grandfather to create a rule that stated that in the occurrence of the apparition of an Inferno on the battlefield, all soldiers must flee immediately, stopping any offensive actions or rescue.

The Salvatore noble clan had only found one way to fight against the Infernos, the sealing formation. The formation demanded ten, 4th circle magicians to use all their mana in order to seal one Inferno. During the last thousand years after the discovery of the capture method, the Salvatore noble clan had sealed around 4 high demons and had imprisoned them in an underground facility.

Damian had kept his power hidden from everyone, even from his family. They could have reported him for his powers or tried sealing him and locking him, they could have thought that he was a demon that took the place of the real Damian. This kind of incidents weren't rare, and the demons were most of the time only discovered after they decided to show themselves and their apparition was almost always followed by a thoroughly planned mass murder.

Oliver learned that in this world called Ivental, demons are not like those portrayed in his world stories or TV shows, they are ranked as low demons, mid-demons and high demons.

Low demons are composed of demonic best that are mindless monsters that hunt in packs of 5 and sucombus. Sucombus are also labeled as low demons as they don't have any fighting abilities. They are considered the most beautiful spices in Ivental by humane standards. It is told that any human that had seen one had their heart taken at sight and became mad in love, even dying from it. Those that survived were rumored to have lost all reason and searched for the scubas till their last breath. Sucombus have equal intelligence compared to humans, the ability to hypnotize and to enslave humanoid beings, enabling them to control their actions.

The mid rank demons are the vampires themselves ranked from low to high vampires, they do not fear sun, do not need human blood to function and mostly live in groups. Vampires have eyes that allow them to see perfectly at night so they mostly attack during the night.

High demons are called infernos, they are humane looking apart from their horns and 4 black wings. They have the ability to change into a completely human form, are highly intelligent and are solitary beings apart from when they find a mate.

Oliver also received information regarding the different types of fighters in Ivental, the first were the aura users divided in ranks from apprentice aura user to 10-star aura user and the second type was the mages divided in ranks from apprentice to 10-circle mages.

The aura users can themselves be divided in 4 major categories, the close range, the mid and the long range weapon users followed by the hand-to-hand combat fighters.

The hand-to-hand combat fighters wrap a layer of aura around themself to augment their combat power, the layer shouldn't be more than two centimeters or the technique will turn into a very weak aura manifestation.

Close range aura users are those that use swords or daggers, close range aura users are those that use larger weapons such as spears and long range weapon aura users use bows or over similar weapons.

The Mages can be classified using their innate talent, inmate talent being the element in which they have the most proficiency.

After receiving all the memories of Damian, Oliver started to feel dizzy as an aftermath of the information being engraved in his soul and lost his balance hitting the floor so hard he fell directly out cold.


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Please suggest some things that you want to be added in the story, I would be honored to try adding your suggestions to the story if it doesn't disturb any of the already planned story and is coherent with the plot.

You can also give me suggestions for the future arcs, the current arc being the trial of the guardian of the forest.

I want to make it so you readers are part of the making of the story.

PureDarknesscreators' thoughts