
Demon Slayer: Twisted Relationship

One day, Muzan decided to look for a new nest to eat and devour humans safely while living some luxurious life. his target was the Daimyo of the richest region in Japan. A man renown to be a warlord. He took on the form of a woman and decided that he will mind control the Daimyo to believe he is his sister. BUT!! Unfortunately for Muzan, the Daimyo was nothing like what he heard about, all his plans go out the window once the Daimyo's true nature was out

Doragon · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Dai Orochi, The Pig Daimyo

Important: This is +18 work, very sensitive, do not read as it contains sexual and gore descriptions.

Everything here is fictional, it doesn't represent my thoughts or my desires.

be aware and do not merge reality with fiction.

All the characters are merely fictional and any similarities are of pure coincidence.

Read at your own risks.


A long time ago, Japan the land of samurai, like any country, it had it's far share of wars and brutal history.

But no one, absolutely no one would have guessed that in that brutal history, there was even more brutal and darker history.

For it was no ordinary history of humans, rather, it was the history of demons and the long nights of terror.

Our story begins, here. In this land, and particularly inside the walls of a giant castle of a feudal lord, titled a Daimyo.

One servant walked through the long and fancy wooden halls with hurried steps. As soon as he reached a big door, decorated in fancy engravings, he knelt and spoke "Raiju-sama! Orders from the Shogun has arrived!"

There was no answer from inside for a period, however, he could hear the sound of crying coming from inside, like a little girl sobbing heavily.

The servant knows best that the crying wasn't coming from his lord '...Again?' he thought. For the people of this castle, there is a wide known fact...The Shogun is not healthy in mind.

After some time, finally, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming from inside, and the servant tensed and got ready.

The door opened, and a beautiful girl came out, she had black long hair and somehow deep golden eyes. She was crying and limping as she walked away and past the servant. Her body was in moderately bad state, she clearly was hit or slapped for several times.

However, the servant still didn't raise his head and kept down. He would never comment on such situation.

Then, the sound of heavy steps could be heard, like the stomps of a giant, and that's when the servant got really scared.

"What is it again?" A deep voice spoke as a very large man casted it's shadow on the servant.

"Y-Yes! A letter from the Shogun has arrived, my lord."

"Where is it?" The man asked.

"Right here, my lord!" With trembling hands, the servant took out the letter and raised his hands to hand it to it's rightful owner.

A very large hand extended and grabbed the letter "Dismissed..."

"At once, my lord!!" The servant took in a hurry to leave.

"Ah...one more thing..."

The servant stopped and turned to receive his orders. His eyes landed on his lord, The Daimyo Raiju DaiOrochi.

A black haired man with red eyes like blood. A very large man of a wide physique...well, that is the only acceptable way to describe his body.

But there is also another simpler way...The man was fat as fuck!!

As for beauty...he had none of it unfortunately, an ugly bastard to the bone.

But no one wanted to part away from their dear life so soon and say that.

"The girl that left now...give her the money and give her a room to live in at the castle. She deserves it." The man said.

"Certainly my lord!!" And that was the last of their conversation.

Daimyo DaiOrochi looked at the letter and sighed "That brat...I put him on that seat and now he gives me orders through letters..." Orochi was displeased as he closed the door and entered his vast room.

The room was still missy from his last activity. Disappointment on disappointment. He has been going hard on the girl from earlier.

"Poor girl, she had to suffer to please me. I went overboard again and started hitting her." He said as he sat in his big comfy chair, however, there was no hint of guild on his face "But she is getting paid to live a lifetime 3 times over!"

The fat man spoke to himself as he opened the letter to read it carefully "...My my my....Another rebellion?" He spoke with a smirk as his eyes shifted to the wall, where two long Katanas were displayed "My two wolves has not eaten in a long time." He said as he put the paper on the candle fire.

Make no mistake, as fat as he is, as ugly as he is, DaiOrochi was not an ordinary human and certainly not weak...he was as strong as a monster.

Orochi himself believes that his strength is the cause of his not so handsome face "You can't have it all." As he once described it.

"Ah...I am getting excited again..." He looked down to where something was peeking from under his big stomach "Calm down, little guy, It's not easy to find a girl that will take our abuse."

And one more thing...DaiOrochi's sex life was twisted. He did not enjoy the normal or even the spicy sex life. Rather, Orochi enjoyed and absolutely loved to abuse his partner in all shapes and formes, it can hardly be described as sex as his partner hardly enjoyed any of it.

Which he regrets, unable to find a partner and having to resort to hiring women who are willing to tolerate his actions in exchange for loads of money.

"A well spent money if you ask me, Kahaha!!" The fat man spoke as he finally moved from his chair and wore his long Blue Male Kimono and left his chambers.

"Asahi!! Asahi!!" Orochi called.

"Yes my lord!!" An old man came running to receive orders.

"Prepare my dinner!" He said with a smile as he marched "I'll take a walk outside for a moment."

"As you wish!!" The old man bowed and quickly left the lord to his whims. He didn't even suggest for Orochi to take guards at this late hour... Impossible, Orochi needs no guards and he will never do.

Orochi walked through the halls and met with servants on his way who greeted him nervously.

After a long walk that will make any fat man started breathing roughly, Orochi was finally out, at the gate of castle. He was planning on taking his nightly walk to the cliff that overlooks his territory from up at the castle.

Outside of his castle, Orochi walked past many Sakura trees on the two sides of the road that he enjoyed very much. On the road, Orochi noticed a woman walking towards the castle, any man wouldn't be able to see her until she was at his feet due to the night, but Orochi saw her from afar like a hawk.

From a distance, Orochi was immediately captivated, she had piercing red eyes and long curly night sky hair tied in a very elegant hair style with golden hair pins keeping it in place. And the black kimono she was wearing only emphasized her features.

"Ooh! A very beautiful woman has appeared, where to in this late hour, my lady?" Orochi asked as he stood in front of the incoming lady.

The lady frowned and looked at him "...I believe that is none of your business."

Orochi only laughed it off "Haha! I am but a gentleman trying to see if the lady needs help in this dark hour, the roads are dangerous. Even in a Daimyo's territory, you can never trust the night." He said.

"I am here to see a relative of mine at the Daimyo's castle." The lady said. Her blood eyes pierced Orochi's soul...kind of exciting him, these were the ones that made his hands slip the most and end up landing a few hits here and there.

"Oh! The castle is just ahead then." However, Orochi didn't want to delay his walk any further, his dinner is waiting, and by the time he returns, the lady will be there too, so he can talk to her as much as he wants.

He went past her and he took a light snip of air 'Aah...such intoxicating scent.' he thought.

His action didn't go unnoticed, he felt a slight cold glare from the lady, as if she wanted to rip his head open, but he only smirked and left.

Orochi was at the cliff "Aah~ Life at its finest!" He looked at night view of his land, he could see the streets way below still busy and fire was still illuminating their paths.

"Nothing would make this perfect than a worthy partner!" He said. After a very long gaze at the view. It was time to finally return, his dinner must be ready.

Once Orochi was last the front gate, he saw some of his high servants gathering around a woman. The same exotic woman he met.

"What is happening?" He asked.

Hearing his voice, all servants looked relieved.

"Ah! Dai Orochi-sama! This person here claims she is a relative of yours." Asahi, Orochi's direct servant and head of staff in the castle.

He was confused, has far as his knowledge goes, Dai Orochi has no family at all.

"Hm?" Orochi gazed at the woman whose eyes were kind of like glowing under the moonlight, like a bloody orb. "I had no idea about that." He said.

"My~ it's seems I have been rude to my dear brother earlier." The woman said with a smile.

'Brother...?' Orochi wondered. Clearly a load of bullshit. But he smiled nevertheless.

"If you allow me to speak to you, I can explain the situation." The woman said, her eyes were hypnotizing, a hint of commanding sensation that made Orochi's mind tingle.

But he wanted to see the woman's agenda "Let us go to my room then." He said with a smirk "Asahi, serve my dinner, I will return quickly." He said as he walked to his room with the black haired woman behind him with a slight prideful grin.

In his chamber, after the servants cleaned it after he left. Orochi took his favorite seat and gestured for the woman to take a seat too.

"Now...what is this about?" He asked.

"It is as you have heard. I am your older sister." The woman said. Her eyes glowed in the dimly lighted room "And I will be living here with you for some time."

Orochi felt that tingling sensation again in his brain, but he dismissed it "Hmm~ Young lady." He spoke "I have no relatives, And as far as I know, I was the first born of my parents."

The woman froze, confused. Not from Orochi's denial, but rather from something else.

'He is not responding...' the woman thought.

"I understand, we look like each other, black hair, red eyes, the face not so much. Life must have been hard on you." Orochi said.

The woman was still in some kind of shock as Orochi continued talking.

"Now, tell me your reason for laying." He asked. "And your name too, you didn't introduce yourself."

Finally, the woman snapped from her shock, and looked at her palm, as if checking something. "*Sigh* My name is Muzashi." She said. Her shoulders dropped and her eyes went death cold. As if she was looking at a dead man.

"Your reason for laying?" Orochi asked, amused by the sudden change in demeanor.

The now named Muzashi walked close to Orochi and grabbed his Kimono "As for my reason, you can say I needed a place to eat safely for sometime." Her body was very close to Orochi, whose face was blushing and a creepy grin was painted on his face.

His hands reached fro Muzashi and ran across her curvy body, suddenly his hand went inside her Kimono, disregarding her killing gaze.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ohyo!" Orochi started breathing heavily as his hands finally reached the stunned Muzashi's thighs and between.

Muzashi felt something poke her knee "YOU?!!"

Immediately, Muzashi's hand grow sharp claw like nails and shoved them through Orochi's throat "How dare you?!!"

Blood splashed in Muzashi's face, as Orochi's body stopped moving with a shocked face.

Muzashi tidied hair clothes "Disgusting human! Touching my body like a common whore." Her face displayed anger, not fazed by the sight of the man she killed as she tastes his blood "Argh! Even his blood is disgusting." She said.

"In all my life as a demon, I have never seem such disgusting human, how did he gain his warlord reputation is beyond me." Muzashi said.

Or should I call her by her real name....Muzan.

Muzan cracked hee neck "Should I kill everyone here or just bring him back as a servant of mine?" She thought as she gave her back to Orochi's dead body.

Deep in her thoughts, Muzan felt a shill run down her spine, and a heavy weight on her should.

A face was resting on her shoulder, the sight shocked her. For the face was Orochi's.

"How cruel, Muzashi-chan~" Orochi had a intoxicated expression as he sniffed Muzan's hair.

Muzan quickly wanted to retreated as she felt her heart go cold, but in the middle of her jump, Orochi's arm grabbed her and pinned her down.

'What the hell?!!' Muzan thought as she felt her body getting crushed by Orochi's weight "Argh!"

"That's right! That's the face!" Orochi spoke as his hands grabbed Muzan in all places.

Muzan felt something like an iron snake on her thighs 'I can't move!' she thought.

Orochi's breath was on her ear, hearing his grunts as he explored her body.

She wrestled him, but nothing happened, he overpowered her in physical strength.

It was then, at that moment, the final straw dropped.

Orochi grabbed Muzan face and went in for a deep kiss.

Muzan blanked, froze as Orochi stuck his tongue inside, to taste the sweet nectar of his  ferocious lady who wanted him dead.

Something triggered Orochi and turned him on when Muzan cut his throat. All the women from before took his abuse. Only one one decided to end him.  What is this feeling? Orochi thought as he kissed Muzan with joy, he wanted her, he wanted to break her.

Muzan, had her mouth wide open, and eyes wanting to roll on the ground.

Before she finally snapped "ENOUGH!!" Muzan bite Orochi's tongue off and something like a flesh drill came from her elbow, making a hole through Orochi's body.

He then quickly jumped off, panting, wiping the saliva from his lips "Fucking Pig!" He spoke in hatred.

Thinking that was it, Muzan looked at the dead body "I'll kill everyone here and it will be your fault!"

"Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!" Muzan felt her heart drop. He looked at the fat body regenerating, slowly. "Muzashi-chan!"

"A demon?!" Muzan spoke in wonder.

Orochi was back to his full health, eyes red looking at Muzan who was sweating.

He leaned forward and licked Muzan's face like a pig "Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!" His everlasting blush "I have decided..." He spoke as he grabbed Muzan's shoulder with his fingers digging holes to pin her in place "From now on...Muzashi-chan, you are mine." He said.

Muzan, for the 2nd time in her life, felt fear, a very different feeling.

Orochi made a fist and punched a whole through Muzan's stomach "This is your punishment for cutting my throat!" He said with a giant grin on his rosy cheeks.

Muzan crumbled to the ground, unable to move "Y-You bastard!!" Muzan glared at Orochi "You will pay for this!!"

Orochi's hands started melting and getting absorbed by Muzan. But the fat man didn't care and only smiled "That's right!! Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!! Those are the eyes!!"

Muzan quickly, bite Orochi's left arm and the right, to free himself. In a blink of an eyes, something like a pit of jaws came from Muzan's arm that ate half of the fat man's body! "Die!!"

Orochi's only remaining face smirked as his body returned to normal "Ah! Ah! It feels good! So good!!"

Muzan grunted in shock and despair. "How can you?!" Muzan can't feel a hint of demon blood in Orochi, so how can he regenerate so fast.

"Kuh! How about this!" In a mili-second. While Orochi is drunk in his desire. Muzan pierced him with her nail and sending a massive wave of blood.

"Argh!" Orochi frowned as his skin turned red and he started melting "Muzashi-chan!"

Seeing a reaction "That's right, any human can't take that much blood and live!" She said, finally with a sigh of relief as he noticed Orochi's melted pool of a body "You gave me a fright! And humiliation of a life time."

Finally, it was over. Or so thought Muzan.

A hand grabbed her leg. It came from the pool of the melted body, quickly, Orochi was standing back, like nothing happened.

Muzan was in shock, his heart felt an even tremendous level of fear.

Orochi had a crazed expression "Ohyo!!" He slapped Muzan so hard that she fell and splashed on the floor, he throw off his Kimono that somehow regenerated with his body.

"Muzashi-chan!! That was not cute!! Why would you melt my body!!" Orochi hailed a rain of fists that burned Muzan's body while he sat on top of her.

Muzan's face was regenerating at a fast rate, but only because Orochi was holding back "Muzashi-chan! You are mine! I am only hitting you so you can learn!"

"Now, come to me!" Orochi stopped hitting muzan and let her heal as he took off her black Kimono and all of her under-wear.

"Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!" Muzan's female breasts were on display. "Let me taste my lovely Muzashi-chan!!" Orochi played with Muzan's female breasts and sucked on them.

"Argh!" Muzan twitched as she found it difficult to heal while her head was ringing.

Orochi took free liberty to play with Muzan's body. Sucked on her breast. Took her bloodied tongue for deep kisses.

But over all, his iron snakes was begging to go home.

Without any further delay. Orochi flipped Muzan on her stomach while she was still in her blood and healing.

There it was, the sweet home for his iron snake, his hands reached for the bubbly checks and his tongue licked every inch of it. Muzan, having realized what was happening, tried to struggle free "NO!"

"No! Muzashi-chan!!" Orochi grabbed Muzan from her wait and dug his arm through her spine, severing her spinal cord, making her paralyzed.

Without any delay. Orochi went home, deep inside his self appointed lover's sweet home.

Muzan's eyes were as wide as the sun. Tonight, at a full moon. The demon king Muzan was violated.

"Ohyo! Ohyo! Ohyo!!" Orochi savored the taste of Muzan "Yes!! That's it!!"

However, he didn't forget to discipline his beautiful woman by giving her cheeks several slaps that would tear any other human's ass off.

Muzan cried in pain as she was getting violated.

It struck her to get back to her male forme in an attempt to stop Orochi, but that will be an event bigger humiliation.

She could fee Orochi's penis digging deep in her, it gave her pleasure, but pain was dominating his sensations.

Orochi grabbed Muzan's long curly black hair as he shoved himself inside her "Ohyo!! So good!! You are doing good Muzashi-chan!!"

The pace was increasing as Muzan felt Orochi growing inside him "No! No!!"

"YES!!" Orochi screamed on top of his fat lunges "Take it all!!!" He emptied his seed inside Muzan's sweet hole.

Having Muzan's head in his hands, he twisted it up to face him and kisses it again. He broke her back though.

Orochi was on cloud nine. Finally, he let his most savage desires out.

He sat on the floor and grabbed Muzan into his fat arms and hugged her "Muzashi-chan!" He called "You did great! My lovely Muzashi-chan is very beautiful!" He praised Muzan for violating her.

He licked her body still from sweat while Muzan was frozen in humiliation while Orochi payed her.

From time to time, Orochi would hurt her, slap her face, tear her hair apart.

But Muzan would always heal, which made Orochi go drunk.

But soon, Orochi's desires died down.

"Okay! Ohyo! Muzashi-chan! Were your clothes! We need to take dinner!" He stood up and wore some new kimono on top of his sweaty body.

Muzan was still on the floor, unresponsive.

Orochi got angry really quickly "Muzashi-chan, you are not trying to anger me, are you?" He spoke as he knelt down to speak in Muzan's ear "Wear you clothes and let us eat dinner, like a two lovely lovers." He said with a smirk that sent terror across Muzan's heart.

However, Muzan still didn't move, which only made the fat man more angry, thinking that Muzan was ignoring him.

"Ok~" However, instead of lashing out, Orochi caressed Muzan's cheeks and kisses them gently "Stand up, my honey!" He said with a bright smile. The brightest his pig face can make.

He took Muzan's now fully healed body and helped her wear clothes from his collection.

"Black looks good on you." He said as he looked in her blood eyes. He grabbed Muzan's hand and went out.

Strangely, no one was in the castle.

Everyone left, well, there was a lot of noise, signaling a fight. and judging by the protocol in the castle, everyone is to evacuate and wait outside until they are called in.

Asahi, the head of staff has seen many situations as such, so he wasn't worried for Orochi, he has actually seen what that man is capable of doing.

Inside, Orochi was in the dinning table with Muzan on his lap, he had his hand between her thighs, playing with her as he fed her... forcefully of course. Muzan had no desire to eat.

But she also he no desire to feel the pain if his fists again, she has seen death 20 times before when he was hailing punches on her face and tearing her body apart.

'How did a walk into a castle turn into this?' Muzan thought as she felt Orochi sticking his fingers in her....again.

'This pig...Just how much is he twisted? And what fuck is he even?!' she thought. She thought of running, but there was no openings.

"Muzashi-chan~" Orochi called, Muzan shivered as she felt pain inside her body. Orochi licked her cheek like a pig and spoke "Me and you will be together... forever!"

Hearing this, Muzan, in desperation thought 'Please....NO!!' 


Muzan is a shape shifter, and he can take the physical appearance of a woman or a child or anything. So he isn't dressing like a woman, for now...He IS a woman.

Tell me if you want more of this. It's just gonna be Muzan getting abused.

This is a one shot chapter, I am planning on writing more of this story but for now it's going to be updated very slowly.