
The Rehabilitation training and Toji's hellish training.

Just few days had passed since Tanjiro and his friends are staying at butterfly Mansion . When Tanjiro was leaving Hashira meeting , Master said to him to say hello to Tamayo san . This caught Toji eyes since he knew there is only one Tamayo that Master could be talking about and that was Demon doctor Tamayo.

Toji wanted to ask Tanjiro about her but currently timing was not right . He was staying at butterfly Mansion , that was insect Hashira's Mansion. If Toji asked about some other doctor who is expert at demon and she heard him, it will make her angry because that will show Toji don't see her qualified for asking help in case of demons.

Toji was not ready to listen her annoying lecture ,since he was already going to get for not telling her about Nezuko existence for once and asking for Tamayo will only put fuel in fire . Toji was a smart person who liked to avoid the troublesome situations. He needed to take Inosuke from shinobu for training but that is going to cost him her taunts and anger since he is currently a patient.

Toji was going towards butterfly Mansion currently . He didn't told shinobu about his arrival , Toji already knew that they were going through Rehabilitation training , so it will be not good for to take Inosuke , but he doesn't waste time. So he was there at front gate of butterfly Mansion.

Toji just entered the Mansion when he heard the loud voice shouting at someone . He went to the place where voice was coming from and he saw yellow hair boy shouting at Inosuke and Tanjiro .

Zenitsu Pov:-

Zenitsu just went for Rehabilitation training with his both friends . He was scared since they both came from the training looking like it was some kind of hell . They always came exhausted . I was scared but when I went with them and saw what it was ,I took both of them with me outside for a minute to talk and we are currently here outside .

Zenitsu shouted at Tanjiro " YOU SAY YOU'RE SORRY ! YOU GUYS SHOULD APOLOGIZE! WHY DID YOU COME BACK EVERY DAY ACTING LIKE YOU BEEN THROUGH HELL WHEN YOU WERE ACTUALLY IN HEAVEN ?! " He was jumping in anger , Toji new what happens in Rehabilitation training and that attitude Zenitsu was showing made Toji understood that he was a pervert and Toji didn't like two kind of people , first were jujutsu sorcerers who lost to a monkey like him, mostly higher ups and zenin clan, and second were pervert like him, first time he Mei was when a pervert tried to do something bad to her and Toji stopped and when Mei understood what was going on she kicked him in that place .

She thanked Toji and took him for coffee but she also made him do something he would never do and that was made him wear bunny ears for selfie and that was only there first meeting . So Zenitsu current words sere soon going to be his worst nightmare since the girls at butterfly Mansion were little girls , so he decided to take him to with himself . Zenitsu was still shouting ,so Toji decided to hear to see how much he will make his training harder . Mei had taken promise from him that he will never be nice to a person who was pervert and trying to do something bad in front of him . I will only say this , poor Zenitsu don't know what he'll had he brought on himself.




Toji had listed enough so went towards the area where rehabilitation training was going to take place . Aoi , kanao and three little girls were there . Aoi greeted him and asked " Good morning , Tomioka- san , can I ask what are you doing here ?" Shinobu had given order to them from long Time to never call Giyu , Tomioka sama and he was also alright with it . Toji didn't had any object either since his whole he called himself a monkey so why would he demand someone to say him master .

Toji said " I will be taking over for Rehabilitation training of that yellow hair pervert boy , so you give message to kocho later that , I will be coming here to train them . " Aoi said " but shouldn't they start from slow to high ." Toji said " yes that will be alright for other two but I have to set that boy straight since , little girls live in this mansion and it's better for him to take my training then kocho's poison ." She simply nodded and Toji sat down near and started to wait three of them to come back .

No one Pove :-

Three of them were now started walking towards training room . After fight with eachother both Zenitsu and Inosuke were extremely focused but not Tanjiro . He thought that having such impure motivations was not a good thing but they didn't knew what was waiting for Zenitsu inside the room . Toji was expert Assassin in last life that even Gojo satoru couldn't detect him with six eyes during there fight so Tanjiro didn't noticed Giyu smell till they reached the gate of room .

Tanjiro thought ' it's weird Tomioka san smell is coming from inside . I guess maybe I am overthinking because of my losses in training .' when Zenitsu opened the door his smile simply vanished because inside only person was Toji . Zenitsu said " where are all the girls and why you here? " Then tanjiro said " oh that's why I picking your smell here tomioka san , you were inside . " Inosuke said " what are you doing half -half jacket man?"

Toji gave little smile and said " I came here because I said that I will take you as my tsuguko Inosuke , don't you remember ." Tanjiro said " wow that great news you will be trained by Tomioka san Inosuke ." Inosuke huffed and said " of course I remember you said that you will fight half half jacket." Zenitsu again said bitterly " that doesn't answer my questions where are girls ?"

Toji said with a menacing aura " I was just going to meet kocho for taking Inosuke after he recovered but I heard how existed you were for training innocent yellow hair boy , so I Decided to take your training into my own hands those two can wait , the girl will be coming here for them after they brought hot medicine water for your training !"

Toji words made Zenitsu shrink in fear and he tried to run but he was not lucky and Toji was too fast for him to run away . Toji catched him and said " boy in tag training I am the one you have to catch not other way around now let's first take a massage from me ." He throwed Zenitsu on futon and cracked his fingers before starting . In meantime aoi and others came with hot bubbling medicine water .

Zenitsu body was making crack sounds and he was crying from pain . Seeing this seem both tanjiro and Inosuke were shaking . Aoi said " don't worry we will taking over your training ." Zenitsu cried " that not fair " but Toji said that he should have thought before shouting those things outside .

That day Zenitsu was only saved from Toji after massage because shinobu came there hearing the painful cry that Zenitsu made . She gave a lecture to Toji for almost breaking Zenitsu bones . Then the training continued . Toji talked with shinobu for taking Inosuke for training because he was taking h as his tsuguko and same went for Zenitsu for some reason.

After five days of constant losing both Zenitsu and Inosuke stopped going to training so shinobu gave them both to Toji . He took both to his mansion .

Zenitsu was really scared because he already was trained under former hashira and knew what was going to be his training .Toji needed make sure that Zenitsu don't run from missions and train Inosuke with his hellish training . Toji once readed that sparten training used to be Harsh so that when they go to war they would be relaxed ,so Toji decided to use same method with Zenitsu .

For him being on Missions was going to be more easier than staying at Toji training area. Toji on there first day said " don't expect me to be merciful and you can't run away from me since I am already faster than you both , so only way for you two monkey will be to either becoming a hashira or taking missions and one more thing , Welcome to hell" with a evil smile .

Zenitsu was already crying and Inosuke said that he is not going to run . Toji said that Their first training to learn how to use total concentration breathing: constant 24 hours . He made them do training for using constant , and use Gourds . Toji made sure that they were using total concentration breathing : constant .

It took them ten days to Master it. Then began their real training , they had to pick heavily boulders and run around Mansion. They had to train with real heavily swords and they were sharp because Toji theaory was that people only bring out their full potential at deadly situations and Inosuke showed no mercy in his fights against Zenitsu .

Zenitsu tried to run at night but never was successful but Toji also started taking them to night patrol with them . They both had to fight Toji at end of the days. Toji showed no mercy . He said them to use their senses to predict his attacks . He made them push big boulder but both were enable to do it ,so he kept it for later . Both of them have to fight for food against Toji and if they were not able to deploy new strategy against Toji to steal for they will sleep only hungry.

Toji also attacked them randomly so they were always aware of there surroundings . I'm short like Toji said this was a hell .

Few days later Toji asked them " how is training going ?" Zenitsu only bad mouthed him but Toji ignored him and always during training Zenitsu was now used to bad things about Toji and Inosuke was pretty much ok with training since he liked cracking things his body for fun (for those who don't know read chapter 26 of Demon slayer manga .)

But Inosuke didn't like losing so he was also losing his motivation slowly so Toji decided to take them to butterfly Mansion since they time for check up was coming near. Toji was sure of this that they might have worse injuries now before they left the mansion with him and he was going to get scolding by Shinobu for his training . Well they at least could get meet Tanjiro and he could at least make them motivated .

Before leaving them at butterfly Mansion gate Toji said " Zenitsu you can leave my training if you want !" This made him suddenly happy and Toji continued which stopped his happiness again " but if you tried to avoid missions I will take you back to that training again , do you understand "

Zenitsu said in loud voice " hai." Toji said one last thing to him " one last thing have confidence in yourself , it doesn't matter if you only know one form of thunder breathing just practice is thousand times it daily. Remember a Chinese marital artist once said ' it better to practice one type of punch thousands of times than learning thousand different type .

And this world is filled with talentes monkeys so your are still better then them. And be enough strong that you only need one attack to finish a fight ." This made Zenitsu cry but Toji already left because he was no good with emotions .

Toji went to his mission that had came just when he reached his estate . He didn't say anything to Inosuke since he was already inside butterfly Mansion when he was talking to Zenitsu .

Toji mission was near a city there was a demon who was kidnapping many people . This was a sudden increase and people was fearful because of this . Toji over past years had made some relationship with yakuza active in this cities to have information .

When he went to a shop that was controlled by Yakuza . Toji got information that the daughter of Yakuza boss was got kidnapped and boss was angry .

Girl disappeared just few hours earlier and there might be a chance that she was still alive . But he could not this for those who disappeared before . Toji made assumption that it might be a new Demon who was trying to get stronger in hope of filing the empty position of lower moon that he killed . Toji asked for cloth that the daughter was wearing just before disappearnce .

He followed the smell of girl that he got from cloth . He finally reached the old warehouse that was closed for years . Toji went in basement and demon was laughing while taking to girl and other civilians . He decided to hear the conversation .

The demkn said " hhahahab now I will eat all of you and get stronger then I will again' be able to take a position a moon . That man have killed all other lower moons other that 1 but he might not chose again . If I could prove my worth by getting stronger and killing a hashira than that man will definitely reward me with his blood . Hahahahah and you all will be my food for getting strong ."

Toji understood that why this former moon was kidnapping civilian at this rate . Kibutusji have started seeing that lower moon have no worth and always get killed by hashiras . Toji had to inform master about this information to Master . But was also thinking about lower moon 1 that why was he not killed ' what could be the reason of leaving him alive , there are only two possible answers either lower moon 1 have power to become a uppermoon or this blood Demon must be useful to Muzan .

Toji used water breathing tenth form to quickly kill the Demon before he could react .

" Water breathing:Tenth form : Constant Flux flash" this was improve form which Toji made by incorporating the first of thunder breathing that Zenitsu used . The demon could only die while cursing Toji . then he released the people who kidnapped and send them there home . The Yakuza boss was happy and said that any demon slayer can rest at his place and get information From now on .

Toji went back to his Mansion and next day straight went to headquarters to inform Master Ubuyashiki about this new information . Toji reached the headquarters and met lady Kanata and Lady Amane there .

Lady Amane asked him " Water hashira welcome , can I know what is the reason for your visit here ? " Toji said " lady Amane you don't need to call me by my title ,my name is good enough and I want speak with Master , I believe there is new information about demons that might be needed to given him directly . "

Lady Amane nodded and said " Then please wait here till I inform my husband about your arrival . " Toji took seat near table and Started waiting for Master . Sanemi for some reason was also at headquarters today and he saw Toji in there so he went to see what was the reason Toji who wouldn't stay with was currently doing at headquarters .

Sanemi heard him talking to lady Amane about wanting a meeting with Master he didn't understand what was the reason so he decided to stay . He went in where Toji was .

Sitting and said " what hell are you doing here ?" Toji simply said "waiting for Master ."sanemi then said again " I heard that I am asking what is the Fucking reason that you came here ?"

Toji looked at him and said " why don't you sit , here and if you wanna and I don't think you Problem in waiting for Master ." Two people who blame themselves for there past were currently sitting side to side . The aggression and depression's definition were sanemi and Giyu and they used that for hiding their past memories.

Few minutes later Master came and said " I hope you both are in good health my children sanemi and Giyu . I heard from Amane that you wanted to meet for something urgent ?" They both greeted Master and Toji said " Yes , Master , I have got some information from a demon from city in last Mission ."

Master smiled and said " yes , there were many disappearece which were odd for demons behaviour since it was going to get too much attention . What did you find out? " Toji said " I first beleived it was some new demon trying to get stronger faster by eating many people in city but it was a former lower moon . The Moon Said that Kibutusji Muzan have abolished lower moons and killed them after ."

Sanemi said " isn't this good news than why are looking like that it's problematic ? Master said to him " let him complete sanemi maybe will know the answer then." Sanemi apologized to master and Toji continued " the thing is that Muzan killed all lower moons but leaving lowermoon one and I believe there could only be two reasons for that " Master asked " and what are those ?"

Toji answered " either that demon had strength near to a uppermoon or he have a blood Demon art that could be highly useful to Muzan and since lower moons are abolished there might be chance of uppermoon getting more active ." Master thought for a second and said " yes that , a possibility and it could problematic for us . Then I guess it would be better if we have a emergency hashira meeting to discuss with others . You two wait here I will send message to other hashiras ."

They both said yes to master in unison and sanemi simply left from room and went outside to wait for others . Toji went to near the pondbof koi fish that Giyu used to stare at . For Toji it was a reminder that he could also lived with his sons like those three fishes living in small pond without much care of outside world .

Few hours later :-

All the hashira were present now and shinobu went to Toji and said " Tomioka san , I think we should talk about training methods that you used for both inosuke and Zenitsu . " Well this caught little attention of other since no one had seen shinobu straight going angry mode at Tomioka . Uzui asked " what happened kocho you are going angry at Tomioka without even him saying anything today ?"

She looked at Uzui and said " he took two boys as tsuguko and put them in training that a hashira should be doing and those two are only MIZUNOTO rank . They were already recovering from injuries from Mount Natagumo mission and yesterday's check up showed that they had more injured then they were at first."

Uzui simply said" I guess we can do nothing about it since they are his tsuguko and he is training but it amazes me that tomioka even took a tsuguko ." Toji simply ignored Uzui and said to shinobu " it's for their own good and I believe near death experience make people strong early and if they wanna leave they can I am not stoping them . I told Zenitsu before sending them early .

And Uzui they have talent and I am only training them because they both don't try to use their talent at right place , one don't realise his potential and act as coward and other one simple challenge opponents far stronger than himself even knowing he could die. "

Uzui said " My My it's first time you have said something this long to anyone Other kocho ,now I am interested in those two . " Shinobu still was angry and said" they might be your tsuguko but they were still my patients and if they came that injured next time you are getting banned from entering butterfly Mansion ."

Toji simply looked at sky and then looked at her " I guess , I should find another doctor then ." This comment annoyed kocho more since he was not even considering to change his methods but in meantime Master came .

Lady Hanaki said " Master of Mansion have arrived . " They all went and bowed in front of master and said " we hope for your good health Master ." Master thanked them and said " I believe you all are interested knowing why I called this emergency hashira meeting ."

Obanai said " yes, Master we want to know since there is no opening for hashira spots and all hashira's are present here , then what is the reason for this meeting?"

Master smiled and " yes obanai there is no new hashira and no hashira have fallen , the reason for this meeting is the information that Giyu got on this previous Mission , the news is that Kibutusji Muzan have demolished the ranks of lower moons and killed them . " The Rengoku said " isn't that a good news but is there more to it Master ?"

Master looked at him and said " yes , the reason is to tell about this but also one more thing . Kibutusji have only killed moon four moon and. Lower moon 1 is still alive. Giyu think that I either that moon have power in near the level of an upper moon or he possesses a blood Demon art that is useful for Kibutusji .

There is one for things we also think since lower moon are demolished , uppermoon might be more active . " Gyomei said " yes uppermoon being more active is more worrying, I will pray for all hashira's safety ." Master said " yes that a worrisome case , so I want all hashira's to act in pairs for few months . The pairs will change from time to time ."

Then shinobu said " yes Master but what will be pairs ?" Master smiled and said " Hanaki tell them about pairs ." Lady Hanaki looked at them and said " Water hashira will be with flame hashira , Sound hashira will be with mist hasihra , Wind hashira with insect hashira , serpent hashira with love hashira , stone hashira will act alone before the pairs change."

Master then asked them " if you are unsatisfied with pairing then you can tell me" they said that they were satisfied with the pairing and with that Master ended that the meeting .

Toji went straight back to his estate since he was in no mood of getting scolding by Shinobu . This might have angered her even more but he can only tell that when they will get paired together .

Toji went back and was prepared with for his next mission together with kyojuro . Then his crow came saying " kaw kaw Mission together with Kyojuro . Mugen train have many disappeareces , go investigate go investigate ."

" I see , well it's better then staying empty handed ." Toji said and give his crow water and food near the tree where it Lived which was planted by Tomioka ,he thought of kanzoburo as his friend . Toji was also impressed by motivation of this old crow to serve even though he was at last years of his life.

From Toji's prospective this Crow was more useful than most of jujutsu sorcerers. Toji went in and took a bath and started to prepare for leaving for mugen station in city .

( Sorry for any grammatical mistakes...)