
Chapter 22

(Third POV)

"I'll train you but you have to swear off eating women." Akaza said with a serious look etched onto his face.

"Eh, why?" A young Kyoshi asked.

"Well, I can't describe it, but I feel like I'm betraying someone important to me when I'm about to eat a women. There's also a voice or something that keeps…forget it. Just don't eat women and you can be my student." Akaza said with a smile.

Kyoshi saluted with a smile and from that day forth he's never eaten a women again.

—Flashback End—

Kyoshi didn't bite down on her skin it was more like a little nibble with his fangs poking her neck. He had her held against him while using his hands to restrain her movements as he froze in that position.

He let her go and jumped away from her. At this moment he felt completely disgusted in himself. Killing other demons for eating women but he was just about to do the same thing.


One of the things he hated most.

And the fact that he was about to betray his teachers words because he couldn't control himself. Acting like some animal that needed to be muzzled and controlled.


He bowed deeply towards Yui who was petrified as she looked at Kyoshi with teary eyes.

"Please forgive my revolting behavior. I lost control of myself for a moment."

He didn't hear an answer but he could tell from her irregular breathing and increased heartbeat that she was most likely terrified.

He didn't say anything else before he flashed away leaving Yui in the forest alone. Although she was scared she didn't cry. She wiped her eyes and grabbed her shaking hands as she started realizing just how weak she was.

Getting snatched up like that? What was stopping him from eating her alive? Nothing that she knew of. She's mastered the breathing and breathing techniques, but there's no point if she's too slow to use them.

She stood up with shaking legs and started going through the forest to get back to the village. She remembered her way to where she was and just back tracked her steps.

On that night Kyoshi packed his things after writing an entry in his journal and left the village without anyone knowing.

Meanwhile, Muzan received the report and already read over it.

"Seems even far away he's trying to help me. This information will be quite useful although it's quite disappointing we couldn't find the flower in those villages." Muzan said to himself as he sat at a desk signing papers.

He was wearing a black long sleeved button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow along with black dress pants and black dress shoes.

"A demon traveling with a swordsman? How interesting? I wish he'd added some color to these drawings." He added with a sigh.

He was still happy with the report that came in especially about the Koga village. A network channel for the DSC? Of course he'd want it gone so he could set them back.

Then again there was that half breed, Masako. He wondered if she was any good, but then thought about the fact that she wholeheartedly believed in the DSC.

He was debating on weather he should go there and personally brainwash her or if he should just have one of the lower moons go kill her.

He tapped his pin on his desk as he had a few moments of thought before coming to his decision.

"Mukago." Muzan said.

In a flash a figure appeared before him bowing her head as she was on one knee.


"Through your training amongst other things you lower moons have grown stronger. I have a task for you. Go to the Koga village and gauge the strength of a half demon named Masako. She looks like this."

Muzan showed her the picture of Masako and Mukago nodded her head.

"Dismissed." He said and she vanished. Again, he snapped his fingers and two figures appeared in front of him.

"As for these two, I want them dead. Bring me the head of the slayer wearing Hanifuka earrings." He ordered.

The two demons vanished after a bow. Kyoshi mentioned that if what Blitz said was right, then those DS's are in Tokyo with Muzan.

"Well then, I guess we can kiss that disgusting Sun Breathing away." Muzan said as he cackled slightly.

(Seikichi's POV)

"Your injuries seems to be healing nicely. You must be a very healthy young man?" The old man asked as she checked my body.

"The soup's ready. I hope you have an appetite." An old woman asked as she came from a kitchen. They were the couple that retrieved my body after that fight with the Lower Moon.

While my boxy was healing, I was in worse condition than I thought. My spin healed but the aching pain didn't die down. Along with the rest of my body being sore, it hurts just to move too much.

Luckily I was able to speed the process of my healing with my breathing technique. Although I was fine to head back to the HQ the old couple wouldn't let me leave till every ounce of pain in my body was gone.

Although I wore a strange attire and carried a sword, they didn't ask about my job nor how I got hurt.

The old lady filled my bow with some soup and after a prayer we began to eat. The soup was absolutely delicious. You can taste the mix of different spices inside along with the meat being marinated inside the soup, giving it flavor.

"How's the food?" The lady asked.

"It's delicious. It feels like I haven't had…" I noticed my eyes getting water as my vision blurred.

I tried to stop myself from crying in front of the old couple, but after a long day of pain and finding out my friend may be alive and a demon, I couldn't stop myself.

For the first time in a while, I felt like my mind was actually clear and I could think in peace. I didn't constantly feel something putting a vail over my heart.

After that day, Kanao was sent to come get me. Apparently, she was already informed on my situation and was ordered to bring me back to the Butterfly Mansion for a check up.

Meanwhile, Habuki and Keiko just got through communicating with Muzan about what happened today at Nagasumo Mountain.

He himself was shocked as well, but rather disappointed that Habuki couldn't convince him to become a demon.

When asked if he killed the boy or not, Habuki told him as he was delivering the final blow the sun was coming up, but wether he's dead or not was up for debate.

Muzan told them to hold that information from Kyoshi as he would want to ho out and find his best friend. Although it's regrettable, not being able to have two best friends fighting together in perfect harmony.

Habuki and Keiko agreed and afterwards spent the rest of their time at home.

When Kyoshi arrived later that night, he noticed they were acting strange, but after thinking it through he concluded it must've been a lovers thing.

So for them the night passed by rather normally. For others, this night would be the last time they drew breath on this planet.

(Koga Village)

Grabbing the demon by her collar, Masako punched her directly in her solar plexus. The demon coughed up mouth fulls of blood and to finish her off, she ripped the demon head off.

Standing in the middle of the village, Masako saw the destruction caused by the demon and was more than pissed. After being told about her experience with Kyoshi, Masako was sure this was his doing.

She knew she should've done something about him from the very beginning. Starting with when she felt that chilling aura in the forest.

Masako sent a shinobi and told the chief that his village had been attacked by the lowest ranking lower moon and he flipped. Although he did calm down after hearing that Masako killed her easily, he was more than agitated.

At this moment there were those who wanted Kyoshi to live, those who wanted him dead, and those who just wanted to see him.

As for Kyoshi himself, he wanted to continue living happily with the other demons. Although he hadn't realized it, he threw away his former human life and now lived as though he was never human to begin with.

The demons were his family.


Kinda short chapter I know.

Next chap will be back to 2k-2.5k words so meh.

Anyways, I'm sure many of you guys are wondering what Kyoshi's next move will, but but come next chapter you'll be rather surprised at the change in pace Kyoshi will be going at.

Anyways, yeah. Saved the LI to die for later.

Or have I?