
Training 3

I just facepalm myself ,ugh Diana you are too cute I can believe I am doing this " Diana, upstairs now you are training tomorrow and you need sleep " she nodded slowly and " ok Ren" she climbed the stairs.

I turned to Jordan " Jordan, what do you want" he only smirked ugh he is getting on my nerves " I knew you go through hardships the moment of that blood moon" WHAT!!!!! " you know I am a shifter, what are you I can not smell your soul " yeah, I can smell souls,i think it is the demon doing.

" Anyways that is not important I need to know more about myself 'sigh' I want to know the truth " He nodded " it's deep , are you sure you are ready" I nodded " ok,no problem here is the truth, Once a lifetime your family always has creatures like you and in a three lifetime they have not,so seek the help of a ancient feas saying 'that they will come one last one more powerful than the rest and with a demon' after hearing that your family was happy and sad who will have that awesome power and who want a demon. They waited for three thousand years and yet nothing happened, two years later you were born by then they must have forgotten about it but after they saw you shift they remembered "

All that about me " ok, how do I control them"


Happy New Month 💖💖