
Demon Seductress Unleashed

Top researcher Zhao Xinyi has just made a breakthrough that would stun the world. However, she would realize a little too late that she had been tricked by her master and guardian. In her last moments, she wanted nothing, just to take down the power-hungry master that had used her. But what happens, when the heavens play a trick on her? She is given a chance at rebirth, however, she is now at the bottom level in their world, Xinyi would have to learn to adapt and take charge of this world again. But it doesn’t help that her soul is now bonded with the ensnaring seduction act making her too desirable to every man that sees her. Want to know how Xinyi takes back what belongs to her? Read to find out!

Lucy_Stone_1071 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

This Is How It Ends

After getting enough rest, Xinyi got up ahead of the scheduled time and got ready for the mission she had tonight.

She wasn't someone who hadn't gotten her hands soiled in blood before. However, she was the type only to kill if it was necessary.

The Yanmen had caused as much trouble in recent times. Since they had existed as an underground group for over a century, they had more manpower than those just coming.

As long as they saw that some martial arts skills had emerged, they would attack the owners and try to take it for themselves.

Now, only strong and wealthy families or sects could access the martial arts, making many of the average people turn back to technology to empower themselves.

As for Xinyi, with her team being among the president's favourites, she had access to all the resources. Not only did she have top martial arts skills, but her natural talent was also put into the technology aspect.

She walked to the computer set up in her room and looked for all the devices connected to the earplugs she just placed in.

Her fingers flew at frightening speed across the keyboard, and she wrote a code to link all the devices together.

"Ace team 1, can everyone hear me?" She spoke gently, her voice a little hoarse from just waking up, but the original texture wasn't hard to guess from how she sounded.

The entire group was made up of ten people, and all of them replied quickly.

"I'll give instructions from here. All the equipment you use is available, and you can use your access card to get into the weapons room…."

She gave a string of instructions until she was sure they were ready. After that, she read up on each team member's profile carefully.

"Ray, I'll take you along with me, which would violate my Master's order. Therefore, if you speak without a command, you can talk to an empty room while I'm serving time." She threatened before slipping the pen into her pocket.

As someone with few to no friends, since she created and developed Ray for the last year, she had long since grown used to having Ray around. If she left it behind, some of her would feel completely uncomfortable.

Also, her computer was mainly empty, and Ray carried around all of her important files and code. Leaving it behind was impossible for her.

She bent down, strapping a set of shined knives into her boots. She then placed two guns into her the waist of her cargo pants before loading some bomb balls into the pocket by knees.

The pant she was wearing had a total of nine pockets, and she loaded each one of them.

"What of the poison balls? You haven't packed those!" Ray shouted out in alarm.

"At the very least, your intelligence compensates for that runny mouth," she snickered before grabbing two poison bomb balls.

The poison balls would fill the air with poisonous air that opponents would inhale. Packing it meant she had to pack her oxygen mask to diffuse the air if she used it.

After confirming with Ray that she had taken everything necessary, she stepped out of her room.

She had been given an apartment in the government house, and before she could make a trip out, she also had to inform Fang Yijun.

It was a type of lock-up, but she also didn't have anyone to meet, which made it convenient for her.

"I just finished the download from the martial arts server!" Ray announced into her earpiece.

Xinyi's brows furrowed as she tried to make sense of Ray's words.

"What server are you talking about?"

"Have you forgotten? Yesterday, you asked me to write a code to hack into the database of all the top sects. I just got access to their martial arts."

Xinyi rolled her eyes as she heard Ray's reply. Recently, she had been trying to help some of the less privileged by giving them some of these skills in secret.

The martial art that she practised was used by only her in the country's database. If she gave it out, Fang Yijun would surely know she was the one who gave it out. She had no choice but to take from the strong and give to the weak ones.

"Show me the best ones. I'll look at them when we are in the air."

The robot had a display screen that she could use without needing to project it on anything. With the use of certain types of atomic particulates, she could see what she wanted without a third-party projector.

From Xinyi's apartment to where their helicopter was waiting took her about five minutes. By the time she got there, every team member was there waiting.

She did a headcount and then briefed them on her attack plan.

When she had first arrived, the group of ten had lofty expressions on their face as they felt like she was too young to lead them on a mission like this. At this time, it was easy to meet youngsters whose parents had bought their way to the top for.

However, after her briefing, all of them had surprise and respect all over their faces.

"If everyone is fine, then let's go."

The trip was fast as they used one of the best helicopters available.

During their flight, Xinyi read through the martial art skills and sorted them into varying categories based on their difficulty level.

She also modified the hardest ones to make it easier for the people she wanted to give.

With the aid of Ray, the both of them finished quickly, and she closed her eyes to rest.

"Ace 1, please check the surroundings to know if it's safe to land or to use the jump rope," Xinyi commanded as soon as the pilot announced that they had arrived at their destination.

She also gave Ray a mental command to scan their surroundings and make sure that there were no air traps.

It was only after she got the confirmation from both ends that she gave a pass command to the pilot.

As soon as the helicopter landed, Xinyi rushed out as the team leader and then gave commands to the others.

"Ace 3, go to the northwest corner. They have some security cameras there. Disable and wait for give a signal to Ace 5 to join you there…."

Using odd and even numbers, she paired them up and allowed them to invade the building from all angles.

As for her, she rushed into the building with two of her guns shooting at every guard that came at her.

With her martial arts skills, her speed was frightening, and only guards with a high level of practice could see her.

However, even for bigger sects, they hadn't built their bodies beyond the level where guns couldn't penetrate for most of their members and she shot at them with accuracy.

In less than ten minutes, she had gotten to the core part where the warehouse treasures were kept.

By her prediction, it was also where the top-level fighters would be.

Just before opening the door, her hand on the doorknob froze as she looked behind her. She turned off her connection to the team members on her earpiece, leaving only her connection to the pen in her front pocket.

"Ray, try scanning for any nearby weapon or trap. It's been too easy for an invasion by the Yanmen." She instructed, using her thoughts.

Even with her skills, this couldn't be the inner level with how quickly she had passed through.

"There are several doors after this room in front of us." Ray beeped as it continued its scan.

"Maybe I got an incomplete map. I'll enter and see what happens first."

Xinyi decided to charge in first and deal with the consequences later. A decision that she would come to regret in some seconds.

Xinyi immediately put her guns to use as she entered the room full of black-clothed martial artists.

"There's no rush to take all of us down. We are all here to accompany you to the afterlife." Someone said with a snigger.

Despite his words, Xinyi's concentration didn't falter as she continued to shoot. However, her hands on the trigger froze after taking down about twenty men, with none fighting back.

"Who are you people?" She asked cautiously as she looked back at the already closed door.

A man walked out from the centre and stopped in front of her.

"You have lost your usefulness to our master. If you allow yourself to go peacefully, she would add your name to the list of people that helped her when she takes over the world."

As his words fell, a door from the other side of the room opened, and Fang Yijun walked in, dressed in a white two-piece.

"Xiao Yi, you are here already." Fang Yijun said softly as she walked towards her.

However, Xinyi stepped backwards as she felt goosebumps all over her skin.

Zhao Xinyi was someone with a high IQ and even though her EQ was a little low, she could still tell from her master's eyes that something was wrong. This was not the Master that she knew.

"Master, what's happening here?" Xinyi asked while still maintaining enough distance between them.

"It's very simple. After training you for the past eight years, you have worked hard and given me a gift even faster than I expected. But word is starting to spread. The world wouldn't believe I built Ray if I don't take it from you quick enough…." She paused as she looked at everyone in the room.

"All of them have no ears and won't even hear your bullet coming. This time, I have prepared these fifty people to accompany you to the afterlife. That way, you won't be lonely over there."

Although surprised, Zhao Xinyi's mind worked at the speed of light. All of the people here were most likely from the 1st District. That had to be why Fang Yijun was willing to sacrifice them.

Also, Yanmen had been disturbing the country for a while, and they even got on the President's nerves… "What about the president? Did the both of you plan this together?"

"The President? Isn't he just like you? A chess piece on my way to the top?" Fang Yijun scoffed; her disregard for the President was easy to see.

Tears pooled in Xinyi's eyes as she looked at the ambitious look on her master's face. To think that the marital art sect disturbing the country for the last five years was under Fang Yijun's control!

"You can't hold me down." Zhao Xinyi said confidently and pulled out two bomb balls from her back pocket. Although tiny, each one of those bombs could take out an entire mansion once triggered.

Eight years ago, she had willingly handed over the brainwaves technology to Fang Yijun. After all, without her, she would be on the street, or maybe even worse. Through Fang Yijun, she escaped being taken to the 1st District and was even allowed to move upwards to the 3rd District.

Because of that, she never said anything, allowing her master to climb to the top of the world with her discovery. Using her technology, their entire team climbed up to the 4th District. The District was a myth to almost every other person.

And so, not for once would she have imagined that Fang Yijun would want to kill her because of Ray.

The thought of it had her heart clenching as tight as her fists.

Fang Yijun smiled and then signalled at the two men closest to Xinyi. The two of them picked up the two guns that she had dropped. However, Xinyi acted like she couldn't see them.

The guns weren't exactly what she needed at the moment.

"I suspected that you would have brought this along. However, you must know that this room itself is an explosive. Anything you blow up would only act to trigger the bombs."

Xinyi's hands froze for one second before she nodded decisively.

"Even better, after all, not only would the room blow me up, it will take you down with me."

Fang Yijun sneered as she patted the coat of her suit. Confident that she couldn't blow up as Xinyi threatened.

Zhao Xinyi, on the other hand, patted the pen that was still in her front pocket.

"Buddy, if I had known, perhaps, I would have created some code to turn back time." She said in a self-loathing tone and then, without hesitation, brought out Ray, her life's biggest project and smashed it under her feet.

Fang Yijun, that had been watching her rushed out with abandon the moment she saw Ray.

Everything she had planned for over a year was done to get this robot. It had every single work that Xinyi had done, which meant that she wouldn't need this disciple anymore.

But who would have imagined that Xinyi would dare to disobey her and bring it along?

"Too late," Xinyi said with a sneer as she threw her two explosives out. Since she dared to scheme against her, then she had every plan to take Fang Yijun with her to the underworld.

With a solemn look on her face, she said in a very calm tone, like a person that had resigned and made up her mind.

"Master, this disciple would need you to lead the way for me."

After saying that, she didn't waste any more seconds.

She used her legs to crush Ray under her feet and then spread her hands out like wings by her sides.

"This is how it ends." She said with a soft sigh.