
Demon Reich

Richard Müller was a member of the 4th Army who participated in operations throughout the war, but his end would come in the Battle of Berlin, when he was defending the Reichstag, a Soviet commissar shot him, ending his life. However he did not die as he transmigrated into the body of the demon queen where he will now have to lead his people to greatness or condemn them to extinction by the human kingdoms.

KENTARO12100 · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Revolt in the demon queen's castle

Erika, realizing that she was alone, did not want to waste time and decided to go down to the dungeon area to try to free any demon she could to help her defend the castle from the attack of the human army.

When she arrived at the deepest level of the castle where most prisoners were kept, she heard moans coming from behind a door which upon opening revealed a room full of men tied up with chains and hung upside down.

At first glance they looked more dead than alive; however all of them showed signs of being alive.

"Some asshole was torturing these people…"

Feeling anger at seeing his people in that way, he could only sigh as he opened the prison doors and released the 60 prisoners who were in that place.

All of them were in poor condition however he had to trust them to be able to repel the attack of the human army, the first thing he did was use his new powers to uniform each of the demons with a green hypermiable.

When they were all in uniform she approached each one of them and using the power that she had as the queen of demons, she gave them all the knowledge that she had about the tactics and use of weaponry of the German Reich.

After this she modified her memories to make them fight until her last strength, however she knew that it was not enough so a large amount of Pervitin appeared, a stimulant capable of making them fight without caring about anything.

Because she didn't know anything about the demon's organization, she gave each demon 2 bottles of Pervitin and later put a gas mask on them, since her eyes turned completely red.

The effect of the Pervitin was immediate and the men got up, to which Erika smiled and appeared, a large quantity of Mp44 and MG42 as well as enough ammunition.

"All of you will be spread throughout the castle and will have the obligation to defend its perimeter even if your life is at risk, now all of you are soldiers under my command.

Right now I'm not your queen, I'm your Führer, so don't hesitate to look for me on the roof of the castle to get ammunition, there I'll be preparing some Flakvierling 38 to finish off the human army.

Do any of you have any questions?"

They all shook their heads and in a military position made the Roman salute while shouting "Sieg Hail" in unison.

Erika was satisfied with what she saw and began walking out into the hallway to go to the roof of the castle where she could see from far away the human army attacking her castle.

While that was happening, the human army realized that things in the demon queen's castle were not normal, so they stopped raping the demon women and torturing the men to see what was happening.

The demon queen who had been on top of one tower looking at the horizon spotted a group of humans advancing towards her palace and feeling a sense of nostalgia because it reminded him of his days in the past when she was on the eastern front and the hordes of soviets kept pouring out of the snowy hills.

With a smile she stood on the edge of the roof of the tower and placed a Flakvierling 38, by accommodating it in a special way she sat on the anti-aircraft gun and, appearing, a cigarette lit it.

As she held the control of the Flakvierling she smiled and expelled a fumarole of smoke as she squeezed the trigger of the weapon, at that moment 38mm bullets, came out of the Flakvierling and began to completely destroy the human army.

Who exploded by the explosive bullets of the anti-aircraft gun, killing thousands.

Her eyes turned red at the sight of the destruction that her Flakvierling was causing among the human troops, then she ordered the demons around her to take up their positions so they could defend themselves against any attack which might come from outside.

"We can't let these scum touch our castle or else they'll never leave here alive."

She felt the same pride at the thought of having conquered Minsk with the 4 army as when she had taken part in the war of the eastern front during World War 2.

Despite the Flakvierling the human army continued to advance enduring heavy casualties only to be torn apart by the MG42s of the demon soldiers on the walls.

Because of that, the lack of discipline of the human army collapsed and everyone ran away from the castle to save their lives. Erika, seeing how the humans fled, knew that she had won the first battle.

However if she wanted to win the war she needed the citizens in the city that was close to the castle, once arming them as the Volkssturm she could move forward to take back city by city and castle by castle in order to take back her nation.

The news of the destruction of the human army and the supposed death of the summoned heroes caused fear among the human kingdoms, while the free demons made their way to the demon capital so they could join their queen in defending their land.

All this could be known immediately by the use of magic, however Erika did not know anything about it and did not care either as she ordered her soldiers to kill any surviving humans.

Maybe in her past life she would have been human but now she was the leader of the demons so she had to behave like a true leader and kill anyone who tried to destroy her people.

Due to her new power she did not have the need to use humans to build or arm her army so the labor camps were of no use to her.

She, too, did not want to be responsible for the wounded, so the quickest and easiest thing to do was kill each one of the humans and stop them from breathing the valuable air that the demons needed.

While walking down the stairs that led into the lowest level of the castle she heard some noise coming from outside. The castle's outer wall was located on top of the hill in front of it which meant that they could only see what happened inside the castle after someone opened a gate or door; therefore she went towards the front entrance where several dead bodies lay on the ground.