
Demon of the Fold

The world forever folds. One step lost, one step gained. Ancient kingdoms fall in the endless migration, Compelled to move onwards, Compelled to exploit, Coerced into endless conquest. What room do we have to settle? What time do we have to dream? We are all to be dominated by the will of this world... Cursed to bear witness to change. Death I cannot see, Life I cannot flee. ~~~~~ Syrin awakes in a new world; her mind once again faded, and her body once again degraded. Left feeling like this has happened so many times before, and always with this incessant feeling of loss. No longer can she tell if she yearns for a life long lost or relishes the space between. Is this the first time? The second? How many lives has she lived, and why is everything not lost to her. A peculiarity strikes her, however, something that does not invoke a cold nostalgia... A system? ~~~~~ Note: This is a female lead story. ~~~~~ Am posting to RoyalRoad under the name: Runyx

Shiyayori · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs


[Remnant of the One: System Interface

[Name: Syrin] [Level: 1/10 (0/10 exp)]

[Health: 32 ] [Mana: 12]

[Bloodline: Imp]

[Soul-type: Inner-world (Unawakened)]

[Class: None]

[Special Class: Contractor]

[Stat Points: 0

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 5]

[Mind: 3]

[Enyin: 5]

[Exyin: 5]]


[Scratch lvl1] [Scale-cast lvl1]]


[Synesthesic] ]

_Remnant of THE one?_

_Are there other remnants out there?_

_I'm not sure what kind of benefits this provides at this point, but..._

Glancing back up, I read the title again.

_If that title is anything to go by, I imagine this thing is an incredible tool, and does a lot more than just quantify my strengths._

While looking over the interface some more, I found myself rolling my shoulders around. It came with a rather satisfying friction between my scales, and like a hunter crafting the head of a spear, I felt them grow sharper and more refined.

_A new instinct?_

_Come to think of it, this body isn't as uncomfortable as I would have expected; in fact, I quite like it. Then again, why would I expect not to like it?_

_Well... If there are some strange past-life shenanigans going on here, at least I know I wasn't an imp before..._

Hmm... On that thought, I extended my arm forwards towards the interface before me. A part of me felt apprehensive, seeing its ominous emerald-blue glow shimmering off my scales. Regardless, my claw pressed forward on the word "bloodline", and I watched unblinkingly as a faint ripple pulsed outward from where I had touched.

Strangely, from the corner of my eye, I saw the edges of the screen flicker and even fracture slightly while it updated itself.

_What the hell was that? Is it broken?_

I let the thought go for now as my eyes turned and focused on the new information before me.


(Or Race) determines the baseline physical characteristics and stats of an individual, as well as their future potential in class types, evolution types, and ability types.]

When I finished reading, the window immediately shifted back to the original screen.

_I can take a guess as to what those types mean from instinct alone right now; however, I still want to check the class window, but first I'll look through the health, mana, and level stats..._


_Hmm, I see..._

_So, health is pretty obvious. It represents how much you can be physically injured, and also said something about not being a stat worth basing decisions off of. Makes sense, since I'm sure a hit to the head would do much more than a hit to my leg; plus, I'm sure I could tell how I am just from how I feel._

_Mana was a little more complicated. It was something about closed action potential and hidden variables. Other than the 'Can induce localised phenomena irrespective of physical constraints', which just seems like a verbose way of saying 'it's magic init', the rest didn't make much sense to me._

_Level, on the other hand, seems like the primary use of the system. It absorbs the souls of the creatures I defeat and, at particular thresholds, grants me greater strength. It can increase my health and mana and grant me stat points, along with granting skills and titles that permanently change my influence over the world itself._

"Amazing," I couldn't help but mutter.

I found myself smiling rather sharply.

_How exciting._

I reached my arm forward once more, but froze in place as a sudden noise caught my attention. I didn't so much as crane my neck in its apparent direction. Instead, I focused solely on the slow and deliberate noise gradually moving behind me.

Left. Right. Left. Right. I found that I could feel the noise on my back like static on my skin. Its deliberate motions in sync with the gradual softening of my breath.

I didn't so much as shiver at its eyes boring into my spine as I wracked my brain for an idea.

_Wait... That ability. 'Scale-cast'. The name seemed self-explanatory, but I wasn't sure how to use it. I'm not sure if the static is from this attack or from the 'Synesthesic' title, but either way, I had this odd certainty in where the likely tailed creature was._

I felt around my mind, wondering through a field of intention.

I focused on my back and became slightly panicked as my vision showed the colour of danger in its periphery.

However, for a moment, a soft clarity entered my mind, and a buried instinct became unearthed by the tumultuous terror that came with fight or flight.

Letting out a sharp breath, a piercing pain exploded from my shoulder. It lurched me forward and I spun around, and a howling shriek rattled my ears while a burning anger welled in my throat.

I launched myself towards the creature, scattering sparks across the ground. Before the now 3-eyed monstrosity could recover, I threw my weight into my claws and tore through its pale-charcoal face. I tore its head from its spine and watched it collapse to the ground with a chillingly lifeless thud.

Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I threw its head to my side, scattering its blood to the cave floor like the stroke of a mad painter's brush.

"Disgusting," I couldn't help but mumble.

I calmed down and stepped away from the crimson puddle forming near my feet. My eyes were solely focused on the entrance in the distance, my only exit, searching for any would be predators lured by the wailing scream that came before.

It felt safe and I would have continued looking for some time longer; however, I couldn't help but have my attention grasped by a noise that came from no apparent direction.

I flicked my eyes to the side as the now familiar window projected itself before me.

[[Exp +10]

[lvl1 --> lvl2]

[Health: 32 --> 35]

[Mana: 12 --> 15]

[Stat Points: 0 --> 5]

[Ability Gained: [Aphantic Mana Sense lvl1] ]

_Oooh. Now that is exciting. I mean, just look at these numbers going up. I wonder what the main screen looks like now._

Then, seemingly reading my intention, the screen changed once more.

[Remnant of the One: System Interface

[Name: Syrin] [Level: 2/10 (0/20 exp)]

[Health: 35] [Mana: 15]

[Bloodline: Imp]

[Soultype: Innerworld (Unawakened)]

[Class: None]

[Special Class: Contractor]

[Stat Points: 5

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 5]

[Mind: 3]

[Enyin: 5]

[Exyin: 5]


[Scratch lvl1] [Scale-cast lvl1] [Aphantic Mana Sense lvl1]]


[Synesthesic] ]

I felt my cheeks faintly blush with slight glee.

_I guess I should have a look at what these stats do, especially those Enyin and Exyin types. At the moment, I don't even have the faintest clue about them._

So... Oh! They're opening all at once.

[Agility + Strength:

The strength and agility metrics are passive expressions of the host's qualia over mana. Mana is poured not only into the soul but also into the body. It is used to resist entropic and reactive forces implicitly, thus increasing health. However, its active use is the amplification of physical force, either instantaneously (strength) or dynamically (agility).]


Qualia contains mana within the soul. The stronger the mind, the greater the density of mana therein.]

[Enyin + Exyin:

Enyin is a measure of internal potential, or talent. It determines the potential of your bloodline and its evolutions, as well as the potential of your soultype and ease of breakthroughs.

On the other hand, Exyin is a measure of external potential, or talent. It determines both ability and title potential. I.e. their ease of upgrades, evolutions, and acquirements.

The greater the difference between each stat, the smaller the exp gain potential. A balance between each stat at higher levels yields the greatest level growth speed.]

Don't worry, I'm not going to pad each chapter out with the interface everytime something happens, I'm doing it here to convey how it works, and it'll be more minimalist in the future.

Thanks for reading :)

Shiyayoricreators' thoughts