

Life, so beautiful, yet so fragile. A work of art that once extinguished forms another. Death, another beautiful form of art, forcefully worked its way into Zachariah's life. He had worked his hardest, done his best, and even prayed for mercy. But God gave a different kind of mercy.

"What...What is this light? Did God finally grant me the mercy of death? Am I finally free from the burdens that my parent's death caused me? Or will I never be free?" Zachariah constantly asked himself these questions over and over again. Wallowing in his own self-pity, but then he saw what seemed to be an old man with a beard on the level of dumbledore, wrinkled skin, and just an overall old man aura.

"A man.....Who...Who are you?"

"Well, my son...I don't know exactly how to answer that. You can call me God, Father, Allah, or even a regular name like John. It does not bother me in the slightest."

"God, if that is what you truly are, why have you brought so much harm into my life? Why were my parents killed right in front of me? What did I do to deserve this? Am I evil? Am I cursed?" Zachariah screamed at God.

"Well, you see your parents never wanted you. You were never told this, but your entire being was cursed at birth. Your parents never truly believed you were a demon, but they always had that shadow of doubt in their minds, which is why you were never truly loved. I've only seen this a few million times before. It's quite a curiosity. You are forever cursed to never feel love, happiness, or any other positive emotion. But if you take this damned power off my hands into another world. I may just let you live. You may even fall further into the depravity of a demon. You will feel pride, lust, wrath, envy, greed, gluttony, and even sloth, but with all of these sins, you will gain the power to surpass all others in the other world I send you to. The world is to my discretion, your power is that of my son Satan, and your body is that of my son as well. I wish you the best on your journies, and just know that your life will never be the same again."

"Your stupid believers praise you, but only I know how much of a bastard you are. I'm just a normal human being and you mess me up like this. You ruined my life bitch. I hope everything goes wrong for you fucking bastard."

I'm going to straightforward and tell you that was my first time writing a chapter like that in my life. In the future, I hope to get better. I'll bring more to his backstory next chapter. He might be a tad like me, so he'll be more realistic.

Edge_Lord_samacreators' thoughts