
Demon Lord Return

Demon Lord Kayden, the first demon lord to exist, and the strongest demon lord, mysteriously died one day and after hearing of his death every demon who tried to take his throne previously now found the opportunity to steal it presently but 1,000 years later he reincarnates into a new life, he now explores the vast new world in hopes of living a normal life.

Riddlerr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


We all glanced over to the voice and our eyes were met with a man cladded in white armor with a symbol of a dragon on a shield.

"Stop your attack or we will attack you."

He repeated his words while glancing at Ithil who still hadn't complied with the knight.

Ithil blinked twice and looked around before bowing in shame from his actions.

"I'm very sorry for my rash actions, I let my anger get the best of me."

The knight stared at Ithil blankly, he was surprised by the sudden change in demeanor in Ithil.

The knight closed his eyes before moving his hand in the air and sighing. "Just leave this city and not return for 3 years, if you are seen here, you'll be put in the dungeon."

The knight tapped the shoulders of one of his soldiers before pointing at Dan. The soldier walked to Dan and put him and his lackeys in wooden cuffs with magic embedded in them.

"You'll be thrown into the dungeon for a year for your reckless use of magic."

The knight spoke to Dan and his lackeys before moving them into a wooden cage also embedded with magic.

Their faces were dark but in a last-ditch effort to bring someone down with him Dan shouted out loud while pointing at Anne and John.

"I-It's their fault that this happened, they caused all of it by trying to scam us."

Dan's lackey nodded their head to his statement causing the leader of the knights to look towards Anne.

"Is that true?"

"N-No. He attacked me for having high prices and he said, if I still had the prices high the next time he saw me, he would hurt me even more."

Anne tried replying as calmly as possible but standing in front of a powerful knight made it impossible to remain calm.

"I was a witness, and what she says is true."

Ithil said with his hands in the air.

The knight looked at Ithil before looking around at all the spectators.

"For those of you who seen what happened, is what she said true?"

Most of the spectators watching shook their heads. They did it so they wouldn't get on Dan's bad side.

"It looks like what you said was a lie, so you will also be asked to leave, and not return for 2 years."

"P-Please, I'm sorry. Just don't do thi-"


The knight shouted at the top of his lungs, causing the floors to rumble slightly and the building to shake.

Anne dropped to her knees and started crying while John crouched to comfort her even though he was also crying.

"You both have 10 minutes to pack your stuff and leave."

The knights turned around and left and the atmosphere turned dull.

Not one word was spoken because they were still shaken by the shout of the knight.

After regaining their composure, those who were selling things quickly packed up and left while the other spectator scurried off.

Ithil turned to Anne but caught the glimpse of his daughter who was crying. He walked over to her and picked her up before bowing his head to the ground and apologizing to Anne.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault that this happened, if only I hadn't used magic, we would've been let off without any punishment."

Anne swiped her eyes and faintly smiled at Ithil.

"It's not your fault, if anything you saved us from another possible attack from that guy."

"Still I could've don-"

"Please stop apologizing and lift your head, it hurts me, even more, when I see you like that."

Anne walked to Ithil while lightly picking him up from his shoulders.

He stood up and grabbed his daughter's hand. He then reached for a pouch in his chest pocket and took out 5 golden coins.

He handed them to Anne to express his forgiveness.

"Take this as a form of my forgiveness and as help for new equipment since your old ones are now burnt."

All the stuff we brought was now fried to a crisp from Dan's attack even surrounding buildings had burn marks on them.

"N-No. I can't possibly accept this."

She looked up thinking she would meet eyes with Ithil but was met with only the bright blue sky.

Ithil left the moment he said his last few words.

Anne smiled happily, even though everything was ruined, the 5 golden coins were enough to provide them for 5 years maybe 6 if it was spent properly.

Each gold coin was Ł500,000 so 5 of them was Ł2,500,000. There were 5 different coins, copper which was Ł10, silver at Ł10,000, gold at Ł500,000, obsidian at 10,000,000, and diamond at 500,000,000.

The reason the value was so apart from each other was that most food and utilities were bought with copper coins and sometimes silver but gold, obsidian, and diamond were used to buy anything that was related to magic or a house that was about the size of a palace.

Seeing Anne get 5 gold coins was surprising since handing out just a golden coin was enough to make you repay the person with your life especially if you were low on money like Anne and John, but he gave her 5 like it was pocket change.

Maybe he was from a rich family or was royalty but I denied the last part since if he was royalty the knights earlier surely would've noticed.

Anne and John used their magic to crush the burnt food stand into a small circle after finishing they were gasping for air.

It looked like they had a terrible understanding of magic. They picked me up and started walking out the front entrance they came from, taking a few glances back they then continued on the route they took to come here.

We arrived home and the bright blue sky was now dark and filled with stars.

Anne placed me in my bed and kissed my forehead and wished me goodnight. When she left I began meditating again to finish what I started earlier today.

Seeing the 50 mana particles I didn't collect last time reappear put a smile on my face.

After finishing the meditation, a sudden urge to sleep indulged me.

I slowly closed my eyes and slept.