
Demon King Working System

Jack, A 25-year-old guy walked through the streets with a very happy face. It's his first day of work and after staying unemployed for more than a year. He was finally able to get a job and also in one of the big companies. Jack was so excited that he arrived an hour ago before the given time. So he strolled through an alley near the building. He lighted his cigarette and enjoyed it while standing in the alley. SHOT... Suddenly a shot was fired and a murder happened there which was witnessed by Jack. "Holy shit!! Did I just witness a murder?" Jack shouted as he called the cops and started to record Everything on his phone. RING... "Who is there get him..." "Damn, these call centers. I forgot to silence my phone." Jack ran away with the proof of murder as two killers pursued him. "Damnit stop running you fucking rat." One of the killers screamed at Jack while running behind him "Damnit what type of shitty luck, I have why it always happened to me..." Jack screamed as he ran away from both the killers. SHOT... Suddenly a shot grazed his leg and he fell to the ground, as he screamed in pain. SIREN... Suddenly the Siren of cops sounded and Jack took a sigh of relief that he was saved. "Who called the cops, damnit..." one of them screamed as he asked his other partner and Jack decided to take this chance and tried to run away. SHOT... "What did you think, you could run away from us that easily..." "Hand up, all of you..." "We need an ambulance there is the injured person, he has been shot through the chest near the heart." 'So this is how I am going to die, really now that I got a good job too, why has it always happened with me?' As his crimson-red blood flows from his body, his life slowly fades away, and he falls into a deep slumber from which no one can ever get up. .............. 'Where am I?' Jack found himself drifting into a never-ending dark realm, which seemed to stretch infinitely. #YOU SO YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY INTERESTING...# Jack heard a voice but wasn't able to see anyone as the Voice talked with him Jack got to know many things and that he was going to a new fantasy world. #AND BEFORE YOU GO, I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A GIFT TO YOU # The voice said as an unknown energy got inside Jack's body which was comfortable in its sense. #HAVE FUN DUDE AND USE MY GIFT PROPERLY...# The voice said and suddenly Jack's eyes shot open as he woke up and found himself in a new and very luxurious room. TIN TIN.... {SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO THE HOST BODY.} {SYSTEM HAS ESTABLISHED THE CONNECTION. THE DEMON KING SYSTEM IS ONLINE} {SYSTEM IS EVALUATING HOST STATUS WINDOW.} "Ya!! I have my System that is so cool now I am also going to become an MC like those novel characters." With this Jack's new Adventure in an unknown world began.

Mask_Kk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs



"No, absolutely not," Aurora's voice rang out with a firmness that hinted at an underlying concern.

"But why?" Jack's curiosity was palpable, his gaze fixed intently on Aurora within the confines of the Demon Royal Castle.

Their return from a seemingly enchanting date mere days ago had transitioned into a tense exchange, with Jack determinedly focused on his newfound quest for points.

"No, you are not going to ETHERNOK," Aurora reiterated, her tone laced with a sense of urgency.

Jack's resolve to embark on this journey was met with staunch opposition from Aurora, who harbored reservations about his safety in such perilous terrain.

"But why, Froze? You know I need fighting experience to truly become strong," Jack insisted, though both he and Aurora understood the underlying motive – Jack's burning desire to test his newfound technique in the crucible of real combat.

Aurora's response was swift and unequivocal. "Even so, Ethernok is not the place you should venture to right now."

The tension in the air thickened as Jack's narrowed gaze bore into Aurora, demanding an explanation.

"Because you are too weak," Aurora's words hung in the air, punctuating the gravity of the situation.

Jack narrowed his Eyes and answered....

"I know, Froze, that I had to be a Gold to kill an Etheran... But you know that my strength is equal to a Gold rank, don't you?"

Aurora listened to him and narrowed her eyes...

Yeah, she knows that Jack is nearly as strong as a Gold rank while being in an early Silver rank... That is something unheard of in this world...

His potential defies the very logic of this world... And hearing it, Aurora didn't know what she should say to this guy...

Even she can't say that when she was in Early Silver rank she could defeat or be on the same level of strength with an Early Gold rank...

"Even so, you can't go there... You are still too weak..."

"But why?"

Jack asked with a curious look on his face, and Aurora looked at his eyes with a serious look and said...

"A Gold rank can defeat an Etheran, but that doesn't mean it can defeat every Etheran out there..."

"There are many Etherans who are stronger... A Gold rank can only defeat an Etheran who is the weakest out there... There are some Etherans who are stronger than me also..."

Hearing her, Jack's jaw dropped to the floor... I mean, why not? The girl standing in front of him is a General strong enough to beat more than one Early Obsidian rank person... And she is saying that some monsters are even stronger than her...

Jack, with a shocked look on his face, can't help but think what type of monsters live there...

And as if knowing what he was thinking, Aurora looked at him and said...

"Don't think of me that highly... There are limits to what I can do... There are some monsters strong enough to even defeat a supreme rank..."

Once again, a very shocked and scared look came on Jack's face... One has to know that the supremes are the strongest entity of this world that Jack knows... And if these monsters can even defeat a Supreme then... This world is doomed...

A panicked look came upon Jack's face, but then a thought came to Jack's mind...

'If they are as strong as she says, then why haven't they attacked the world?'

"Well, it seems that you are thinking that if they are so strong, then why don't they destroy everything, right..."

Suddenly, Jack heard Aurora's voice, and he came out of his reverie and looked at Aurora and nodded his head...

Seeing that curious and cute look in his eyes, a smile came upon her face as she answered his question...

"That's because there is only one monster which appears in a millennium who is stronger than a supreme and given the title Monster Lord and leads all monsters..."

She revealed, and hearing that, Jack narrowed his eyes...

"Think about that, if there would be more than one monster there who is even stronger than a supreme..."

"Then that would cause chaos over the world... The equilibrium of the world will shift and everything would fall apart..."

Jack started to think about this possibility deeply...

"Then what if another monster like that appears in the world... What will we do..."

Jack asked Aurora with a concerned look...

"You don't have to worry about that... There are many strong powers who are here to deal with that possibility... The World Order..."

"World Order..."

Jack muttered to himself...

"The World Order, as the name suggests, is responsible for maintaining the order of the world... The members of the Order are the representatives of the main seven races..."

"The most talented supremes who are the strongest in their respected races are the leaders and the members of the World Order..."

Jack narrowed his eyes... And Aurora continued to speak...

"Even your mother is also a member of the World Order... And one of the strongest members of the Order..."

She spoke, and Jack widened his eyes... He knows that his mother was strong somehow his senses told him that she is very strong but he never thought how much stronger she was...

"You said she is one of the strongest members, but then who is the strongest member..."

Jack asked, and Aurora looked at him in his eyes and said...

"It's the Vampire Queen..."

Jack narrowed his eyes as he looked at Aurora waiting for the introduction but...

"No one knows much about the Vampire Queen, but it is said that she is the strongest out of all, even I also don't know much, and the Queen has never discussed it with anyone..."

Jack shook his head in defeat... He was really very interested in knowing who this queen was, but it seems that he is not going to know about her anytime soon...

"Then what should I do... If I can't go to Ethernok..."

He asked with a sad look. He really wanted to test his fighting techniques on the monsters, but he wasn't a fool to charge into somewhere where he knows that he is going to die anyway.

Seeing that look, Aurora narrowed her eyes and shook his head and spoke...

"Don't be sad; you can always venture into the Dungeons. A Silver rank dungeon would be much better for you; the monsters there would be comparatively weaker than the monsters in Ethernok, and you can easily defeat them..."

Hearing her, a smile came to Jack's face as he jumped on Aurora and kissed her on the cheek...

"Thanks, Froze, you are the best..."

Jack said and waved his hand...

"Then I would be going; take care of yourself... I will take the help of some butlers to find me the nearest Silver rank Dungeon here... You should continue with your training..."

Jack said, after which he ran out in excitement...

Aurora, who got a kiss out of nowhere, was standing there like a statue with a bright red shade on her face... As she touched the left cheek where Jack had kissed her...

An embarrassed look came on her face, and she could feel a sudden excitement building up inside her heart...

But then she shook her head and decided to focus on her training....