

"Welcome to the Infinity Room. Where you have selected to participate in God's Game." Our protagonist gets dragged to play in the God's Game. "Your sole mission is to become the strongest in the world." "Everyone gets a system to help them in their mission to become the strongest." [ DEMON KING SYSTEM ] Watch how our protagonist not only survives but also becomes the strongest and takes hold of his destiny.

Royal_Tigris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

God's Eye


[System mission upgrade completed.

Royal Court category unlocked. ]

Alen just stupidly stares at this notification.

'What happened why did the system Mission get upgraded two times?' Alen ponders over this. Then he opens up his mission category.

[System mission one: completed

System mission two: completed

System mission three: Fill up your Royal Court

Mission description: Add at least 20 people to your royal court.

Reward: System mission gets upgraded.

One chance to upgrade one of your stat to S.]

Alen takes a deep breath and chooses System Mission Two to see what was written there.

[System mission two: Become the overlord.


Mission description: Kill at least 10 system holders.

Reward: System mission gets upgraded.

One chance to get an S Rank skill. (Received)]

'...oh so this was the second mission' Alen dumbfoundedly sees the mission.

Suddenly Sera calls me "Alen my mission is completed but I also completed a hidden mission."

Alen then looks at Sera who is also looking at her system keenly.

'This wouldn't have happened if we didn't change the plan. Seems like it benefited us. But now I am in deep waters. Every boy is dead beside me if I'm the only one to live then the suspicion will fall only on me.'

Alen quickly tried to think about what to do to get out of this situation.

'Lana, how can I get the S rank skill?'

[ "You only need to go to the store category and from there you can select an S rank skill of your choosing" ]

Alen then opens his system interface to look for the newly added store category.

[ Demon King System ]

The name fades away and then the categories pop up one after another.







[Royal Court]

Alen selects a store category the store opens up showing the grade. In the upper left corner, you can see the money section where it's written 99 gold coins.

After seeing this Alen instantly understands how to buy skills. The real-life money is transferred to the store category because Alen now has only 99 gold left.

Alen then selects S-rank skills and watches as the store category lists an unlimited amount of skills.

He becomes stunned seeing this. Looking at them Alen notices that the physical and magical skills are mixed and half of the skills lean towards demonic skills. Well probably because this is the demon king system.

[ Demon Transformation - Magical skill

Satan's Eye - Magical skill

Archdemons Might- Physical skill

Multiply - Magical skill

Metamorphosis - Magical skill ]

'Hmmm, there are lots of amazing skills.' Alen looks at this and thinks about also buying some but seeing that the price is in platinum coins he quickly shifts his attention.

'For now, I should focus on the more important thing' Alen quickly opens the skill tab to check which skill will benefit him.

[ Skills

Will of the Demon King - Physical skill - S

Description: During a fight your strength, vitality, dexterity and agility are greatly boosted.

King's Rule - Magical skill - S

Description: You gain the ability to manipulate the world laws at your will.

Monarch's Presence - Magical skill - A

Description: Your very presence becomes more prominent. Lower-level powered beings will want to submit to you. The same level-powered beings won't mess with you and higher level-powered beings won't want to deal with you.

Bloodline skills:

Growth - Magical skill - SSS

Description: Your strength, vitality, intelligence, dexterity, agility and magic will continuously grow over time as long as your body doesn't reach its limit. The more you train faster the growth becomes. ]

'With this, I can easily become stronger but there is something missing here.' Alen returns to the shop and types in the search bar that is at the top of the interference.

[ Satan's Eye - Magical skill - S

Dragons Eye - Magical skill - S

Sages Eye - Magical skill - S ]

Then Alen widens his eyes and buys a skill after reading its description.

[ God's Eye - Magical skill - S

Description: Using this ability you can see your target's status.]

Alen then thinks about something and asks Lana, 'Can a dead body be placed in the storage space?'

[ "Yes, as long as it's not a living being despite its state it can be placed in the storage." ]

'Alright, now this situation seems somewhat manageable.' Alen smiles a little.

Then Alen opened the door and entered Eric's room and there was Eric's body on the bed. Sera quickly followed. Coming closer Alen sees that Eric is indeed dead.

"Now Sera use your skill on him." Alen turns to Sera and waits for her to use her skill.

Sera nods and raises her hand, "Purify."

Eric's dead body glows a bit and Alen sees that Eric is no longer poisoned by using God's eye skill.

"It's done," Sera looks at Alen then smiles beautifully.

"Can you use Purify a couple more times?" Alen asks Sera.


"Then let's go to the other boys rooms as well because they're also dead."


"How did they all die?" Sera widen her eyes in surprise.

'Look at this girl. If I hadn't left my room in time I would've died as well.' Alen thinks mentally.

"I changed my plan and poisoned every boy,

You also changed your plan and put Dandal flowers in every boy's room." Alen then reaches to the bedside table where the Dandal flower is placed and puts it in his storage.

"But it's better this way. So don't worry Sera." Alen smiles a bit.

Sera watches in a daze and answers, "I was never worried because you're with me."

Watching Sera who said something very sweet Alen falls silent.

"Let's go," Alen then takes Sera and goes to every boy's room to purify them so that there is no sign of poison in anyone's body.

Although it seems meaningless it is crucial for Alen's plan to succeed without any suspicion. Now besides Eric, every boy also died so Alen has to create a new plan.

Alen then stops in front of a boy and takes his body into his storage. This boy's system is the Assassin system so it'll help shift the blame from him to this boy if his body is not found.

Alen then turns to Sera and says, "Sera I need you to come to my room quickly in the morning."

Sera blushes and says shyly, "I can come to your room now though."


Watching Alen who is speechless Sera giggles a bit and says, "I was joking."

Alen looks at Sera and without saying much pins her to the wall with his left hand.

Startled Sera looks at Alen.

Alen with his right hand lifts her head by holding her chin and says, "You can come to my room now."


Now it's Sera's turn to get speechless but Alen then smirks a bit and says while laughing, "I am just joking."

Sera looks and Alen and pouts. She hits Alen's chest with her right hand softly.

Alen then releases her and says, "You should go now and get some sleep. This morning will also be hectic."

Sera just nods and leaves for her room. Alen also returns to his room. Despite completing his two missions if he can't solve this issue then he would have to flee the kingdom.

chapter number 8 completed!!!

Royal_Tigriscreators' thoughts