
demon king in tensura

demon king Gunnar was in the process of summoning the legendary hero to finally put and end to the hero's meddling . when he himself was summoned to another world. ironic isn't it

SpaceGori · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

short chapter

I've seen many things in my long life from would-be gods to monsters claiming to bring peace.

Say's a young man with eyes full of regret and sadness.

Around the young man lay hundreds of corpses' friends or enemies nobody knew.

"So it's time FINALLY!!! Sariel, Briathos I'm sorry"

The young man says in a voice full of sadness.

He takes one step towards what seems to be the mangled bodies of two beings.

"To think that a mere 500 years ago I called both of you brothers. Why did you betray me for that disgusting being I refuse to call father. So many questions for you both this is goodbye Sariel, Briathos may we never meet again."


The young man sighed as he looks away from the mangled Remains. This is the first time in a long while that the young man rests.

The young man now looks towards what seems to be a mass of eyes in the clear sky.

" Father so you have arrived you've come to kill me I take it"

"The young man mocked. Glaring at the mass of eyes"

"No my son I've come to congratulate you. For you see Vodus you are special only you have the power to end my existence"

The mass of eyes says to the young man now named Vodus.

"What have I said about you using that FUCKING NAME YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE!!!!!. You make my brothers fight on your behalf and die on your behalf. FOR FUCKING WHAT!!."

Vodus shouted at his father.

"For what you will never know my son this is the last time we shall see face to face my son goodbye."

The mass of eyes said to Vodus while looking at him with pity.

"Mark my words I will end your pathetic existence just you wait."

Vodus shouted at the top of his lungs. As Vodus looked at the mass of eyes slowly gaining distance with fire in his eyes.

"So I'm alone now he refused to kill me now what TELL ME WHAT DO I DO!!."

Vodus said in a broken voice.

"Why don't you end it plunge your hand into your stomach and end yourself creature of the depths."

say's a soothing motherly voice.

" I might consider it women but first tell me who you are."

Vodus said to the woman without a care in the universe.

" I am known as Mari goddess of time and I would like you to take my place after you kill yourself of course."

say's the women now named Mari to Vodus

"I accept Mari goddess of time."

as Vodus says this he raises his arm and thrusts it directly into his chest

"splat, crunch."

The sound of blood splashing and bones cracking could be heard.

"sigh men."

say's, Mari


thanks for reading this small chapter thanks to my friend Forcespeed4 for the help give is novels a check on wattpad or here.