
Demon King IFRIT Chapter 2

ssanimations · Fantasia
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17 Chs

Demon King Ifrit

{ Ifrit teleports to the Strigoi Realm}

Ifrit : come on out, I know you're here.

unknown beings : what?! How'd you know that we're here?

Ifrit : don't worry about that, now answer me, why we're you guys spying on me?

unknown being : Because The King Of Strigoi told us that you have came here to destroy our world, and we are not about to let you do that!!

Ifrit : The King of Strigoi? I thought i killed him...and what is your name by the way?

unknown Being : My name is Ashira, and her name is Killa.

Ifrit : Ashira and Killa, i am not here to destroy your world, i am here t-

Ashira : Shut up! The king knew you'd start lying, I won't let you take another step!

Ifrit : Oh my...Am i being threatened right now?

Ashira : Yes! This is a threat! You take another step and i'll kill you, you son of a bitch.

Ifrit : You see... i really don't like it when someone disrespects me, so i think i'll teach you a lesson.

Ashira : Go ahead give it try.

(Ifrit Blinks)

Ashira : What?!? Where'd you go!!

Ifrit : Behind you

(Ifrit Smiles)

( Ifrit Knocks Ashira Down )

( Ifrit steps On Ashira's head)

Ifrit : So Now what? shall i destroy you now?

᯾Killa kicks Ifrit᯾

Killa : What?! That did absolutely nothing?!?? You didn't even move from your spot!

(Ifrit turns to Killa)

(Ifrit Slaps Killa then throws her into his dimension)

Ashira : Wha.... What'd you Just do to her !?!!

(Ashira's In rage & His Rage scream is spreading across infinite dimensions)

Ashira : You'll Pa...Pay... for what you did... to KILLA!!

(All of Infinite dimensions vanish)

Ifrit: Oh my...That is impressive, well for someone your level.

Ashira : And Now... You're going to Die!

( Ashira raises his hand)

*( Explosion)*

Ifrit : Soo? What'd just happened?

Ashira : What?!?! I just put infinite amount of gravity on you, and you don't even feel it?

Ifrit : Oh... So that's what you did? Well yeah...that move did literally nothing, BUT go ahead and show me what else you've got.

Ashira : Don't Underestimate me!

( Ashira Shoots a energy blast)

(The Energy Blast Hit's Ifrit)

Ifrit : So? And what was that supposed to do?

Ashira : What The Hell!!

Ifrit : Yes Hell, that's where im going to be sending you soon, matter of fact...your beloved one is there right now.

Ashira : Why you..!!!

(Ashira Rushes Towards Ifrit)

Ifrit : Stop

Ashira : What the?! My body is paralyzed! What'd you do to me.

Ifrit : Well, how do i explain this... So basically anything i want happens by just me saying it, for example i just now wanted you to stop and listen to me, so your body froze on the spot.

Ashira : Your so Calm it pisses me off!!

Ifrit : calm down bud, I want to train you...

Ashira : Yo..you what?

Ifrit : Yes..i want to train you, and Killa.

Ashira : but why? i thought you wanted to destroy us.

Ifrit : As i said earlier.... I am not here to destroy anyone, I am here because i am bored, And that is the reason i want to train you and Killa.

Ashira : If that's so, then bring her Back, Now!

Ifrit : Ugh, You never learn do you?

Ashira : I...i am sorry, could you please bring her back?

Ifrit : Already did.

Killa : Turn around silly

Ashira : Killa!!

( Ashira and Killa Hug)