
Demon King's Rebirth: Kaeru Chikara

The pursuit of power is a path filled with bloodshed. It is a path teeming with suffering and misery. A path that most wouldn't walk, yet he continues. He moves forward with a relentless spirit forged in the hells of deep despair; nothing having the ability to stop him. He will continue moving forward. Whether it be his old world or his new one, he will not change. Whether it be in the face of an all-encompassing power or the sneaky schemes of an old sly fox, his incomparable wit will push him forward. Whether it be murder or seduction, no means are beneath him. This is how the Demon King lived. This is how the Demon King lives. And this is how the Demon King would continue to live. This is how the Demon King would become a God. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear reader, The first part of this book (Chapter 1 - 26) is dedicated to establishing the main character of this book, so it will be a bit slow at first. But once things get going, they get going! So I recommend you give this book some time to cook before deciding it to not be worth your time. Best regards, Author of this impoverished book. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This book has been dropped. There is a good amount of content to read, so if you don't care and want to read it, go ahead, I can't stop you. This is just a warning that nothing new is coming out from this book.

MrChill · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

The Duranian Awakening Ceremony

"If you take a moment to observe your surroundings, you'll notice the abundance of flourishing plant life. We believe it's beneficial for students to study cultivation in a harmonious environment. However, despite the tranquil garden setting, the school year will remain competitive."

The imposing figure, introducing himself as Convir Vignus, the school's "dean," led us on a tour of the campus. He pointed out various interesting spots and unique buildings. Although I harbored suspicions about him, he was correct in describing this place as harmonious.

The entire campus resembled a garden, with even the wooden structures adorned with vines and flowers. I imagined the interiors would be no different. However, amidst the vegetation, I couldn't spot any animals or insects.

Convir explained the different facilities as we strolled along the dirt path. Some of them caught my attention, such as the Medical Hall and the Fruit Identification Facility.

What amazed me most was the sheer scale and grandeur of these buildings. Even if I liquidated all my assets as the former Demon King, I couldn't construct half of this land, let alone manage it.

This experience opened my eyes. From what I knew, the Wood and Fire Fairy Sect was considered a lower-mid-tier sect. If they could create something like this, what did it say about the world? It either meant the world was abundant in resources or that the level of power that I held in my last life, was considered a low-tier strength in this new one. And based on my earlier investigations, the latter seemed to be the reason.

One detail Convir failed to mention, but I quickly noticed, was the abundance of dark areas. While walking along the dirt path, I came across numerous secluded spots where illicit activities could take place without much trouble. This might prove useful for me in the future. One can never predict the path one will tread while staying here.

"Oh, one more thing, students. I'm sure you're already aware, but let me remind you. Throughout the entire school year, you'll be residing on campus. Sleeping, eating, and cultivating—all of it will happen here. Of course, there may be exceptions, but those will be rare."

As Convir concluded his remarks, he halted his footsteps. At that moment, I was snapped out of my thoughts. He turned towards us, a grin of excitement spreading across his face.

"Here it is—the place where your cultivation journey begins: the Wood and Fire Fairy Sect's very own Cultivation School."

Behind him stood a building, or rather, a dome. Its exterior resembled an enclosed arena, constructed using various types of wood that created an intriguing color scheme. I wondered how such a structure could be supported solely by wood.

Convir turned around and dramatically pushed open the double doors, revealing the interior of the enormous dome. Just as I had predicted, it was filled with more plants, though not overwhelmingly so. It struck a unique balance that brought solace to the soul.

Following Convir, we advanced into the dome. I could now grasp the general layout of the place. It wasn't an open concept as I had imagined, but rather consisted of interconnected rooms and halls. The furnishings were lavish, with occasional couches, fireplaces providing warmth, and other elements one would expect to find in a cozy cabin. The entire structure exuded a sense of comfort.

While I marveled at the peculiarities of the surroundings, Convir came to another stop. "Alright, everyone, this is it. Choose a room to enter, and a Fruit Cultivator of Stone Class or above will welcome you. The process of activating your Duranian is quite simple, so don't be nervous. I wish you all a fantastic school year and good luck!"

With those parting words, Convir walked away. Following his instructions, I entered one of the rooms, as did the other students. As I opened the door, I found a familiar face.

"Oh, Quis! What a coincidence!"

Before me stood the first person I communed within this world, who exchanged names with me after the whole ordeal, Beulus. He wore a cheerful smile, gesturing for me to sit in the chair across from him behind the desk. I obliged and exchanged a basic greeting with Beulus, who immediately got down to business.

"Activating your Duranian is a straightforward process, but it requires trust in the person assisting you. I simply infuse your body with a bit of Genesis Liquid, and your Duranian will awaken. Of course, if I wanted, I could overwhelm your body and kill you instantly."

Beulus delivered the final statement with a rushed tone and a slight chuckle as if trying to conceal an important clause in a contract. I squinted suspiciously at him, causing him to deflate slightly.

"You know, that glare of yours can be quite hurtful. I thought we were friends by now. Ah, never mind. Are you ready for me to awaken your Duranian or not!?"

Beulus pouted momentarily before exclaiming his last sentence with excitement. I expressed my suspicion but eventually sighed and gave him a small nod.

"Oh yeah! I love this part of the year! It's always exciting to witness the unique lands that new cultivators develop. Apparently, the type of Duranian you possess is influenced by your life experiences, place of birth, and other factors. Although I'm not particularly fond of the Talent grading system. I faced some bullying due to it during my own school days."

Beulus said something that caught my attention as he moved behind me.

'Based on your life experiences? That sounds risky... I hope I don't arouse too much suspicion once we're done. Wait, but I have memory loss, so for this person, it's more like delving into my past. I won't have to explain anything if something peculiar manifests.

I calmed my spiking nerves with some self-reassurance and braced myself as Beulus placed his hand on my back. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. At that moment...


A wave of pain surged through my body, swiftly followed by an extraordinary sensation that washed over my very being. It was intoxicating—an experience I had only encountered once before in my entire life. The sensation of boundless power.

Within seconds, the feeling dissipated, and I regained focus on my surroundings. Beulus looked at me with keen interest.

"You handled that feeling quite well. When it faded from me, I had to be restrained for a few hours before regaining my sanity. Perhaps your memory loss has something to do with it? Ah, never mind. Take a look inside your Duranian. It's quite... fascinating... yeah, that's the word. Fascinating!"

Beulus explained the process of examining the Duranian, and I quickly caught on. Closing my eyes, I directed my thoughts to the core of where the earlier sensation emanated. It took a moment to locate, but once I did, the subsequent step came naturally, like breathing. I entered my Duranian.

"What on earth is this?" I muttered in disbelief as I surveyed the landscape within my Duranian. It was utterly preposterous. In front of me lay a small town from my previous world, reminiscent of a humble peasant settlement. It appeared so... minuscule.

There were three brick houses with wooden additions, each equipped with a chimney. Stairs led up to the main plaza, a mostly empty space with concrete ground. At its center stood a well, presumably filled with the enigmatic Genesis Liquid.

The houses were arranged in a pattern along three sides of the plaza. The fourth side consisted of a path, made of the same material as the plaza, leading to a lake. In the center of the lake was an island teeming with lush vegetation, akin to a tropical paradise with a beach, coconut trees, and a vibrant jungle. Two contrasting landscapes existed within my Duranian, coexisting incongruously.

Exiting my Duranian, I stared at Beulus in bewilderment. He could only shrug and attempt to comfort me by saying, "It's not a bad land at all. In fact, you're quite fortunate to possess such versatility... but it does pique my curiosity."

I sighed. "I couldn't answer even if I wanted to. Please, don't share this with others. I'm already struggling to fit in," I expressed my concern, knowing it could become problematic if word got out. Thankfully, Beulus seemed to understand my situation and gave me his word. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if his superiors dragged it out of him

Putting that awkward exchange behind us, I prepared myself for the next crucial step—the assessment of Talent.

Another chapter to the book. The next couple of chapters will explain more about the world and how it works. Sorry if you are a bit confused up to this point, but I want to make sure it all comes out naturally. I just didn't have any excuse to explain it through the story. Also, while going through this book, you may notice some strange, yet familiar similes and metaphors. I want to express the culture of this world more through speech, so similies and metaphors will mostly represent world things.

PS: If you could spare a power stone or review on this novel, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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