
What Happened In The Past

Monroe and Jade enters the training room and there was a woman and a guy currently fighting. The guy is full of runes all over his body and there's the most noticeable mark in his neck.

Jade introduced him to her while they continued watching them in their training.Hashe Starkweather, their weapon trainer. And, more importantly,he's a former circle member. After the uprising, Hashe repented and was sent to the headquarters to live and make amends.But he was forbidden to ever leave the headquarters.

They both went to the training floor the moment they finished the training to interrogate Hashe.

Monroe look at him with pity in her eyes. The moment Hashe turn his gazed into Monroe was he thought she was Jocelyn.

"Jocelyn." He said looking directly at Monroe with a surprise smile on his face.

"I- I'm Monroe Jocelyn's daughter." She doubted to answer. She look at Jade first before she answered.

"She was one of my best friends." He said without breaking eye contact to Monroe amd couldn't believe what he just saw at this moment. *Monroe exhales hearing it.*

"She's been kidnapped...by someone named Marcus and his men." She said ro Hashe and glanced at Jade as if she's asking for his help and explains everything to him.

"By the circle,Hashe." Jade emplied.

"But that's impossible." He move a step backwards and continues "Marcus is dead and the circle died with him." He was choked after saying the name 'Marcus'. The circle marked in his neck burns him.

"What is happening?" Monroe worriedly asked and glanced at Jade. Jade just sighs.

"I swore a vow never to speak of what we did. This is the clave's way of making sure I keep that vow." He shrugged his shoulder while enduring the pain.

"We can't torture him,Jade. Is there anyone else we can ask?" Monroe ask him troubled upon seeing him in pain. Jade just shake his head.

"If the circle really is back...and they've taken Jocelyn. Our leader...our leader of the circle was Marcus--"*winces* Monroe was about to go near him to help him but he stop her and continue talking. They could hear the rune is searing in his neck.

"We thought he wanted to protect humans just like Demonhunters but we never realized the lengths which Marcus is willing to go… the people he was willing to sacrifice.*inhales sharply* Most of the humanity would die if we continued to Marcus's plan." Jade gritted his teeth seeing and hearing Hashe enduring the pain too much.

"But… I still don't understand. How does my mother relate to any of this?" She asked Hashe unbelievably.

He sighs and replied "Jocelyn was a member of the circle as well."

Her mouth was left hanging hearing those words. She couldn't believe what he just said.

"No. I… I can't believe it. My mother, she--" she looked at Jade and a tears started to fall in her checks.

"The important thing is that Jocelyn left the circle. And none of this even matters, because Marcus died in a fire years ago." Hashe said smiling despites of the pain in his neck. And he groans because of pain after saying the name 'Marcus' for the last time and falls down into the floor.

Jade immediately catched him and he continued talking with a weak voice. "Marcus nearly destroyed the human world. If he'd gotten the Cup--" he was not able to finish when Monroe interrupted 'cause she remembered something.

"Wait,wait,wait. My mother told me she hid something from someone. If it's the Cup--" She said remembering what her mother told her before she pushed her into the portal.

"Monroe, the Mortal Cup is the most important thing in a shadow world. Whoever possesses it can create more Demonhunter." Jade explains to her.

"And in the wrong hands,control demons.If Jocelyn hid the cup, then she's in more danger than you can possibly imagine." Hashe added. Crawls into the floor because of pain.

"I hate to make you suffer like this." Monroe went closer to him with pitying eyes.

"Your mother is just trying to protect you and now it's your turn to protect her. Stop Mar-cus... before he destroys us all." Hashe said in between his heavy breathing.

Monroe was terrified of what might happen. So she ran quickly outside the room crying and Jade followed her. He tried to stop her from doing anything stupid at this point. He told her to calm down but she wouldn't listen.

She blurted to him that he wouldn't understand the feeling of losing a mother since he's a person who doesn't feel any emotions. So je told that she was right. Since he doesn't have a mother growing up.

Monroe stopped and looked at him with pity and told him she didn't know. What Jade is trying to say is that she doesn't know anything about their world, yet. So she must not do any unnecessary things that could put her in danger.

When she's calm down. They talked about Marcus again and to why does he think her mother has the cup.

"You know about the runes, you've drawn them. You know something. Think, please." Jade walked closer to her trying to convince her.

"I've tried,Jade. It's just this empty blankness." She exclaimed and turned around.

"Your memories been wiped" Jade sighs and smirked.

"That's not possible." She said and turn her gaze to Jade "Is it?" She ask frowning.

"Absolutely… if you know a warlock." He said smirking.

"A warlock?" She asked again with disbelief.

"Yeah, a warlock. Immortal beings,they are half demon, half humans.Sometimes their fingers spark." He said describing a warlock.

"Natasha. My mom's assistant,her hands had this purple glow when she opens the wall and my mom pushed me through and I ended up at the police station." She said and puts an action and moved her hands the way Natasha did it.

"That was a portal. Natasha must have been a warlock. Only warlocks can create them." Jade seriously said.

"Wait, so are you saying if we find the real Natasha, she could help us find the cup and get my mom back ?" She asked. A sign of relief could be seen in her eyes.

Jade shrugged his shoulder and said "Unless she is working for Marcus."

"Even better. She will lead us right to him." She said determine and walks back inside the headquarters and look for Simon.

Simon was at Izzy's room waiting for her to come back. He was peacefully humming a song when Izzy arrived bringing a tray of food for Simon.

Izzy giggled when she noticed that Simon stared at her when she's walking inside the room. She sat next to him in the bed.

"So,um… what happens to humans if they are... runed?" Simon asked.

Izzy shrugged her shoulders and started talking "They usually die. Sometimes they go crazy. When that happens we call them the forsaken.Then we kill them." She said looking at Simon's face.

"Right. So the rune on Monroe's neck…" He said nervously.

"A healing rune. Jade used it to save her life." She replied clarifying it.

"So Jade knows she's a Demonhunter?" He asked with curiosity.

"He was almost certain." Izzy nods her head raising her brows.

Simon immediately stood up but to his surprise Izzy moved very quickly and she's already in front of him.

"Where could you possibly be going.?" Izzy stop him and pushed him back to the bed and stared at him seductively.

"T-to get Monroe. To protect him from Jade." He replied nervously.

"And why would she need protection from Jade?" Izzy asked again slightly sharpened her voice. "He's the ultimate protector." Izzy added smirking.

"What makes Jade so special?" Simon said again.

"Fastest, strongest and fiercest."she chuckles. "Rest easy,hombre. Monroe's in good hands." She smiled and went back to her sit.

"So the circle… if they are bad as they say they are, it's not good for Monroe,is it?" He asked with a low tone of voice seem like he's scared for Monroe.

Izzy suddenly stop eating and stared at Simon "It's not good for any of us." She said terrified.


Through the dark night of New York City, car's beeping at the road. Joe went to Jocelyn and Monroe's house. He keep Jocelyn's things and put it in a box. Antique things, a sculpture, books, picture frames and a tarot cards that has an antique cup drawn to it. A cup looks like that same thing as people in Egypt were using many years ago.


He moved quickly and took his gun upon hearing the front door open and closed. He pointed the gun into the door as if waiting for someone to come out. He was surprised to see Natasha who look weak and also surprised seeing him there. Natasha sighs.

"Where's Monroe? What happened to her?" He immediately asked Natasha as he continued getting the things.

"We sent her through a Portal to you." Natasha answered confused.

"You sent her through a portal? ALONE? She could be in limbo." He exclaimed.

"Well, I didn't have much choice. I stayed to help Jocelyn fight with Marcus's men and I got thrown to a plate glass window." She said remember what happened that day. "Who do you think glamoured the house so that the mundane police wouldn't be alerted?" She added and confusion was written in her face.

"Where's Monroe? And where is Jocelyn?" He asked again and his voice sharpened.

"I don't know. All I know is that I sent Monroe to the police station TO YOU." Natasha said phrasing the word to you.He turn his gaze back to keeping their things. "And what exactly are you doing with all that stuff?" She added and frowned.

"I can't have anybody tracking Including you." He said casually.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Natasha said with disbelief.

"It means that this stuff is going to the police station with me, where it's safe." He replied gazing directly to Natasha. Natasha exhales sharply and couldn't believe what he just said and turned around to get out of the room.

"Where are you going?" He said upon seeing her going out of the room.

She turned back and said "To find Monroe. They'll come for her next.If anyone could help it's Steven."She said and stared at him sharply.

"Natasha. You can't trust anyone." He said calmly and shook his head.

"You are absolutely right." She said nodding her head. 'including you' she thought. And walk out of the room.

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