
Meropas Encounter

The tires screeched hard as the car swerved left and right, overtaking traffic along the High way. The accelerator pedal was pressed hard almost kissing the Range Rover's floor and the Engine hummed hard achieving its full velocity.

Viriel drove the Range Rover together with Dreygo in the passenger seat and Elaine at the back. It was a five-hour drive to Meropas and they prayed that they were not too late for Kragus to destroy the Oil rig.

The Harbinger knew that he can't stop the Hell God in the meantime as Viriel had stipulated this new information. They need to learn how to conjure the Five Forbidden spells of the Heavenly Laws' Seventh degree for them to stop Kragus.

Moreover, hunt down and eliminate all of Kragus' six Demon Lords. But Dreygo insisted on still pursuing Kragus for he could not stomach the idea to let Kragus kill innocent people that easily.

Viriel knew that two of the Demon Lords came with Kragus on Earth but he had less information on their whereabouts. Their car turned on almost barren land and the road transformed from concrete to a combination of white and brown soil.

A Swarm of dust particles flew after their wheels drove against the road. Dreygo saw small houses constructed, clustered with each other leaving a small space of road almost of the same width as their car, webbing through the entire place.

'This is not hell, but it felt like one.' Dreygo thought.

The houses were a combination of cheap concrete hollow blocks, wood, and strips of cloth structured together with no definite design, just to complete the standard four corners of a house and a roof over their heads.

People in Meropas were dirt poor, most of them were shirtless, and the residents gawked over them as their car passed. The people were dark-skinned and scrawny and seemed to have survived with little food on their tables. The scorch of the sun penetrated painfully into this barren and no shade from trees to compensate for the heat.

The type of soil would not permit healthy trees to prosper and the place seemed rarely tasted rain. Elaine had said that these people depended on the fishing business that they harvested in the sea of Meropas, adjacent to this wretched of a place.

'I don't know about you guys, but this is hell forming right before my eyes.' Dreygo said.

"I have seen worst," Viriel said under his breath as if he knew what Dreygo was thinking.

"Where is your Divine intervention in this wretched place?" Dreygo mocked.

"These are the doings of humans, Dreygo. They do not need Divine intervention. What humans need is to stop government corruption and compassion for the poor countries." Viriel retaliated.

"That's a gold mine right there," Elaine interjected as she overheard their conversation. "Corruption and Greed always prevail over the men with power. Maybe Kragus is the instrument for our punishment for all the omissions of men."

They reached the shoreline and passed through a series of houses. The beach was beautiful as if they were in heaven. A bright sunny day permitted the seawater to sparkle as it produced gentle waves. The shore consisted of pure white sand and green moss laid beautifully along the seashore, beyond the reach of the waves. The shoreline was long and vast, almost untouched and preserved.

"Now, this is heaven for me!" Dreygo said.

They halted the car and disembarked. Dreygo shaded his eyes with his fingers and glanced beyond the horizon. He saw a large establishment situated from afar at the center of the vastness of the sea. It was the oil rig.

"It is burning!" Elaine shouted.

Dreygo's eyes had difficulty adjusting to the bright light of the sunny day and he did not see it first. He was used to the dark atmosphere of hell.

"We are too late." Viriel mused.

The smoke thickens as time passed and a large explosion loomed moments after. Shards of metal were scattered by the sea and polluting the overcast blue sky.

"No. No. No." Elaine sobbed. Her face scowled. "The lives of a thousand families in Meropas depend on the fishing business and oil would seep out from the rig. It would poison the Marine ecosystem, and eventually, the fishing business would cease.

This incident will not only destroy the Sea's ecosystem but it would starve ten thousand people." She knew that exodus was almost close to impossible. Elaine fell to her knees and submerged them in the white sand.

"We now start hunting for the two Demon Lords on Earth," Viriel suggested as he started to gently saunter back to the car. His back slumped, plastered with sadness.

"Wait!" Dreygo was startled. Dreygo felt a strong demonic presence floating in the air. He did not recognize the location of the source but he was sure that the Demon was just lingering near them. The waves started to get wild, and the strong wind danced irregularly blowing from every direction. The clouds moved and thicken, dimming the sunlight. The aura was this strong to disturb the natural elements of the surroundings.

From afar the shore, black thick smoke suddenly appeared and came out from a small portal that gradually opened. A very audible cracking sound increased as the opening stretched, making a large circular entry. The cracking sound continued and black smoke crept all over, clouding the area and obscuring the scenery.

Dreygo clenched his fist and took out his purge blade. He knew who was coming. The cracking sound stopped and the smoke settled and gradually revealed a silhouette of a man standing in front of the portal. The portal closed and the smoke disappeared, and a man in a black suit was seen before their eyes.

It was Kragus Manaroth – the Hell god.

He was smiling cunningly at them. Mocking their mere presence. Dreygo felt the condescending stare and the mischievous and devious smile of a heartless God.

"At last, we meet eye to eye here on Earth, Dreygo!" He spoke loudly. His voice echoed. Dreygo's eyes widen and his heart pounding increases. Sweat started to appear on his forehead and his blood boiled at his first sight of Kragus - his mission.

"You are killing Innocent people, Kragus!" Dreygo responded. He knew it was not the right time to fight him and the pain in his shoulder still gave him discomfort if he moves abruptly. He had not enough power yet to destroy him or even weaken him. He needed to kill a thousand demon souls to achieve his highest power as a Death Harbinger but currently, there were no more than twenty Demon souls who died using the Ferrum Minus.

But an itch embraced Dreygo's body to attack Kragus. It was instinct-driven by centuries of suffering and restlessness in Hell which he believed that the Hell god caused.

"Calm yourself, Dreygo," Viriel suggested.

"I have to try, Viriel. I cannot stand more of his face," Dreygo snapped.

"You are in no condition to fight him and there is no way to defeat him now." Viriel mused.

"What is the matter Dreygo? Here I am, in front of you. I thought you have been longing for this moment. To face me. I am not running anymore, at least at this very moment. You might want to get to the point, Harbinger, for I have a lot of errands to do." Kragus tempted.

"No, Dreygo there is no way we could win this now. We will fight another day!" Elaine cried. She was concerned. She felt the immensity of Kragus power too. She was shaking and paralyzed momentarily. The feeling was immensely overwhelming and defeating Kragus was beyond their imagination.

"Are you listening to her?" Kragus said. He faintly laughed.

Hesitation had first loomed as Dreygo wanted to attack. But the itch of an attack was much stronger, on the other hand, Kragus might as well reveal some weakness if their fight would pursue. The Hell God's power was weaker on Earth but it was still immeasurable.

Neglected his friend's advice, Dreygo started to sprint toward Kragus and clenched his weapon hard. He felt the aches on his injured shoulder as he did but the adrenaline concealed the pain momentarily.

Dreygo delivered a straight stab to Kragus, aiming at his face. Dreygo was surprised that Kragus did not even flinch, his smile never left his face. Dreygo thought that he could connect with his weapon as the blade was nearing Kragus' cheek.

He was expecting Kragus would do something to defend but it appeared that he would connect. For a split second, Kragus caught the blade inches away from his eye. The Harbinger did not expect the Hell God to catch his blade at such a close distance to his mark. Surprise plastered on the former's expression.

Kragus observed the blade. "Hmm. This is the Ferrum minus. Known to absorb any demonic powers killed by this blade. Well, you need a thousand to achieve back your full power and maybe a million more to even to par with me." Kragus grinned devilishly.

Dreygo grunted as he tried to pull the blade out from his hand but it was immovable. He used his sheer strength to dislodge his weapon from Kragus' grip but couldn't. He had no other choice but to punch him with his free hand.

Dreygo did a haymaker and connected to Kragus' face. Kragus did not again flinch with his attack and his smile remained. Pain fell on Dreygo's knuckles, as he was like punching a thick slabbed wall, pulled his punch right after. He delivered a second punch this time on Kragus' stomach. It connected as Kragus did not move a muscle. His punch bounced back like he was hitting rubber.

Kragus raised his free hand and pushed Dreygo on his forehead with one finger. Dreygo was not able to dodge as his weapon was still lodged in Kragus' hand.

He saw the finger was nearing his forehead but he felt powerless over it and just waited for the pain to be inflicted on him. With one flick from the Hell god's finger, Dreygo was thrown away by a tremendous force that came from the former's attack. It fled Dreygo back to his comrades after he rolled against the shore almost endlessly.

Dreygo coughed blood and stained the white sand. An immense pain stung his forehead with blurred vision. It was the conclusion, it was almost like he wanted to surrender. The difference in their power was immeasurable.

Elaine immediately came to his aid and lifted his head with her palm beneath his nape. Dreygo grimaced in pain as blood seeped out from a wound on his forehead. Elaine placed her hand over it to stop the bleeding.

"You see our power difference, Dreygo?" Kragus asked. "Even the Angel knows that he cannot defeat me. I have killed about ten of his comrades just recently." Kragus glanced at Viriel just standing motionless. Viriel knew that whatever he would do was futile.

"I am offering you an opportunity. An opportunity to join me in my quest. I will be waiting for your answer in Cheena. It will be hard to find me there but I suggest that you monitor the news. Chaos will come to that place. Evil will rise and many will perish and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Dreygo could not respond. Nobody responded. Kragus laughed hard devilishly and instantly black smoke appeared from behind him and crept all over his body concealing his figure. The cracking sound appeared again and for a few seconds, it vanished along with Kragus. The high waves receded and the sun shone brightly again. The environment went normal again.