
The Stealth Aspect

James stared at the man towering over him, not sure what was going on. It was Shimour, standing there with his arms crossed. Not to mention, his expression was clearly annoyed.

"Uhm... is everything okay?" James asked, not sure exactly how to react. The house was filled to the brim with Masters at this point so the idea somehow lost value to him a bit, especially after literally going to hell and back the other day. But even so, the vibe that Shimour was giving off was incredibly intimidating, to say the least.

Shimour clicked his tongue, looking at something behind James, "Your name's James, right? Couldn't you be a little more... perceptive?"

"I... huh?" James asked, not entirely sure what he meant, when another voice entered the conversation.

"It sounds like you wanted me to be spotted," Eiro pointed out, and James flinched as he turned around.

"You- Eiro, what are you- How long have you been there?"

Eiro shrugged, "Twenty minutes?"