
Aspects in Action


"No, no! Wrong, this is so very, very wrong!" Partax groaned loudly, "Aren't you supposed to be the incarnation of the Alchemy skill?! How can you be this... inept?"

Eiro blankly stared at the halfling, "I'm still myself. Which means that I can get pissed off if you keep yelling at me like that."

"Then do it right! I told you to grind the limestone to a range between 50 and 100 micrometers, so what's with this?! You've got massive grains at above 150, and tiny dust below 20! Do it right, or don't do it at all!"

Closing his eyes for a moment, the Alchemy Eiro let out a long breath, "I've been doing the physical motions exactly as you instructed. I literally copied your muscle-memory and completely integrated it into this arm. So clearly, there's some other trick to it."