
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Inner Conflict


Stepping down from the stairs, Brenda stood at the entrance door awaiting Leon. She was dressed in a black gown as she was to be attending the wake of the Crown Prince of Regalon

Leon stepped down from the stairs as well, his hands folded behind his back

"You ready?" he asked and she softly hummed. Ever since he returned to the Palace that night, his attitude towards her had turned... soft "Hold on..." he stopped her just when she was about to take a step "Turn around"

Brenda didn't know what he was going to do but she turned around. She felt him step closer to her, he took her hair to the side of her shoulder

And she felt something cold immediately hit her skin. Her hands reached out to touch the necklace he had worn on her neck

It was made of tiny white pebbles which shone brightly

"A rare gem for a pearl" Brenda turned around in shock and confusion. What was this? What was he doing? Why was he giving her a necklace?

"What is this?"

"Something to match with your outfit. It's made of the rarest pearl in Seaton" Leon said with a smile and she didn't know what else to say. This...was this real?

"Are you ready to leave?" Ares questioned, walking pass Alexander who watched the doting couple

"We're ready. Come on" Leon took her hand and led her outside


The wake of the Crown Prince went smoothly, people coming in to pay their respects and condolences to the King

Orchid caught sight of her father stepping into the room, Neera and Greta were at his side. She knew she was going to come across them

"My deepest condolences, Your Highness" they said with a slight bow and Ciaran nodded

"Orchid, are you alright?" Greta asked, going to hold Orchid by her shoulder "I'm glad nothing's happened to you"

Orchid smiled and without notice, took a step back to take Greta's hand off her shoulder

"My child!" Greta exclaimed as she took Brenda in her arms, they were happy with their reunion

"Your Majesty" Leon said with a bow and Gabriel nodded

"Do take a seat" said one of the servants, leading them to where they could be seated


Meanwhile, Ramin was getting grumpier each passing minute they had to wait outside. Of course, he couldn't voice out his thought as he didn't want to get glared at by the General

"I go in alone" their heads whipped upon hearing his words

"General, what? We can't let you go in there all alone. What if those guards sees you?"

"More of the reason why I can't let you guys go with me. I'll be able to manage on my own"


"It's an order for you to remain here till I return!" Ramin took steps back with a bow. He had almost forgotten his place, Alan was the General and he, was just a follower

"How are you going to get in?" Gregg asked and Alan pointed to the upcoming carriage about to pass through the gates "I'll go at its side"

"All this for a princess..." Ramin muttered beneath his breath as Alan left their side

Leila couldn't help the discomfort in her chest when Alan hid behind the carriage riding inside the Palace


"Let it be" Ramin moved to a corner and Gregg followed

With careful movements, Alan was able to sneak into the Palace ground behind the moving carriage and into the hall where the event was taking place

"Where are you, Orchid?" he asked, his eyes going through the crowd as he searched for her

Orchid felt the utmost pity for the King as he made his presence known. The King was not the way as he was before, the death of his son had weighed a lot

She left the room, stepping into the garden area to take in some fresh air

She had stood most of the time to welcome some of the guests along with Ciaran. And needed to get away from the suffocating presence of everyone around

Not too far from her, behind the pillar, stood Alan as he stared in awe at her. He had seen her when she exited the hall, he recognized her at a glance

She had changed from the last time he saw her, who was he kidding...it's been 6 years, of course she'd change

But he could still tell it was her. And now, there was a battle between his heart and mind. Was he to approach her?

He wanted to, he wanted to hear her voice...but then again, he couldn't just appear in front of her in such a manner

'Go for it' he nodded as his heart finally won the inner conflict and he took a step forward

"What are you doing out here?" his steps halted and he retreated back behind the pillar when Ciaran went to stand next to Orchid

"What are you doing out here?" she repeated and he smirked. How daring his wife was...

"I noticed my wife had left my side. How heartless, leaving me to suffer alone in that room"

"I thought you were also mourning for the Crown Prince's death"

"The King is, not me..." he stated and she hummed before moving her attention over to something else "You're tensed. What's up?"

"I'm not"

"You are. Your shoulders has turned stiff"

"I said-" she sighed, not wanting to argue with him "I'm just...cold"

"Why did you come out here if you know your skin's so sensitive?" he mused

"You don't look a bit sad about the death of your brother" Orchid said, raising a brow as she turned to face him

"What? Do you expect me to whine and cry over his death?"

"Not what I expected but I thought I would see a hint on sadness in your eyes upon the news"

"Well then, tell me, wife..." he stepped closer and bent his back to angle his face with her "What do you see in my eyes?"

Orchid's lids fluttered at their closeness and she boldly looked into his eyes

Honestly, she couldn't read him...she couldn't see a bit of emotion in those enchanting grey eyes

Alan watched from behind the pillar, he couldn't hear their conversation but he could see how Orchid tried to distance herself from him

"He's the prince..." he muttered and his fists tightened on the pillar when he saw the Prince craning his back and moving so close to Orchid

"You...Who are you?" Hearing the sudden voice from his side, Alan turned around as Ava was about to scream

"Don't! It's me..."

"Sir Alan?!" She asked in shock upon coming across his face


"How are you here? What are you doing here?" Ava questioned and looked past him to check what he was looking at. There, she saw Ciaran and Orchid standing and they seemed to be deep in the conversation they were having

"The Princess is going to be overjoyed when she sees you" Ava said with a bright smile. She had witnessed how saddened and lonely Orchid was when Alan had left the Palace

"No. She can't see me, not yet"

"Why not? Aren't you here to see her?"

"I am. But I hadn't actually planned my movements, I had work so I decided to drop by and check how she's coping with her... new life"


"Hand her this letter. Tell her, I'll come see her soon" Ava nodded, taking the letter from him. Alan looked back once more to glance at her but she was no longer there

With a sigh, he left