
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Crush Any Obstacles


Several horses travelled on the muddy road with heavily armored men who had dirt on their faces. Although they were out of danger, they still had their swords on edge

"Glad that's over, General" said one of the men by the right as he stared at the General who nodded in response

"Finally, we're returning to Atlank!" exclaimed the one at the left with a bright smile

"Yes, finally" the General's eyes brightened at the thought of going back to Atlank. A smile appeared on his pale lips and his face turned serene

After hours of riding, they crossed the border...stepping into Atlank , stepping into their home

"Atlank's changed, don't you think, Gregg?" Ramin asked as his mouth gaped in awe on how developed the place turned out to be

"It has" Gregg agreed with a nod "Do we head to the palace, General?"

"Of course we do, the King has to know how victorious we were" huffed Ramin

As so, they headed towards the stately palace of Atlank. The guards welcomed the warriors with a bow to show their respect before letting them in

"Your Majesty..." they all said in unison as they bowed deeply to the King. The royal family were seated in the dining as they were having breakfast

"General Alan" Gabriel said with a smile "It's good to have you back"

"It's good to be back, Your Majesty" Alan smiled in return

"I received news days back that your mission was successful, I had expected your arrival. I already had your rooms prepared. Do rest and meet me in my study. Show them to their rooms"

They bowed once more to the King and walked along with the maids

"He was the one always hanging around Orchid all the time" Greta stated "Funny I didn't know when and how he became a 'General'"

"He fought right for the position he is now" the King simply said

As they were all escorted to their rooms, the two warriors besides the General couldn't help but notice how his eyes wandered around the palace

"Are you looking for something, General?" Gregg asked

"Or someone, to be precise. Is it the third princess?" Ramin questioned with a smirk as Alan immediately turned to glare at him

Alan's eyes went back in search for a certain someone, he remembered she usually hanged around in a specific spot but his eyes dimmed when he couldn't see her

Perhaps he needed to rest and then, meet her


Alan gazed up at the high-ceilinged room, he could feel his heart thumping in excitement. He couldn't wait to see her again. It's been 6 years...he couldn't still get her out of his head

He sat up immediately, stepping out of the room, he glanced at the hallway before taking a step

His steps were slow and timid, before coming to a stop in front of a door. His hand raised reluctantly to knock on the door

"General" his head turned to the side as Neera approached him with a smile, she was in a purple night dress


"I just stepped out for a while, you were about to knock on Orchid's door?"

"I wanted to see her, that's all"

"Oh? I see you haven't heard"

"Heard what?" her smile widened when he asked the obvious, it was clearly written on his face that he wasn't aware what she was talking about

"My sister, Orchid" she feigned a sad look "She's no longer in the palace, she has left Atlank to her new home"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean to say, Orchid got married few weeks ago" Alan's eyes went open as the words left Neera's lips

Married? That was impossible, Orchid couldn't have...

"But I want you to know, she was against the idea of getting married. Orchid cried by the window all night, waiting for you to come back. But you didn't...she had to get married to the Prince of Regalon, I don't know if she's doing well, if she's happy...but I don't think she is..."

"W-why do you say that, Princess?"

"Look, I know Orchid and I had our differences but that doesn't mean I want her to live an uncomfortable life. She promised to write to the King every day. But we haven't received anything from her yet. I wish to check on her but I can't travel so far away from Atlank"

The excitement he had felt a while back disappeared without a trace, he was overwhelmed with sadness

"I should get to sleep now, General. Sleep well" Neera said with a bow and turned back to her room. An evil smile graced her lips before she walked into her room

Alan gloomily turned around and started walking

'Orchid cried by the window all night, waiting for you to come back. But you didn't...'

'I don't know if she's doing well, if she's happy...but I don't think she is...'

"Married?" he felt his heart drop as his muscles turned tensed "Was I too late?"

He remembered her, her smile...her enchanting laughter and those smoldering eyes

'When are you going to be back?'

'I don't know, princess. But I'll try my hurried best to come back to you soon'

'Who am I to stop you from fulfilling your father's last wishes. Don't take too long'

'I promise, I'll be back before you know it'

6 years. He had promised her, but failed. He had failed as her knight and as a friend...He knew the feeling he felt in his heart was more than 'friendship' but he never wanted to rush her. He was waiting for the right time...

He couldn't do anything at that time as he hadn't maintained a suitable position yet to be with her

"I'm sorry you had to wait for me. Had to cry because of me. You're unhappy because of me" his eyes were glum and his hands clenched tightly by his sides "It's only right if I fix this... I'm not leaving again, till I have you in my arms, Orchid"

He turned resolute in an instant and he walked back towards his room

He was going to leave for Regalon, he was going to see her

And he was determined to crush any obstacles that would come his way. He had waited far too long

Made an edit on this chapter! Mistook Atlank for Atlanta ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙

Lucky_Damselcreators' thoughts