
Demigods (The duology)

a young boy learns he is not his father's blood and that his whole life has been a lie. His search for the truth leads to the revelation of buried secrets that will change his life forever...

samuelade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter sixteen

  The choices we make are what makes the future.

A wise man once said that the road one takes to avoid destiny is what leads him there.

Adeola sat on a wooden stool as she thought of her decision.

Would being a witch solve the problems that plagued her? Would her vision of the future change? Aje who was preparing the necessity for the ritual noticed her sullen look and asked what troubled her.

"I don't know if being a witch would solve all these."

Adeola admitted.

Aje smiled back and told her a tale.

"You see, I was once like you. Always being used and abused by everyone close to me . I was just so tired of my life and I decided to take my life. I blamed myself for thier faults. I went to the side of Ayetoro's river where I could not swim as the torrent was strong and dived in."

Aje winced as she continued the story.

It was hard to reopen issues of the past.

"For a minute, I knew something was wrong. I was not inhaling the water despite being six feet in it. The water parted and right in front of me was a man. A young man who looked at me like he had known me all my life. He did not speak much. He only stared at me and it was like we were communicating. The last thing I remember was finding myself on the river bed."

"Was he a god?"

Adeola asked.


Aje replied and continued her story.

"I returned home that day a different person. My husband unaware of my attempted suicide blamed me for coming home late. He raised his hands to strike me and I wished him dead. I remember him falling to the ground gasping for air before he gave up his ghost. I knew I did it but I did not care. I felt powerful and I didn't question my newfound powers. The people of my village began to suspect I was something else and decided that I had to die. I did the one thing I had always done, I ran. I had an encounter with the man who saved my life and bestowed upon me my gift. He was an ancient, powerful mage's who had power to compete with gods. He told me to fight. He told me the future was what I wanted it to be. I made it what I wanted, I unleashed a deadly plague against them. I- triumphed."

"The reason for my story is to tell you that the past is sealed, the present is happening but the future, it's..."

"Always changing."

Adeola completed.

"Let's start the ritual."

Adeola lay completely still in the hand drawn pentagram.

She was made to drink a sweet then bitter tasting concoction.

Aje began a chant invoking spirits to aide her in mission.

There was nothing at first.

Then Adeola began to feel an excruciating pain.

It was like something was being ripped apart from her body.


She screamed in pain.

"Stop! Please stop!"

She begged but this did not faze Aje who continued her rhyming chants.

The pain was now nausiating. Adeola felt sore and numb over.

The witch approached Adeola with a dagger.

Adeola did not like her stance.

It was like she was going to kill her.

The witch got closer and brought forth her arm to Adeola's face.

She slit her palm and blood dripped out.

She used her blood like a paint and drew a symbol on Adeola's head.

The pain suddenly stopped. In place of the pain, Adeola felt rage, hunger and it had to be power.

The ritual was a success.

She was now a true witch.


Remi was sure they were headed to nowhere.

It took his aching knees to inform him of these.

He and Daruma sat on the dusty ground to rejuvenate.

The eclipse wasn't over and Remi was beginning suspect that the change of weather wasn't one of nature's phenomenon.

It was like the answer was right in front of him but he could not see it.

"Are you sure the seer's readings of the future are accurate."

Daruma asked as he wiped off a bead of sweat that almost got into his eye.


Remi answered.

He wished he could will his powers to find the location of the shrine or at least have a premonition.

Which reminded him,

"Daruma, you have gifts right? Like abilities you can't comprehend."

"Yes. I'm spiritually connected to things. I can summon sprites and demons.i don't usually do that but yes."

Remi noticed a huge scar on Daruma's right hand.

It looked quite nasty. It prompted Remi to ask if he could heal.

"I do heal. At least faster than others."

Daruma answered as he examined his burnt arm.

"I don't know why this didn't heal. It been with me since childhood."

Remi remembered what Ifadoju told him.

"God's could not be hurt by mere mortals but they could be combated by the forces below."

The fire incident that separated his family, The strange eclipse.

Something sinister was going on but why couldn't he piece the puzzle.

Remi shook it off.

He had a mission he needed to succeed in now.

This was not the time to wander to other matters.

The search was futile since they had no single clue what they were looking for.

The people of Desuda could hardly describe the place but perhaps a Sprite would.

"A Sprite!"

Daruma said out loud breaking the eerie silence.

" Sprites are decietful. I'll rather summon a demon who wouldn't sugarcoat it's words."

"Why're you reading my mind?"

Remi accused. Daruma nodded.

"stop it. It's creepy."

Remi added.

Daruma stood up stretching his arms in a way that they made a cracking sound.

"You're right though. We need help from the other realm."

Daruma said.

He took a stick and began to draw forth a symbol to the earth that somewhat looked like a Willow tree while chanting,

"Spirit of the beyond, Hear me. I call forth spirits of knowledge. Not to trap but to tap. Share with me your knowledge. Come forth and let they be seen by all."

The ground which was filled with travel and dirt began to have plants sprout out of it.

Daruma continued the chant and the plants continued to flourish and increase in size.

Out of the blues, a scrawny little creature whizzed out of the tree.

It had completely green skin and was hairless literally everywhere.

On top of that, it was the size of a crawling toddler.

"Oh hello."

The Sprite gretted in an oddly cherry way.

Something had to be up.

"I see you are looking for Aja's shrine. I'll help but for a small fee."

Daruma sent Remi a



"What fee?"

Remi asked the Sprite cautiously.

The Sprite burst into laughter.

It walked up to Remi as flowers grew everywhere it's hideous feets touched.

"It's very simple.

Read " Living The Pureblood Series " by the same author ( samuelade. )

. I'll give you a clue and you give me the medallion."


Remi jerked back from the creature holding the madallion to close to his heart.

It was his mother's parting gift.

A part of her he would forever have.

"Why do you want it anyway?"

Daruma probed suspiciously.

"It's shiny."

The Sprite replied, greed in his eyes.

"Take him away."

Remi yelled, recovering from his earlier shock.

Daruma obeyed his wish by wiping away the diagram he drew on the ground.

"Bad choice, half-blood"

The Sprite snickered at Remi before disappearing.

"Want to try Demons?"

Daruma asked.

"Do it."

Remi replied,desperate.

Daruma drew a symbol similar to the one he drew before.

"Your sword."

He asked Remi who handed it to him.

Daruma took the sword and slashed it against his palms forcing blood that dropped on the symbol.

It was strange, Daruma knew all the art despite having no one to mentor him.

" Ich rufe Demonen an.Here meinen Anruf und gehorche mir.for Wie foc."

He changed in a strange tongue.

The blood in the floor began to form symbols on their own.

Great winds began to blow and a strange presence appeared right in thier middle.

It looked like a ghost. It was an incorpereal demon.

They were the easiest to deal with as they had no physical form of their own.

The figure spoke,

"Grant me inhabitation and I will give you your answer."

Remi wasn't sure about this.

Grant a demon possession over your body.

He would have backed out then of Daruma did not throw his answer in a heartbeat.

" It is done. Give us the answer. Where is Aja's shrine?"

The demonic entity began moving closer to Daruma in a smoke like form.

It was beginning to possess Daruma who was oddly calm about the experience.

Soon, the last of the demon was gone.

Daruma's eyes turned pure white as he spoke as if he was indeed possessed.

"Here is your answer. Where I lay, you see me all day. You trample on me yet I'm very rare. Covered by me, dressed in green and yellow. You shall find what you seek for it is in front of you."

The still possessed Daruma said pointing to the west.

Remi watched his pupils return to their normal color.

Remi expected him to faint or something but Daruma even felt more energized.

"Let's go. It's a flower."

Daruma said and although confused by the recent development, Remi had to follow.


To ye who digs a well for another to stumble in, Don't you fear you might dig so deep.

You'll become trapped in your well also.

Adetoye had taken Esu's advice to heart.

Adewale was an insignificant.

All he needed was a good cause to place him in jail.

Adetoye turned to his father's crown that would soon be his and an idea flicked inside his head.

His father's death was still being looked into.

One big lead and boom, the culprit might just be found.

The scapegoat was just right there.

Fat for slaughter and he wouldn't waste another second.

What could be the perfect way to end the threat in front of him? A letter had gotten him the throne.

Yes! Another letter perhaps would take away this leech on his back.

Adetoye knew his father had many enemies.

If he could strike a deal with one of them, his problem would soon fade away.

The girl on his bed moaned as she noticed Adetoye leave the bed.

She had nothing on apart from the white sheet that she robed around her skin to cover her nakedness.

She was Tope, one of his father's notable opposers.

Adetoye had purposely slept with her to win her love.

Stupid girl.

She was easy to buy out thinking everything came on a platter and would play a major role in his plan.

In fact, she would be her father and his step brother's undoing.

"Come back to bed, hon."

She whispered. Why wouldn't he come back? Free sex and a plan in motion, Adetoye loved himself.

He wondered where he got this dark side from? Not that he cared though. It just brushed his mind.

"When the legion returns, my plan would have been successful and I would have ascended the throne."

The only problem then would be Aremu but wait, he had a plan for that too.