
DELTA: The adventurous journey

An adventurous journey to the fantasy land-DELTA. The country girl finds herself in the journey. Despite being frustrated by her annoying life, decides to search for her dream world -DELTA. Is her dream world really exists? If so how will be her journey? Is her decision to leave her current life for a dream world is worth? To find join the journey with her...... let's start the journey!

Dumbbabe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Dream or real!

our high school started, today was our first day school. After dropping my brother and sister, Hannah and I went to school.

Hannah has helped me with our school expenses little.

Our first day! first class! I was all excited about becoming teenager but the upcoming expenses snapped me out from the excitement. Now it's break time, Hannah and I went to the cafeteria and ordered some bubble tea for us. And sat in an empty seat.

We chatted about our first class and some gossip.

In our school there was a gossip, that there was a famous group of three boys called* Tripple H. Unlike any other group, one was a famous athlete with handsome face and figure named Harsha, next one was school's best singer with charming face named HAMEED, and the last one was our school Belle named HENRY with outstanding beauty.

Suddenly someone grabbed my bag, got startled and turned to give them a scolding😡.My ankle sprained from the force and I got slipped😬.

Am I supposed to fell by my face? what will happen to my beautiful face! my thoughts ran wildly. I felt a sudden grip through my hip, and didn't fell🤯.

Yeah! Saved my face! thought it was my friend and hugged her out of happiness😌.

Wait! When did Hannah became this muscular? 🙄whole cafeteria became silent, makes me nervous. I slowly raised my head to see who it was, 😱Oh My! This is a boy. I retreated and turned to Hannah's side.

Hannah was froze. I hit her hand and she got snapped out. Hannah asked, What is going on? And I explained her. But I got chill 😫all of sudden, realized didn't thank him. I turned and thanked him. After thanking we ran from them in the eye blink.

And our class started. Soon there will be lunch break. It's weird whole class was staring at me the whole time. I am little confused about the whole situation 😵.

Lunch break begins, all of my classmates surrounded me and asked, Did you hugged our school Belle?… What! So the one I hugged was the school Belle. This title seems to be perfect for him. Indeed he was beautiful, I sailed to my dream world once again.

Why did I came to my dream world? Wait, I was just wondering how can someone beautiful like him exists. How this connected to my dream world?

Will my life finished only asking so many questions? why my mind was full of questions. Where can I find my answers.


I will give you your answers ! The voice echoing in my ears. Who's voice is this? Even though it is echo it gives me a secure feeling.

I asked, Who was this? Is there someone else here? How can it be, there's no way someone will be here. I thought it myself and fell asleep.

Few minutes later....

When I opened my eyes there was a beautiful man sitting next to me. He seems to be familiar, but it is nothing to do with me. It was just a dream. I closed my eyes to continue my nap.

A sudden voice raised, Did you not have enough sleep? wake up! I need to answer all your questions. I popped up and sat down with the surprised eyes. Seeing him next to me, For confirmation I pinched his fair face. Wow! it feels good. I continued touching all his face thinking it was just my dream world. so the person next to me also a dream.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and asked me, Did you get enough of touching me?

If not I will prove you by touching you. Before finishing his sentence he pinched my nose.

I yelled out of pain and my nose became pink.

He laughed and said, same pain goes to me also!

I am stunned and couldn't take my gaze away from him. He smiled at me gently with his beautiful pink lips. pink lips? Yes our school Belle also had fine pink lips. Is this our school Belle? He was playing with me? i got all excited and snapped out of dream world.

And herer, all my classmates where eager for my answer. But I didn't really know that he was our school Belle. I asked them, Is he really our school Belle? They were totally disapointed at me.

They got dispersed and went for lunch. Hannah was confused about the whole situation and I cleared her mind. we went for Cafeteria and sat at different place, to hide from them.

I couldn't get to eat my food out of anxiety.


Journey continues…

*Let me know!

Does our school Belle really connected with dream world?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

D. You thoughts

see you all soon guys ....