

"Momma?" "Butterfly go back to your room mommy's gonna be there soon" The last words my mom spoke to me before she was murdered. Delilah was always the girl everyone underestimated. But everything changes when she's thrown from her life as a normal teen girl to become the head of her family's cartel with a father too obsessed with finding his wife's killer to rule and wife to a man She doesn't know. Worse yet could she be falling for this strange man? How would she cope with her new life?... Read Delilah's reign to find out. (NOT EDITED) There will be sex scenes, use of mature laguages and violence.... you've been warned

Zendaya2254 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 7 |Ethan |

i woke up the next morning feeling tired, i rest, then it hit me

"What am i wearing?.... Oh Shit, ughhh... nice going Del" i said sarcastically, face palming myself as i got out of bed

I walked into the bathroom tired as ever, i took of the tee-shirt tying a towel as i stood in front of my mirror, i held the shirt up to my face and smelled it, despite my inner voise cursing at me to stop

I walked into the shower, unrapped the towel as i let the warm water glid down my bare skin

I closed my eyes wanting to get in the relaxed feeling from the water

But that was of no use, the minute i closed my eyes the flashbacks began,

The feeling of his hands on my breat, his hot breath on my skin, the feeling of his hand touching most my sensitive part

"Snap out of it Del, he's only trying to break you and you're making it so easy dummy" I thought to myself I continued bathing

I finished bathing, stepping out of the shower, i stood in front of my mirror as i dried myself, just looking in the mirror with multiple thoughts flying in and out of ny head, what happened yesterday and why did I let it this isn't how I plan--

*knock* *knock*

The knock at the door pulled me out of my train of thoughts

"I'm coming" i said as i walked towards the room door with my towel still wrapped around my body

"Yes?" I said as i opened the door thinking it was a maid but when the door came open it was him, in his black suit that fits like it was designed perfectly for only his body

He stood there looking at me like i was something to eat

"Alonzo? What do you want" i said breaking the awkward silence that had eveloped the room

"Breakfast is ready " he said looking at my thighs

"And... uhh why are you the one telling me?... nevermind I'll have breakfast in my room thank you" i said looking away

I didnt want to eat in the same room as him, last night was intense i just couldnt spend time downstairs alone with him so the plan was to acoid him as much as i could

"You're having breakfast downstairs" he said as i turned back to look at him

"Excuse me?" I said aggressively

"Someone is here to see you" he said not minding the obvious rage that had began to rise and my face that had began go turn read

"Who is it?"

" He's downstairs" he said as he walked away

'Shit head' i said as he walked away, i walked into my closet looking around thinking of what to wear, i picked a shirt, shorts completing it with my trusty flip flops... i know what you're thinking, i always dress lazy but a girl's gotta feel comfy

I walked down the stairs, thank God this time i knew where i was heading, i walked into the dining room to see none other than Ethan

After that day at the gathering i was still trying to put together what happened, but i can't be mad at him forever plus he didnt really do anything he just kept the fact that i was gonna be freaking married off

"Del" he said smiling

" been awhile, I've called and texted you don't reply" he said looking at me like he wanted me to pity him

"I dont know Ethan maybe I've been too busy stuck with someone i don't know to check my phone" i said not minding that Alonzo was sitted at the other side of the table

"I'm sorry i didnt tell you, i couldn't " he said with genuine sadness that melted my heart

" its okay Ethan, wasn't your fault " i said to him with a small smile

" I shouldn't be taking it out on you" I said

We started eating breakfast in a comfortable silence


After breakfast Ethan and Alonzo went out, i was alone in this gigantic building but at least this time I'm not cooked up in my room

I decided to go out for a stroll, if i was gonna be staying here for some time i should at least know the place, i didnt even know where i was exactly

I went up to my room, i wore a lace thong, wearing on the first top that caught my eyes, with a pair of ripped jeans and white converses

Looking at myself in the mirror i felt pretty confident i picked a small purse then headed downstairs

"miss?" A guard called

"Del, call me Del" i said with a small smile

"Mr Hernandez didn't mention you'd be leaving the house" he said

"And thats a problem how?"

"We need to check with him first"

I looked at the guard mad enough to kill him, i headed straight for the door ignoring his loud calls as i made my way out of the house

As i got to the gate i was stopped by a guard

"Ma'am we cant let u out without mr Hernandez permission" oh wow, i thought i was gonna live here didn't think i would turn into a prisoner, but fuck it this airheads aren't gonna control me

I walked close to him glaring at him

" i am not a prisoner, i live here just like anyone else, u see this little thing we have going here would end in 2 ways,

one: you let me out and we avoid trouble

Two: you stop me, I kick you in the nuts dislocate your hand and help you loose a teeth, with the way your standing I know you're weak on your left hand... I'm strong on both so are we going to waste our time here with me beating you up or will you let me pass" I said with an eyebrow raised

Honestly at this point in my life I was too mad and frustrated to be disturbed, he walked away moments late the gate opened as i stepped out... back home I used to always love taking strolls and breathing in the fresh air I would stroll around for minutes... it was my only escape from my fractured life


I walked on the street without a specific place in mind to visit, then I spotted a small ice cream spot, I walked in suddenly craving ice cream I picked my favourite flavours red, white and blueberry ice cream

Minutes later it was served and I walked to the counter to take it

" thank you" I said but someone else said it at the same time

I looked over at the person only to see the most beautiful creature I had ever seen i smiled as I reached to take my cup he reached for it too and I looked at him with a confused look

" that's mine" he said with a small smile

" umm nope I'm pretty sure that's mine" I said smiling as i picked the cup showing him the name on it

"Delilah" i said with a smal smile on my face

"Oh I'm sorry my bad, you'vegot a beautiful name though" little after he got his cup too showing me his name like I showed him mine on my cup

"I'm Anderson" he said with a smile

"Nice to meet you"

I turned to leave but then he followed behind me

"Are you following me" I said looking at him puzzled

"No I'm heading out, you know that's the same exit everyone uses" he said with a small laugh as I stepped out he followed behind then took a turn getting into a 1967 Corvette L88 coupe as I headed back home


Hey guys sorry for the really late update hope you guys like this chapter

🤗🤗 they like d same ice cream flavour

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