
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

Rafi_info · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Chapter 7 The Haul

Chapter 7

The Haul

"Kurogiri, how is Izuku's training going?" All For One asked Kurogiri with the use of a monitor from the Symbol of Evil's room that connected to another TV that was in the basement of the League of Villain's hideout, which was also where they had installed a little training area for Izuku to train in.

"Um…" Kurogiri looked away from the monitor and back at Izuku, who was in the process of murdering another Nomu with a knife, this one increasing the dead Nomu count to roughly 20. "He's… coping… with his rage…"

"Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something?" All For One asked.

"Because he keeps killing our Nomus and he doesn't look like he's gonna stop anytime soon!" Kurogiri answered as Izuku finally ripped the head off of the Nomu he was stabbing to death.

"Die die die die die die die DIE!" Izuku chanted as he killed another one. "FUCKING DIE, DAMN IT!"

All For One went silent on his side of the line. Eventually, he spoke and said, "Tell Izuku to clean himself up and to get ready. We need to go try and recruit the people you suggested the other day."

"You mean the Shie Hassaikai?" Kurogiri asked.

"Yes, them," All For One confirmed. "Plus, it would fit our goals to have more people join us, even if it means referring to the Yakuza ways. Or mafia ways, since that's what my brother used to call it."

"Right," Kurogiri said, before All For One ended the transmission. Kurogiri looked back at Izuku, who was attempting to calm himself down as he stopped killing some of the Nomu. Just what the hell made Izuku so mad? "Ahem, Izuku," Kurogiri began as he entered the same room as Izuku after exiting the observation room that overlooked the training room Izuku was training in.

"Hey Kurogiri," Izuku greeted before he took off his blood stained shirt and threw it aside, the burns on his body not showing any change since the Tournament, and also a few more cuts were on his body from the training with Stain that he had on Saturdays and Sundays. "I'm done venting my anger now."

"This was you venting?!" Kurogiri questioned as he looked at the thirty or so Nomu that were laying on the ground, all of them dead.

"Yeah…" Izuku said. "A girl made me really mad at a Tournament my Dojo held with three other Dojos. Don't ask, cause I kinda feel like killing some more Nomu now."

"Well your childish venting can go on hold, because Sensei wanted you to get ready," Kurogiri told the Quirkless genius. "It's time to recruit the Hassaikai for our cause."

"Already?" Izuku asked, a little surprised. "Okay, I guess I'll go get ready." He walked out. "Have fun cleaning up Kurogiri."

Kurogiri remained silent, before he looked at the corpses of Nomu and sighed. "Why does this job always fall to me?!" And then he began to clean the mess up slowly.

God, he hated getting blood in his portals.

A few hours later, Izuku was in his villain outfit, which was a typical black suit, though he wore a white shirt under a black vest which gave him a bartender appearance, topped with his mask. (Or the general idea of a Villain Deku suit plus the mask of his Hero costume he never wears.) He entered the bar of the League's Hideout and saw Shigaraki was also in a suit, though he still wore his family's hands all over him like normal. All For One was sitting on a stool as he waited for Izuku before standing up and looking at his two figurative step sons.

"Alright, are we ready to go recruit the Hassaikai?" All For One asked.

"I'm ready," Deku said. "Though should they try to make any attempt to kill you, the deal is off and I'm slicing off their arms."

"Fair enough," All For One said, before Kurogiri reappeared though his mist looked a bit more red. All For One looked at Kurogiri. "Teleport us."

"Hold on, do they even know we're coming?" Shigaraki asked, which stopped All For One, Kurogiri, and Deku in their tracks. The three villains were silent. "So we have made no efforts to try to warm them ahead of time?"

"I thought Sensei would've done something since I've been too busy trying to keep up with school and my Martial Arts classes," Deku admitted.

"I was going to, but it slipped my mind," All For One said. "Eh, screw it… La Brava!"

There was a moment of silence before they heard some running from another section of the building before the door to the upstairs of the Hideout, which also happened to be where they were housing the other members of the League, opened and showed La Brava, who heard her name being called.

"Yes Sensei?" La Brava asked.

"Can you find the phone of the leader of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza group and send him a text, and tell him we wish to talk?" All For One asked.

"I can try, but I make no promises," La Brava said before closing the door and running back to her room.

"Sooooooo…" Deku looked at his villain friends. "What now?"

"Well, we could always try and look for other potential candidates in the meantime while we wait for La Brava to find the leader of the Hassaikai's phone and text him," All For One said.

Izuku slowly smiled. "I might have a candidate then," he stated mysteriously.

Izuku stepped into a house, exiting one of Kurogiri's Warp Gates and he looked around, noting the blood on the walls and the trail of it on the ground and the flickering light overhead. He looked down and realized he was stepping in a pool of blood, before he closed his eyes and breathed in and out for a moment.

One… two. One… two.

Izuku tilted his head to his left, which let it dodge a knife that got thrown at his head before he dropped to the floor instantly as another got thrown at his back, before he rolled and hit the wall as a third was thrown at where he was just laying. He pushed off of the wall and then off of the ground and got onto his feet, before focusing on his Air Slice and deflecting several knives that were being thrown at him, before they stopped coming.

"I mean you no harm," Deku said as he stood straight. "You lost wolf."

"I'm a wolf?" The voice of his target, a female that was roughly his age, questioned as she stepped out of the shadows, the light no longer flickering. His target was none other than Himiko Toga, who looked at him with a great interest. "Now that's odd… no one has ever called me that."

"But your Quirk relies on blood, and wolves kill their prey and feast on their fresh corpse with the blood staining their teeth," Deku explained. "I know a wolf when I see one, and it's obvious you are one… Himiko Toga."

"Who are you?" Toga asked Izuku while picking a knife off of the ground.

"I go by Deku," Izuku answered. "And if you want my real name, you should join the League of Villains. That way, you can be free. Free to do as you please. And we can help you out with some of your issues. Especially your lust for blood."

"How do you know I like blood?" Toga asked. She gasped randomly. "Have you been stalking me?!"

"I put pieces together," Izuku said. "Your victims don't have a lot of blood left in them when they're found, and you have blood on your teeth and your face, like a vampire." True enough, she did. "And with a Quirk like yours, it makes sense. Consuming blood to become someone must come with an addiction."

"And why should I trust that you won't turn me into the police?" Toga questioned.

Izuku sighed, before he pulled out a small bowl he had on him, one that would contain a shot glass worth of wine or liquor. He walked past Toga and Toga turned around and saw Izuku kneel by the corpse of her latest kill, before pouring some of the victim's blood into the cup. He stood up and face Toga.

"This is my proof," Izuku said. "My sake cup if you will." He took off his mask, but only slightly so she couldn't see his face that much before he drank the blood of her victim. When he finished, he threw the bowl aside, and looked at her. "Does blood taste like salted water to you or is that just me?"

Toga giggled hysterically, a faint blush appearing on her cheek. "Oh no, it's not just you. But I kinda like it that way sometimes. This guy's blood just tastes that way though. Must have something to do with the fact he's in his thirties or something." She walked to Izuku. "Okay, I'll join you Mr. Deku~."

"Alright…" Deku said. "And… don't call me that, it doesn't sound right for my Senior to call me mister…"

"Wait, you're younger than me?!" Toga questioned, before Deku shrugged.

"Yeah yeah, the smart Quirkless Deku, the age of a Middle Schooler that's almost a High Schooler, so shocking," he said rather dryly, waving his hands in mock surprise when he said the last bit. Kurogiri's warp gate opened up and Deku nodded his head towards it. "Come on. I got some more people to recruit today."

"Okay~!" Toga said cheerily as she skipped through the portal with Deku following through, before they entered the League of Villain's bar, and the warp gate closed.

"Mission Success," Deku said as he took off his mask, not bothering to wipe the blood on his cheek.

"Why the hell is there a blood stain on your cheek and around your mouth and teeth?" Shigaraki asked as he paused the video game he was playing and looked up at Izuku.

"I drank to symbolize my promise that she's one of us now," Izuku said.

"What did you drink?" Kurogiri questioned. "And why do I feel like blood crossed through my portal?!"

"Deku drank some blood to symbolize his promise to me," Toga said with a smile. "And he called me a wolf too!"

The two villains were silent before looking back at Deku. Izuku smiled. "I needed to get on her level to show her we're trustworthy. Also, the reason you feel that way Kurogiri is because she brought a vile of her latest victim's blood with her." True enough, Toga did.

"Oh come the hell on!" Kurogiri shouted before he growled and teleported away, heading to the showers to try and wash the blood off of his portals.

"Three, two, one," Izuku counted down before they heard some yelling from upstairs and Kurogiri came back out of the portal, now looking more pissed off than he did a few seconds ago. "5:40 PM, when Gentle takes his afternoon shower."

"I hate you," Kurogiri grumbled.

"Anyways," Izuku began as he started walking to the upstairs of the hideout. "Come with me Toga, I'll be showing you where your room will be and asking some questions."

"Okay Deku~!" Toga said as she followed Izuku.

As they left, Shigaraki smirked. "Watch, they're gonna fall in love and have a weird ass relationship within 1 month."

"Since why the hell would that work?!" Kurogiri questioned.

"Since I managed to predict that the guy in my latest game who looked like the final boss wasn't the final boss," Shigaraki began, "and that this one police guy also would join my party. And damn, he had a sick ass awakening!" Shigaraki went back to playing on his Nintendo Switch, which Kurogiri just shrugged off and teleported elsewhere to wash the blood out of his portals.

"This will be your room," Izuku said as he opened a door and showed Toga her room, which was lightly furnished with only the necessities of a bed, a desk with three drawers for whatever Toga saw fit to store in them, a chair for her to sit in while at her desk, and a medium sized closet to store her clothes.

"Wow, this looks nice," Toga commented before going to her bed and laying on it. She smiled contently as she let out a relieved sigh. "So nice…"

"We may run on a low budget, but we do at least try to make sure our members have a cozy living space," Izuku said, still sounding formal like normal.

"You can drop the whole formal act, I don't really care about formalities or whatever," Toga told Izuku, which made him sigh in relief.

"Good, cause I don't know how much longer I could keep it up," Izuku said.

"So, what's your name?" Toga asked, remembering Izuku's promise.

"It's Izuku Midoriya," Izuku answered. "But remember, don't tell anyone outside of the League or the people we can't or don't trust. I imply this only to protect my mother." Izuku looked down. "She needs to stay safe…"

"Okay," Toga said simply, not really seeing any reason to argue.

"Now, I want to ask a few questions," Izuku stated as he pulled out a notebook and a pencil from his jacket and sat in the chair by Toga's desk and looked at Toga. "What is your Quirk? And in detail explain how it works."

"My Quirk is Transform," Toga said. "I can consume someone's blood and transform into them. And depending on how much of their blood I drink, I can transform into them for a long time, and sometimes a few days if I drank all of their blood. I don't know how long exactly I can be someone, but I do know that if I drank a full cup of their blood I can be them for a full day."

"Like a measurement cup, or a drinking cup?" Izuku asked.

"A drinking cup," Toga said, before tilting her head to the side and placing a hand on her chin. "I… think…" She shrugged. "I do know that if I drink the blood of multiple people I can transform between people. I can't copy their Quirks though, so it's really only useful for disguising myself."

"I see," Izuku said. "My next question is how do you manage to sneak up on people and kill them?"

"If I think about absolutely nothing, if I don't breathe, and if I just let my body move on it's own, I can turn invisible until I breathe again, or if I think about something," Toga answered before sitting up and suddenly staying still before she disappeared.

"Amazing," Izuku whispered to himself before he felt something lick his cheek and he looked to see that Toga was next to him and was licking the blood off of his cheek, which freaked him out before he scooted the chair back a bit and Toga snapped out of a daze and looked at him and giggled.

"Sorry about that," Toga said. "I got a thing for blood, and I just really wanted to lick it off of your face before it dries up or you wash it off."

"I… I see," Izuku said, stopping his hand from going to his cheek and wiping off the feeling of her tongue licking the blood on his face. He blushed a little bit, before calming himself down a little bit. "Do you have any allergies or quote-on-quote 'issues' that I should know about?"

"No," Toga said quietly, though Izuku didn't hear her.

"Can you repeat that, I didn't catch that," Izuku said.

"No, I don't have any allergies…" Toga repeated.

"..." Izuku stood up and walked to her. "...you like blood because of your Quirk, don't you?" Toga looked away, not answering him. "I'm assuming it comes with an addiction?"

"Why does it matter?!" Toga suddenly shouted before she pulled a knife out of her pocket and tried to stab him. Izuku dodged to the side, but it stabbed him in the arm, and he grimaced before jumping back at the door and held his now bleeding arm. "You're just gonna think I'm a psychopath now aren't you?! Like everyone else!"

"I don't think that way!" Izuku shouted back as he pulled the knife out of his arm. "I am not like all of those scumbags!"

"And how am I supposed to believe that?!" Toga retorted, as she pulled out another knife and lunged at him and tried to stab him again.

"BECAUSE I AM QUIRKLESS!" Izuku shouted as he appeared in front of her and grabbed her neck and slammed her into the ground, his rage leaking through and seeping into the other rooms, and everyone in the hideout feeling his rage and stopping what they were doing as they felt their heart rate speed up. "I KNOW HOW SHITTY THIS FUCKING WORLD IS MORE THAN ANYONE POSSIBLY COULD!" Izuku glared at Toga now. "You want blood?!" Izuku reeled his hand with the knife back and stabbed his arm, cutting it open before the blood from his arm spewed all across her face and the floor, before he shoved his bleeding arm up against her mouth and began to drown her in his blood. "THEN DRINK UP, BITCH!"

Toga did begin to drink, but because she felt like she was suffocating from how bitter and sour his blood tasted from the intense pressure of rage she felt, before she began to cry as she tried to breathe, but to no avail as he practically began to drown her.

"What's wrong?! To full?!" Izuku said viciously as he grabbed her neck with his good arm and threw her at a wall, before Toga stared at him like he was insane. "Oh don't stare at me like that, you bloody psychopath!"

"Who are you?" She muttered as she began shaking out of fear.

"I'm Deku," Izuku repeated with an intense rage as he stood up slowly. "And I'm gonna destroy the society we know!" He walked up to her and grabbed her neck again and lifted her up and against the wall. "Now here's my final question…"

"Will you join me? Or will you rot as I destroy everything?"

Toga was shaking too much and couldn't breathe, before she managed to say, "Y-Yes…"

Izuku let her go, and she fell to the ground, the intense rage pressure leaving the building as he dropped her. "Now understand just who you're working with, and remember that I will lead the abused, the mutated, and the powerless, as I kill All Might with my two bare hands."

"Why… why did you… do that?" Toga questioned as she caught her breath and he turned around.

"The blood? Why, it's because I wanted to reach an understanding," Izuku stated as he looked back at her through the corner of his eye. "I help those who deserve it. You needed it. That, and I'm feeling a bit pissed now." He left her room, and Toga finally collapsed as she hugged herself, but then felt his blood on her hands and she looked at the blood, before giving into the urge to suddenly drink up the blood and clean herself, before her eyes rolled back into her head as the blood tasted much sweeter without his bitter rage scaring her.

Yeah, she's falling in love with Deku, and she is more scared about it than anything.