
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

Rafi_info · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 Confession

Chapter 6


"Katsuki Bakugo, I hope you're aware of why you're here," asked the detective in the interrogation room of the police station, right next to Aldara Junior High, only two blocks away.

"I am," an almost emotionless and blank faced Bakugo answered, his face being blank like a doll, showing no emotion right now.

"Well let me recap what I've gathered anyways." The detective pulled out a piece of paper and placed it on the table, before reading from it. "You attacked a fellow student in the same class as you with your Quirk, in front of the whole class, and in front of the teacher at the same time, before leaving the classroom, using your own Quirk to slightly damage yourself, and nearly committing suicide before a hero stopped you just in time, and you deliberately attacked that same hero who tried to save you with your Quirk again." The detective looked up at Bakugo. "Is this all true?"

"Yes," Bakugo said, not even bothering to put up a fight.

"Can you tell me why you attacked your classmate?" The detective asked.

"He provoked me, even if it wasn't directly at me," Bakugo said, his breathing starting to turn uneven.

The detective was silent for a moment. "...what did he say?"

Then Bakugo began shaking. "Haaa…. haaa… I… I don't want to say…" His eyes began watering. "I… I can't…!"

"Hey, calm down," the detective said, realizing something was actually seriously wrong with Bakugo. "Take deep breaths."

"No…" Bakugo said before placing his hands on his head and curling into a ball in the chair he sat in. "It's all my fault… it's all my fault…"

"What's your fault?" The detective asked.

"I KILLED IZUKU!" He shouted before slamming his head into the table. "I FUCKING KILLED HIM AND ITS ALL MY FAULT DAMNIT!" He started shaking more violently and he started crying. "It's all my fault…"

"What? Who is Izuku?" The detective asked.

"The only person who matters…" Bakugo muttered as he cried. "The man who actually does something… the only one who actually cares…"

"What are you talking about?" The detective questioned. "What do you mean?"

"I… I hurt Izuku… for years…" Bakugo said. "All because… of those damn bastards…"


"Those damn extras! Those damn bastards who call themselves human, when they bullied the shit out of Izuku!" Bakugo shouted at the detective. "And they tried to get to me…" Bakugo buried his face in his legs. "They nearly killed me…"

"What… what are you talking about?" The detective asked, actually concerned about Bakugo's mental stability. Bakugo said nothing before he lifted up his shirt, and the detective saw a nasty scar that covered over where Bakugo's heart must've been. There were stitches all around it, and it looked like it'd been there for years.

"Did… did your classmates do this to you?" The detective asked.

"No… I don't know who, but someone related broke into my house to do this to me," Bakugo said. "They left me alive though. But… if I told anyone… I would die… that they'd fucking kill me…"

'This kid… is he really the supposed bad guy here?' The detective wondered.

"And then… they forced me…" Bakugo began to breathe even harder in between his sobs. "They forced me… to hurt him…" Bakugo looked up at the detective. "They made me… they made me tell him… to forget his dreams. His dreams of proving them wrong."

"What have they done to you?"

"They broke me. That's what." Bakugo laid his head on the table. "I can't stand them anymore…" Bakugo raised it and hit his head on the table hard, a loud thud being heard. "I WANT TO DIE DAMNIT!" Before the detective could speak, Bakugo continued. "I WANT TO BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT I'VE DONE TO HIM! TO IZUKU MIDORIYA! I WANT TO DIE AT HIS HANDS! I WANT TO CEASE TO EXIST IN THIS CRUEL, PITIFUL, HELPLESS WORLD!" He started slamming his fist on the table as he cried. "I WANT TO TAKE IT ALL BACK! I WANT TO TELL HIM THE TRUTH DAMN IT!"

"What… what did you want to tell Midoriya?" The detective asked, before Bakugo raised his head and told the detective the honest truth. The words he could never tell Izuku.

"I love Izuku, and I want to die for what I've done to him!"

After the interrogation was over, Bakugo was left in the interrogation room, while the detective walked into his office, where All Might in his true form, otherwise known as Toshinori Yagi, waited, hoping for some information from Bakugo.

"Did we learn anything Naomasa?" Toshinori asked his detective friend.

"From what I can gather, Bakugo is 100% innocent," Naomasa replied. "Turns out, his classmates were forcing him to comply, otherwise they would get someone to kill Bakugo. It's honestly a bit bizarre. He has a scar over his heart, and a nasty one too. It's a miracle he's still alive, especially from how old it looks. He's probably had it since he was 9, maybe 10 years old."

"Damn, that kid's had it rough…" Toshinori commented. "Did we find the source of his trauma?"

"Well when you had us conduct a secret search for a green haired, average looking teenage boy, we ended up with nothing since we weren't going by the books for it or going through any records for the boy," the detective began. "However, after interrogation, we can conclude that the boy you were looking for is named Izuku Midoriya, and Bakugo also happens to know the boy."

"R-Really?" All Might questioned. "We know where he is?!"

"Assuming that the Midoriyas live in the same apartment that they did 9 months ago, possibly," Naomasa said. "But in the state the kid's in… it's almost understandable that therapy hasn't worked."

"Therapy?" Toshinori questioned.

"Yes, therapy." Naomasa sat down in a chair. "And he had a good therapist too. It's… sad. He's been through so much… and he's convinced that Izuku Midoriya is also dead, because of what one of the students said, but I get the feeling that it's a lie on the student's part. Needless to say, we need a Pro Hero to stay and watch the Bakugo's over these next few days, and conduct a thorough investigation on some of the students at Aldara Junior High."

"Yeah, some of them are indeed rather suspicious, especially for deceiving Young Bakugo and nearly killing him to send him a message," All Might agreed. "But… is Young Midoriya actually dead?"

"No, we did a search on Quirkless Teenagers within the databases, and the status of Midoriya is that he is alive," Naomasa replied. "But, you'll need to hold off your search for him… just so you can help Bakugo out."

"Ah yes," Toshinori said. "Young Bakugo needs help first. We can find Young Midoriya later."

"So, how are you going to help him?" Naomasa asked his friend.

"Simple," Toshinori said. "By telling him the truth."

"Wait, what?" Naomasa questioned.

Bakugo lifted his head up as he heard the door to the interrogation room open, and he looked to see the detective walk back in with a man who looked like a walking skeleton.

"Thank you for your testimony, Bakugo," Naomasa told Bakugo. "From what we can gather, your testimony was all true, which I could gather thanks to my Quirk, Lie Detector." Bakugo's eyes widened. "However, we would still like to ask about Midoriya."

"First, allow me to introduce myself," the walking skeleton began. "I'm Toshinori Yagi. But you would know me by another name." Suddenly he transformed into the shining Symbol of Peace. "You would know me as All Might!"

"Is this a joke?" Bakugo questioned.

"No, it's not," Naomasa told Bakugo.

All Might reverted to his true form. "Now, I would really appreciate your help Young Bakugo, concerning how I have been looking for Young Midoriya these past few months, and so far, you are my only lead to him." All Might sat down, and looked at the emotional boy. "Can you please help me?"

"Why… Why do you need Izuku?" Bakugo asked.

"I suppose, I should start from the very beginning," All Might began. "You see, I was once Quirkless, just like Young Midoriya." Bakugo's eyes widened, surprised that the strongest man on Earth used to be Quirkless. "But, I wanted to become a pillar of hope for the people of Japan, and I wanted to be a Hero, just like many people out there." All Might then grew serious. "Then, a miracle had found me in the form of my predecessor, who was my teacher before she passed away while fighting a villain.

"She then chose me to bear a power that had survived for generations!" All Might said. "And that is my Quirk! One For All!"

"One For… All…" Bakugo repeated.

"Yes. I am the Eighth user of One For All," All Might continued. "And I have been looking for a successor for a few years now. However, when I decided that I would have Young Midoriya, the simple, Quirkless boy, be my successor, I couldn't find him. The press sadly kept following me, and I couldn't find that boy before my time ran out that day."

"Your time?"

"Yes…" All Might lifted up his shirt to reveal a wound that was implanted where his lung would be. "I got into a fight with a villain five years ago. Well, almost six years by now. He destroyed most of my respiratory system, and nearly killed me. Right now, I can only be a Hero for 3 hours a day."

"What?! A villain like that exists?!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Ironically, he's the same person who made One For All," Toshinori continued as he let his shirt fall down, covering the wound again. "He's been around for years, and he's one of the most dangerous villains on this planet. To him, you're but an insect." The Symbol put his hands on the table. "I chose Midoriya to be my successor, because I see that he's a worthy successor of my Quirk. And I believe that since he's also so intelligent, he could bring All For One down, once and for all, after some training of course!"

"All For One? Wait, is that the name of the villain?" Bakugo asked.

"Yes." All Might said. "I have a shaking suspicion that All For One is still alive, and that I didn't kill him. And should that be true, I need a successor in case I fall to him."

"...I'm… I'm finding this a little hard to believe." Bakugo wiped the tears from his face. "This All For One guys just sounds like a final boss… and a Quirk that can be passed down is also hard to believe too. And you're All Might? There is no way that you, a walking skeleton, can be All Might."

"Would you care for me to demonstrate how strong I am and how I am All Might?" Toshinori asked.

"I don't believe you," Bakugo simply said.

"This here table is made from steel!" All Might said as he transformed. "And for a normal human, this table is damn near impossible to move, break, or crush. However!" All Might placed his hand on the table, and pushed down on the table, crushing it like it was a simple toy structure made from building blocks. "As the Symbol of Peace, this is easy to crush!" All Might transformed back, and coughed up some blood. "Do you believe me now?"

Bakugo's jaw had dropped. "...I… I do."

"Then please help me find Young Midoriya…" All Might grew slightly serious. "Please… I too need to right the wrongs I committed against him, crushing his dreams like a hypocrite…"

"I… I can't face him… not yet…" Bakugo said while looking down. "Not… not after what's happened…"

"I understand…" All Might said, slightly disappointed but still understanding since he had a somewhat similar childhood from what it sounded like Izuku had, except it was less violent towards him. "But, the past aside, I want you to attend UA High School."

"Wait, what?!" Bakugo questioned.

"You see, I'm going to be a teacher there, and I want you to be there so I can talk to you and you can talk to me. I understand how hard life can be. I've seen what many bad choices have done to people in the forms of the villains I've fought," All Might said. "I want to help you out, and then I want to help you so you can overcome the past!" All Might looked at Bakugo determinedly. "What do you say?"

"I'll… I'll think about it…" Bakugo answered. "I… I still have a lot to think about…"

"Very well…" All Might said.

"This will conclude your interrogation," Naomasa told Bakugo. "In the meantime, please consult your therapist. And if you want us to help you…" Naomasa pulled out a card with his contact info on it. "Please, give us a call."

All Might pulled out a card of his own. He was silent before placing down an item that made Bakugo's eyes widen. "...if you do see Midoriya… give it to him." Bakugo looked at All Might, before slowly nodding, and putting away the mysterious item.

With that, Bakugo left the police station, and Naomasa and All Might sat alone in the interrogation room for a moment. "I really hope we can help him," All Might said.

"Further reason to convince Nezu about having the dorms at UA," Naomasa replied, making All Might nod.

"I'll bring what we found out today to Nezu," All Might told his detective friend. "If we're lucky…" He looked at the chair Bakugo was sitting in. "We could help Bakugo overcome his trauma…"

"Too bad we don't really have the resources video games do…" Naomasa said randomly.

"I don't get it, but okay." All Might left the police station shortly after, and looked at the sky. "I wonder what Nighteye is gonna think about this…"